Kinda NEWROLL: Various Kinda NEWROLL: Various from other websites May to July 2013
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from other websites fev 2013
Various from other websites May 2013
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See also
Human Rights DayDiscrimination |
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, pledges support for decriminalization of homosexuality
“When individuals are attacked, abused or imprisoned because of their sexual orientation, we must speak out. Where there is tension between cultural attitudes and universal human rights, universal human rights must come first. Personal disapproval, even society's disapproval, is no excuse to arrest, detain, imprison, harass or torture anyone – ever,” the UN Secretary-General said.
to pretend that homosexuality is to be banned alongside the line that people have translated from the poor practise of their cultures and understanding of what have been the fight of centuries, of already performed human rights advancement and torture.
c: no, culture are not god.
Peaceful Aum namah Shivaya Mantra Complete
Congo army battalion accused of mass rape U.S. trained: U.N. envoy
By Michelle Nichols
UNITED NATIONS | Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:06pm EDT
(Reuters) - An army battalion in the Democratic Republic of Congo, some of whose members have been accused of mass rape, was trained by the United States, a senior U.N. envoy said on Tuesday.
The army in the Democratic Republic of Congo has suspended 12 senior officers in connection with an incident of mass rape in November, the UN has said.
The UN had issued an ultimatum saying that it would stop working with the two brigades involved in the allegations unless legal action was taken.
The United Nations claims it is investigating about 150 allegations of sexual abuse by U.N. civilian staff and soldiers in the Congo, some of them recorded on videotape.
The charges include accusations of pedophilia, rape and prostitution, said Jane Holl Lute, an assistant secretary-general in the peacekeeping department.
UN staff accused of raping children in Sudan
By Kate Holt in Juba and Sarah Hughes
Members of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in southern Sudan are facing allegations of raping and abusing children as young as 12, The Daily Telegraph reported today.
The abuse allegedly began two years ago when the UN mission in southern Sudan (UNMIS) moved in to help rebuild the region after a 23-year civil war.
Germany arrests 'former Auschwitz guard' Hans Lipschis
A 93-year-old alleged former guard at the Auschwitz extermination camp has been arrested in southern Germany.
Peacekeepers 'abusing children'
Children as young as six are being sexually abused by peacekeepers and aid workers, says a leading UK charity.
27 May 2008 09:46 UK
Three young women who vanished in separate incidents about a decade ago in the US state of Ohio have been found alive in a house in Cleveland.
Don't bother applying for job without 2:1 degree, say bosses as 80% admit they turn down all graduates without qualification
The lucky few: 2:1 degrees are considered the minimum standard by bossesFirms say that the ranks of 2010 job-hunters have been swelled by rejected candidates from the past two years.
Read more:
Read more:
Three quarters of employers 'require 2:1 degree'
By Sean Coughlan
Simon Prince has not found work, despite having a 2:1 degree and experience
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Intense competition for graduate jobs means that more than three quarters of employers require at least a 2:1 degree grade, a survey suggests.
look at that 2 day to “understanding”.
Understanding Women's Human Rights
Understanding Women's Human Rights
Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June 2013 9.30am - 5.30pm Standard (Standard individual rate): £750
· Standard (Standard individual rate): £750
R.E.M. - Losing My Religion (Video)
7 Reasons Why Sweatshops Still Persist - can you think of more?
yes, they do because people don't respect the material. cotton, etc are from the land, and is very high in soil depletion. we have to buy new clothes all the time, whereas we should be allowed to keep our clothes on and on, as far as they keep us warm and cover our intimacy.
also the trade of farmers and sewer are taken as bad jobs, the farmer are permitted to drown earth with toxic product to stir the production up.
and it is not even because we are, but because we have to. (to boost ego and economy)
Did Make-Up Give My Wife Breast Cancer? The Ugly Truth Hidden by the Cosmetics Industry
The virtually unregulated beauty industry puts potential carcinogens in their products. Then they shower us with pink ribbons.
top Bangladesh court on Tuesday ordered the government to "immediately" confiscate the property of a collapsed building's owner, as thousands of protesters demanding the death penalty for the man clashed with police, leaving 100 people injured.
A two-judge panel of the High Court also asked the central bank to freeze the assets of the owners of the five garment factories in the building, and use the money to pay the salaries and other benefits of their workers.
How Serious Is China in Cracking Down on N.Korea?
The state-run Bank of China, one of the country's four major banks, said Tuesday it would cut all ties with the Foreign Trade Bank of North Korea, which has been tied to Pyongyang's nuclear and missile development plans.
Until now, China has maintained that it would only take part in sanctions against North Korea at the UN level but refused to take financial sanctions against the repressive state led by the U.S.
The BOC decision could start to change that. It is so far the only Chinese bank to announce these steps, and it may simply have been motivated by business considerations because it has to maintain channels with U.S. financial institutions. But the Chinese government had to condone the bank's decision, and that means it was obviously trying to send a warning to Pyongyang.
China Questions Japan's Ownership of Okinawa
Lawmakers Huddle at White House on Sex Abuse in Military
WASHINGTON — In a sign that the White House is increasing its focus on the problem of sexual assault in the military
Delaware, Continuing a Trend, Becomes the 11th State to Allow Same-Sex Unions
TAPIE = hidden in French.
French Court Orders Lagarde to Appear in Tapie Case
a wealthy friend of France’s president at the time, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the state-owned bank Crédit Lyonnais. The panel ultimately brokered a settlement that awarded the Sarkozy friend, Bernard Tapie, the flamboyant former owner of the Olympique Marseille soccer team, about $580 million, including interest.
A French court on Thursday opened a case against the International Monetary Fund’s new chief.
Christine Lagarde is accused of assisting a supporter of French President Nicolas Sarkozy to embezzle 400 million euros (about 565 million U.S. dollars) from public funds.
In 2007, Lagarde, then the French finance minister under Sarkozy, had called in a private arbitration panel to settle a legal battle brought by business tycoon Bernard Tapie against the then state-owned Crédit Lyonnais bank.
The panel settled Tapie’s suit out of court with 400 million euros from the French government.
C: TAPIE = hidden in French.
Tapie was an incredible (inside tradder?) embezzlement tycoon convicted and imprisonned for this (the manager of the OM of Marseilles- one of the biggest football club in france.)
And here he is again!?
The trouble with Sarkozy: a powerful group want him back, but is he unelectable?
The second is not just an obstacle but an obstacle course: the proliferation of financial and political scandals involving Mr Sarkozy since he left power. {…}
The second is not just an obstacle but an obstacle course: the proliferation of financial and political scandals involving Mr Sarkozy since he left power. {…}
Here is a brief guide to the main Sarkoscandals {…}
And also
One of ex-President Sarkozy’s few cases in his old profession as a lawyer has been to act for the Aga Khan, the business tycoon and racehorse owner, in his successful efforts to reverse a €60m divorce settlement. There is nothing wrong in that.
It has, however, recalled the fact that Sarkozy, as president, exempted the billionaire religious leader from all French taxes as a gesture of “international high courtesy”.
C: na, mafia, mafia, and again mafia.
'It doesn't add up': Jimmy Savile's victims condemn report by West Yorkshire Police
The report did, however, find that there was "over-reliance on personal friendships" between Savile and some officers. It also says that "mistakes were made" in the way police handled information about the entertainer.
The 59-page report examined the history of the DJ and TV presenter's relationship with the force, including how officers attended his well-known Friday Morning Club at his Leeds flat.
A single book has come to dominate the profession. That is dangerous
| |
For many of the millions of sheep born on Australian wool farms, the last weeks of their lives will be filled with misery, disease and a violent, painful death.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation –
prof·it·eer (pr
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
One who makes excessive profits on goods in short supply.
intr.v. prof·it·eered, prof·it·eer·ing, prof·it·eers
To make excessive profits on goods in short supply.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Profiteering (business)
Profiteering is a pejorative term for the act of making a profit by methods considered unethical.Business owners may be accused of profiteering when they raise prices during an emergency (especially a war). The term is also applied to businesses that play on political corruption to obtain government contracts. Some businesses don't actually gouge the prices of their own goods; they might buy out an entire stock of something, only to resell it at an absurdly higher price.
Some types of profiteering are illegal, such as price fixing syndicates and other anti-competitive behaviour, for example on fuel subsidies (see British Airways price-fixing allegations), or restricted by industry codes of conduct such as aggressive marketing of products in the third world such as baby milk (see Nestlé boycott).
HSBC: please stop your role in the destruction of rainforests in Borneo @hsbc_uk_press. Sign the petition: #hsbc
Honeybees trained in Croatia to find land mines
Sunday May 19, 2013 | DARKO BANDIC for The Associated Press
How To Grow Herbs Indoors
The Boy Scouts of America voted Thursday to allow openly gay youths as members, while continuing its policy of excluding openly gay adult leaders.
C: childish.
Chide dish.
C: Why one should stop eating in such bordello?
What's the connection between McDonald's and starvation in the 'Third World'?
What's it like working for McDonald's?
In what way are McDonald's responsible for torture and murder?
Why You Can’t Eat Just One
The fast food industry now uses hundreds of modified food compounds as biochemical triggers to increase appetite and food cravings. Fast food chains such as McDonald’s spend vast amounts of money in this new food science of using addictive substances to keep their customers munching.
© 2005 — 2009 Linda Melos, ND – Naturopathic Physician. All Rights Reserved.
McDonald’s Announces End to ‘Pink Slime’ in Burgers These trimmings, which consist of what’s left of the meat after all the choice cuts of beef are taken, are banned for human consumption in the U.K, where they are instead used for dog and chicken food. They are legal for consumption in the United States, however, where they are treated with ammonium hydroxide in order to kill off bacteria such as E. coli and make it safe for human consumption.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation
Electricity shortages, the product of decrepit power plants, decades-old policy mistakes and corruption, have reached crisis proportions.
'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
12:01AM GMT 30 Jan 2005
A 25-year-old waitress who turned down a job providing "sexual services'' at a brothel in Berlin faces possible cuts to her unemployment benefit under laws introduced this year.Prostitution was legalised in Germany just over two years ago and brothel owners – who must pay tax and employee health insurance – were granted access to official databases of jobseekers.
© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2013
Organisers say Pride in London 2013 could be cancelled
The new organisers of the capital’s summer gay pride event have warned that unless they can secure enough funding and logistical help from volunteers – it may be axed for this year.
C: it should be run for free as representation is vital to a community whom is discriminated against, who reassemble people of all sex, origin, ethnic and national backgrounds… and who is stripped of, violated of the most crucial of equality rights (and corollary others’ duties), such as marriage and the right to a family…we are not slaves.
First gay couple wed in France amid tight security
What can we learn from children's writing?
- As trustworthy as a fox with a chicken feather poking out of its mouth
- As slow as a snail with 25 shells on its back
- My heart fades like a balloon with a hole in it
- "WHAT? Noooooooooo!" howled Lydiea, like a werewolf with a toothache
Dictator on trial for indigenous genocide
In Guatemala, the trial continues of a former general who presided over a reign of terror in the 1980s. During the military dictatorship of José Efrain Ríos Montt, around 200,000 people, almost all of them members of Guatemala’s indigenous population, were killed or disappeared. Montt is the first ever head of state to be tried for genocide. More →
IN PICTURES: Peru’s uncontacted tribes threatened by gas project
They live no more than 100 kms from Machu Picchu. Today, however, the future of uncontacted tribes who live in the heartland of the ancient Inca Empire is threatened by gas and oil extraction.The story in pictures →
Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, LONDON, UK, EC1M 7ET
T +44(0)20 7687
Is the UK really a 'developed' country if this is happening?
Half a Million People in Britain Rely on Food Banks for Survival
[…] inequality and poverty seems to be rising dramatically despite the government’s denial of this. Shocking statistics have come to light that highlights how the ‘age of austerity’ has affected...
Lillian M. Lake • Decreasing the surplus population is a global movement. I have to believe, however, that as King said, "the moral arc of the universe bends towards justice". But not without help.
Started by Thomas Rathje, Production Manager and CSR Coordinator
Started by Percy Pitzer, Executive VP at Creative Corrections, LLC
also good info on ur add. well done.
A Shameful Neglect - By Anna Badkhen
Afghanistan's iniquities are grotesque. At Kabul University last week, zealots -- all men -- protested a law that would abolish child marriage, forced marriage, marital rape, and the odious practice, called ba'ad, of giving...
Saudi preacher who 'raped and tortured' his five -year-old daughter to death is released after paying 'blood money'
A ‘celebrity’ Saudi preacher accused of raping, torturing and killing his five-year-old daughter has reportedly been released from custody after agreeing to pay ‘blood money’.
C: it is not religion it is organized crimes, and gang rapes (and certain arranged marriages-well, all if you ask me) and live long torture. you don't even need to be psychopaths, you just need to be unequalitarian and the abuses will begin. a house to racists, myso, and homophobes.
The conflict in Syria is brutal within its borders but once outside, those that flee often find they have no way of earning a living.
Syrian women, often without a male guardian or breadwinner, struggle to make ends meet and some are forced to take desperate measures such as forced marriage or prostitution.
How ethical is your pension?
Is your money being used to finance land grabs in poor countries? We need your help with some invaluable research for our campaign. Find out more and take action.
Best Wishes, Rita @ Friends of the Earth
Is your money being used to finance land grabs in poor countries? We need your help with some invaluable research for our campaign. Find out more and take action.
Best Wishes, Rita @ Friends of the Earth
Every single day, thousands of children experience terrible abuse and suffer in silence. But with your help, we can put a stop to this. By making a donation today you can help us be there to help more abused children.
Move your money
In the first half of 2012, 500,000 people moved their money from the big banks to more ethical or socially useful alternatives. If you want to help build a better banking system, move your money and then tell your MP. Find out how to switch and tell.
In the first half of 2012, 500,000 people moved their money from the big banks to more ethical or socially useful alternatives. If you want to help build a better banking system, move your money and then tell your MP. Find out how to switch and tell.
human rights cartoon | P.a.p.-Blog // Human Rights Etc.tyranny of the majority cartoon. cartoon by Pavel - 600 × 405 - More sizes
Emotional abuse can take a variety of forms, from humiliating jokes to degrading comments, and it's not always easy to spot. Here's how to recognize the signs, and remove emotionally abusive behaviors from your relationship.
C: or don’t go frenzy, just resign and offer your work capacity to others.
The European Commission is launching legal action against Spain over the refusal of some hospitals to recognise the European Health Insurance Card.
Researchers at Edinburgh University have discovered that giving inflatable stockings to stroke patients could save hundreds of lives a year.
Researchers at Edinburgh University have discovered that giving inflatable stockings to stroke patients could save hundreds of lives a year.
Even though the Kurdistan region of Iraq has progressed economically and socially in the last few years, this northern part of the country remains a very patriarchal and conservative society.
Women continue to endure domestic violence, social injustice and discrimination.
Doctors say that each month they see hundreds of cases of self-immolation which are often the result of such treatment.
Saudi Arabia: Appeal for human rights defenders facing up to 11 years in jail
On 9 March the Criminal Court in Riyadh sentenced Mohammad al-Qahtani and Dr Abdullah al-Hamid to 10 and 11 years’ imprisonment, respectively. The conviction related to their role as co-founders of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Organization (ACPRA), for which they faced charges such as disobeying the ruler, founding an unlicensed organization, inciting disorder by calling for demonstrations, and harming the image of the state by disseminating false information to foreign groups.
since human rights and human in general is the last stuff remaining to go on for being exploit, no, exploited.
Vegetarian diet linked to longer lifespan
Go to NHS Choices homepageYour health, your choices
The vegetarian diet
The vegan diet
C: demons and minds.
No matter.
KENYA: Kenyan police tortured and abused more than 1,000 refugees, asylum seekers and Somali Kenyans in Nairobi in a "10-week rampage" beginning in late 2012, Human Rights Watch (HRW) says.
C: not saying it is relevant to the case I don’t know, but if problem of criminality, who would build prisons and other resources needed to stop it. The guys from the foreign countire that don’t build prison but might get them to be inspected. All inspected? But their organisations.
Kony's Ivory: How Elephant Poaching in Congo Helps Support the LRA
C : c'est hallucinant la quantite de pages qu'il a ecrit ce mec.
Jacques Collin de Plancy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Collin de Plancy" redirects here. For the French diplomat, bibliophile and art collector, see Victor Collin de Plancy.
Illustration from Diable peint par lui-même (1825) depicting Collin de Plancy, reclining on his bed, having a discussion with the devil.
Jacques Albin Simon Collin de Plancy (Plancy-l'Abbaye, 28 January 1793 –Paris, 1881) was a French occultist, demonologist and writer; he published several works on occultism and demonology.[1][2]He was born Jacques Albin Simon Collin on 28 (in some sources 30) January 1793 in Plancy (presently Plancy-l'Abbaye) son of Edme-Aubin Collin and Marie-Anne Danton, sister of Georges-Jacques Danton who was executed the year after Jacques was born.[3] He later added the aristocratic "de Plancy" himself - an addition which would later cause accusations against his son in his career as a diplomat. He was a free-thinker influenced by Voltaire. He worked as a printer and publisher in Plancy-l'Abbaye and Paris. Between 1830 and 1837, he resided in Brussels, and then in the Netherlands, before he returned to France after having converted to the Catholic religion.
Collin de Plancy followed the tradition of many previous demonologists of cataloguing demons by name and title of nobility, as it happened with grimoires like Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, and The Lesser Key of Solomon among others. In 1818 his best known work, Dictionnaire Infernal, was published. In 1863 were added some images that made it famous: imaginative drawings concerning the appearance of certain demons. In 1822 it was advertised as:
"Anecdotes of the nineteenth new century or historiettes, recent anecdotes, features and words little known, singular adventures, various quotations, bringings together and curious parts, to be used for the history of customs and the spirit of the century when we live compared with the last centuries."
It is considered a major work documenting beings, characters, books, deeds, and causes which pertain to the manifestations and magic of trafficking with Hell; divinations, occult sciences, grimoires, marvels, errors, prejudices, traditions, folktales, the various superstitions, and generally all manner of marvellous, surprising, mysterious, and supernatural beliefs.By the end of 1830 he ostensibly became an enthusiastic Catholic—to the confusion of his former admirers and detractors.
In 1846, he published a two volume work entitled Dictionnaire Sciences Occultes et des Idées superstitieuses,[4] another listing of demons. The set cost 16 francs.
Jacques Collin de Plancy was the father of Victor Emile Marie Joseph Collin de Plancy (1853–1924) who for nearly a decade starting in 1884 served as French Minister to Korea and whose collected art works and books became part of the core of the Korean collections of the French Bibliothèque Nationale and the Musée Guimet in Paris.[5]
Bibliography [edit]
Original Name
Infernal Dictionary
582 pages
| |
Le Diable Peint par Lui-Même; ou, Galerie de petits romans, de contes bizarres, d'anecdotes prodigieuses sur les aventures des demons, les traits qui les caracterisent, leurs bonnes qualites et leurs infortunes; les bons mots et les reponses singulieres qu'on leur attribue; leurs amours, et les services qu'ils out pu rendre aux mortels, etc., etc., etc.
Painted by the Devil Himself, or, a Gallery of small novels, bizarre tales, prodigious anecdotes about the adventures of demons, the traits that characterize their good qualities and their misfortunes, the right words and the answers that singular their attributes, their loves, and the services they have rendered out to mortals, etc., etc., etc.
318 pages
Dictionnaire féodal ou recherches et anecdotes sur les Dimes et les droits féodaux, les fiefs et les bénéfices, les privilèges etc. et sur tout ce qui tient à la Féodalité.
Feudal Dictionary, or, Research and Anecdotes on the Feudal Dimes and Rights, Strongholds and Benefices, Preferences etc. and on Everything Pertaining to Feudalism.
Dictionnaire critique des reliques et des images miraculeuses
Critical Dictionary of Relics and Miraculous Images
3 books, 450, 470 and 416 pages
Traité des reliques de Jean Calvin
Treatise of Jean Calvin's Relics
Histoire du Manneken Pis racontée par lui-même
History of Manneken Pis told by Himself
Lacrosse, Bruxelles
Biographie pittoresque des Jésuites ou Notices abrégées théologiques et historiques sur les jésuites célèbres
A Picturesque Biography on the Jesuits or Theological and Historical Shortened Notes on the famous Jesuits
110 pages
Fastes militaires des Belges
Military Record of the Belgians
4 volumes
Légendes de l'histoire de France II
Legends of French History II
Godefroid de Bouillon, chroniques et légendes du temps des deux premières croisades, 1095-1180
Godfrey de Bouillon, chronicles and legends of the time of the first two Crusades, 1095–1180
479 pages
Légendes de la Sainte Vierge
Legends of the Blessed Virgin
392 pages
Légendes de l'Histoire de France
Legends of French History
386 pages
La chronique de Godefroid de Bouillon et du royaume de Jérusalem. Première et deuxième croisade (1080-1187) avec l'histoire de Charles-le-Bon...
The Chronicle of Godfrey de Bouillon, and the kingdom of Jerusalem. First and Second Crusades (1080–1187) with the history of Charles the Good...
La Reine Berthe au grand pied
Queen Bertha with the Large Foot
274 pages
Légendes des commandements de l'Eglise
Legends of the Church's Commandments
396 pages
Légendes des sacrements
Legends of the Sacraments
396 pages
Légendes des femmes dans la vie réelle
Legends of Women in Real Life
412 pages, Henri Plon, Paris
Légendes de l'ancien testament, recueillies des apocryphes, des rabins et des légendaires, distinguées avec soin des textes sacrés
Legends of the Old Testament, collected apocryphal books, Rabbinical and legendary ones, distinguished carefully from the crowned texts
396 pages
Légendes Infernales, relations et pactes des hôtes de l'enfer avec l'espèce humaine.
Infernal legends, tales and pacts of the hosts of Hell with the mankind.
Légendes de l'autre monde, pour servir à l'histoire du paradis, du purgatoire et de l'enfer, avec quelques esquisses de personnages peu soucieux de leur âme
Legends of the other world, to serve as a history of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell, with some drafts of characters unconcerned with their soul
396 pages
La Vie et les légendes intimes des deux empereurs Napoléon Ier et Napoléon II jusqu'à l'avénement de Napoléon III
The Intimate Life and the Legends of the two Emperors Napoleon I and Napoleon II until the coming of Napoleon III
411 pages
Légendes du calendrier
Legends of the Calendar
396 pages
Légendes du juif errant et des seize reines de Munster
Legends of the wandering Jew and the sixteen queens of Munster
393 pages
Légendes des commandements de Dieu
Legends of the Commandments of God
396 pages
Légendes des sept péchés capitaux
Legends of the Seven deadly sins
396 pages
Légendes des douze convives du chanoine de Tours
Legends of the twelve guests of the chanoine de Tours
396 pages
Taxes des parties casuelles de la boutique du pape pour la remise, moyennant argent, de tous les crimes et pêchés
82 pages
La fin des temps, confirmée par des prophéties authentiques nouvellement recueillies
End of time, confirmed by authentic prophecies lately collected
211 pages
La vie du cure J. Meslier d'après Voltaire
Life of the Curate J. Meslier according to Voltaire
Recherches sur l'alimentation des reptiles et des batraciens de France
Research on the food of the reptiles and the batrachians of France
Catalogue des reptiles et batraciens du département de l'Aube et étude sur la distribution géographique des reptiles et batraciens de l'est de la France
Catalogue of reptiles and batrachians of the department of Aube and study on the geographical distribution of the reptiles and batrachians of the east of France
44 pages
Légendes des esprits et des démons qui circulent autour de nous
Legends of the spirits and the demons which circulate around us
396 pages
Le docteur Péperkouk
Doctor Péperkouk
Légendes des origines
Legends of Origins
412 pages
Légendes des vertus théologales et des vertus cardinales
Legends of the theological virtues and the cardinal virtues
396 pages
Traditions populaires et anecdotes insolites : Légendes infernales
Popular traditions and strange anecdotes: Infernal legends
Légendes du Moyen Âge
Legends of the Middle Ages
396 pages
References [edit]
1. ^ Les Mille et un jours J Stouff - 2010 - "C'est sans doute la raison pour laquelle, il fut demandé à Jacques Collin de Plancy (1793-1881) qui ne connaissait par l'Orient, mais était expert en esprits et démons de toute sorte, d'en rédiger une introduction."
2. ^ Françoise Lavocat, Pierre Kapitaniak, and Marianne Closson, eds. Fictions du diable: Littérature et démonologie de saint Augustin à Léo Taxil. Françoise Lavocat, H Kallendorf - Renaissance Quarterly, 2008 - JSTOR "... Finally, Jean Céard examines the lingering hold that the demonology of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries exerted upon the imaginations of the later Romantics, as exemplified by authors such as Jacques Collin de Plancy, who “rediscovered” earlier demonologists. ..."
3. ^ Revue de Champagne et de Brie: Histoire, biographie, archaéologie Léon Frémont, Georges Hérelle - 1880 "Jacques Collin, connu en littérature sous le nom de Collin de Plancy, naquit à Plancy, le 30 janvier 1794. Il était fils de Edme- Aubin Collin et de Marie-Anne Danton, et par cette dernière neveu du fameux Danton. Il commença ses études chez ...
5. ^ François Roudaut, Le Fonds Collin de Plancy à la Bibliothèque de Troyes M Milner - Romantisme, 1995 - ... Le fonds Collin de Plancy est constitué par les livres et documents donnés en 1923 à la Bibliothèque municipale de Troyes, en exécution du legs de Victor Collin de Plancy, orientaliste et diplomate, fils du polygraphe Jacques Collin de Plancy, qui est surtout connu comme ..."
External links [edit]
- Dictionnaire infernal: ou Répertoire universel des êtres, des personnages, 1853 at Google Books, PDF download available
- Réalité de la magie et des apparitions: ou, Contre-poison du Dictionnaire, 1819 at Google Books, PDF download available
- Dictionnaire infernal, ou, Recherches et anecdotes, sur les démons, les, 1818 at Google Books, PDF download available
- Dictionnaire infernal, ou Recherches et anecdotes sur les démons, 1844 at Google Books, PDF download available
- Dictionnaire des sciences occultes: ou, Répertoire universel des êtres, des, 1848 at Google Books, PDF download available
IRAQ: More than 1,000 people were killed in violence in Iraq in May, making it the deadliest month since the sectarian slaughter of 2006-07, the United Nations reports, stoking fears of a return to civil war.
C: very, very useful briefing.
You see this guy who posted this story on linkd. I send this twice for him to edit it. He never did it.
?? check yourself on the internet — islamic schools etc…preach pedophilia in teaching people that mohamed the polygamous prophet of islam were married at a 9 year old child, (and) To worship worst form of sexual slavery.
And how this is taught to children in UK and other liberals’ countries.
Don’t hesitate and drop me a line. I won't moderate you if not simply spam, I welcome hyperlink or any comment as log as no intolerant of others' rights = not the right (as allegiance) of absolute sovereign but right = conducive to everyone and lives (all is living, like everything) well being, mutual respect and liberty.
Some examples.
(when you forgot it all about imposed and ritualised, rooted polygamist and knew nothing about sexual and other sort of slavery after pillages and wars- here what you got = what you are)
mohammed, the islamic prophet “””married””” a child.
islam preaches worse than pedophily but like mohamed its prophet who was polygamous and whose last 'spouse' was a child.
please check on internet, it is classical Muslim literature.
Some examples.
mohammed, the islamic prophet married a child.
AISHA, the fourth ?wife? of Mohammad, the Islamic prophet, she was a 9 year-old human.
Also don?t think that this is just a link, it is what has been affiliated with the called a whole ?holy book??
Look yourself on the net and you will see that thousands of people discuss quietly of Mohammed marriage to pedophilia- and its legality.
But surely I don?t want you to worry.
C: what makes me afraid, is that whatever it comes; from what is called religions or cultures. discriminatory acts, ill-intented or ill thought, or resulting in sufferings...etc, are justified saying that they are cultural or religious or of human nature. religion is not for god, and they cannot say who is god or not god, but religion is godified each time they say that they are defending certain person interest (inequality) or human interest (thinking of human as a being of superiority).
but what I think I know is that combatting rapes and pedophilia, traffic, even child prostitution is, stays untackled even in the u.k or developed countries, just like you say. what I think is that we are tied by this capitalist system in which you have to agree with your chiefs. and the chains of commands the same shackles that were before fashist rising, and dictacture, where people get away with concentration camps because they 'obey'
maybe if you were to try and describe what happened in your own profession, no one would agree to employ you, or at big position. or even worse they could fired you from whatever position you are in.
we studied and would try to ameliorate, but, what do we face.
yes, or also it is because we are a system counting still enormously on families. as a counterpart it makes it alright, a triangles or trainings, to discriminate against your own children. like religion head of families or congregation are mystified. taboos about conducts and the sacrosanct heirloom.
there is also the need for people to feel religious and seek spirituality. it is why one cannot condemn religions as they inspired morals tenets, laws and the acknowledgment of something beyond and unifying.
but to permit people to torture their own child and others in saying that it is their religion or in citing texts followed by 'religious' groups is gonna render us inhumane. I mean totally inhumane whilst we are alreay at it.
It is to abandon our very nature to let people destroy others or the future or others.
it is why also we need to preserve cultures but not what they are of minimalistic but holistic and having searched and lost everywhere, because of the need for opposition.
Developed countries are awaiting and fabricating that much of pollution that will render this place inhabitable ultimately. there is the hope for mutation still on tv.
Also citizenship is a question of class as it is related to origin and nationality... and the means of exerting it. maybe also in connivance with how you agree with the ruling elites and patterns.
Child marriage in Tanzania: cash for parents, problems for girls
C: this title just disgusts me.
He talks and uses ‘girls’ just as if they were in his red quarters.
The Southeast Asian megacity beat London, Paris and New York for the title, with 15.98 million visitors expected this year. London was a close second, with 15.96 million people expected.
This is the first time an Asian city has grabbed the top spot on the index, which, since its launch in 2010, has predicted visitor numbers based on scheduled flights and expected tourist spending for 132 destinations around the world.
Having lived in Bangkok for most of the past decade, I get the lure. As one of Asia’s main travel hubs, it is an easy hop to Thailand’s mountains, beaches and ancient temples, or onward to other countries.
Some visitors to the “land of smiles” - as the country’s tourism machine has dubbed the kingdom - come for high-end shopping and luxurious spas, while others meander through the myriad temples or revel in a bacchanalian night of clubbing. Yet others - and this comes as no surprise - are seduced by the city’s numerous red light districts.
However, lurking beneath the smiles in this country is a dark, dismissive attitude toward crime - with the rich and famous getting away with murder, and foreign tourists suffering mysterious deaths - as well as crimes against women.
My tireless colleague Thin Lei Win has written extensively about violence against women - including Thai women, foreign tourists and migrant labourers - and their futile struggles for justice in a country that only extended the definition of rape to cover all sexes and all types of sexual penetration in 2007.
Thin met a 17-year-old Thai woman who had been raped repeatedly for four months by her employer’s brother. When she mustered the courage to press charges, his family threatened to kill hers and she had to go into hiding in a women’s shelter. She writes of another rape victim who, after speaking out about the incident a decade ago, lost her job, her boyfriend and even her surname because relatives accused her of sullying the family name.
In marriage, Thai women fared no better. Former beauty queen Areewan Jathuthong described how her husband - the son of a retired army general - hit her, poured hot candle wax on her body and once forced her at gunpoint to walk naked down the street.
“Thai culture says if you get married, you stay married, and I was taught that as a wife you bear with it,” Areewan told Thin. Areewan later became a lawyer and an advocate for victims of domestic violence.
Last year, after a Dutch woman was beaten and raped by a Thai man, a senior police officer said that it wasn’t really rape because she had dinner with the guy - an outmoded, insensitive sexist claim that the tourism minister had the gall to repeat.
Worst off in the socio-economic hierarchy are Burmese migrant workers, who have little choice other than to endure daily abuses. More or less impotent in a country that considers them lucky to have a job - no matter how dirty, dangerous, demeaning and underpaid - the Burmese find it virtually impossible to complain to police who often wring them for bribes or who may even be attackers themselves.
Congo on track for 8 pct growth, fighting corruption - PM
Congo, a country the size of Western Europe at the heart of Africa, has some of the world's largest copper and cobalt reserves as well as rich deposits of coltan, tin and diamonds.
But investors have been deterred by infrastructure and institutions ravaged by decades of mismanagement and war.
Last month, a panel led by former U.N. secretary general Kofi Annan found that Congo had lost $1.36 billion in tax revenues between 2010 and 2012 from opaque, cut-price mining asset sales to foreign firms.
Congo ranked 160th from 174 countries in Transparency International's rankings of perceptions of corruption last year.
"There's a sense across Africa, including here, of 'never again'," he said. "That energy can translate into learning from history instead of repeating it."
(Writing by Daniel Flynn; Editing by Elise Knutsen, Ron Askew)
C: since everything is a story of perception, as who would dare looking at their navel or investigating bona fide a situation, and say ‘fine’ while looking in the eyes of abduction and auction.
Collaborated facts and collaboration.
A former indentured housemaid, or "Kamalari", attends a protest demanding rehabilitation and social security in Kathmandu
BANGKOK (TrustLaw) - Her employer's brother raped her repeatedly for four months until Noi, 17, mustered the courage to press charges, but courage, she discovered, has a price.
Tax fairness lies at the heart of fighting poverty and hunger
Dear friends,
Last year we launched our latest campaign for the Awá, Earth's most threatened tribe. So far, over fifty thousand emails have been sent to Brazil's Minister of Justice, urging him to remove the illegal loggers.
The government announced it would make the case a priority, and would release special funds to remove the invaders. The first base camp, from where operations to evict the loggers and other invaders will be conducted, has now been built. These developments would not have occurred without the help of Survival supporters.
But this isn't enough. There are only 450 Awá; many of them are uncontacted. If the loggers see them, they'll kill them. It's vital that we keep the Awá on the government's radar, and pressure it to evict the invaders urgently. This is the time to step up our campaign, and for that we need your help once more.
Sri Lanka's civil war, which spanned more than a quarter of a century, ended in 2009. With more than 100,000 war casualties and one million refugees, it represented one of Asia's most violent, destructive and intractable conflicts. Four years since active military hostilities ended, there has been no progress towards constitutional and political reforms addressing the problems of pluralism and democracy that lay at the heart of the conflict, nor a legitimate process of truth and accountability for war-time abuses. Instead, Sri Lanka is steadily moving in the direction of becoming an authoritarian state, with the rule of law and governance under attack, the ascendance of majoritarian ethno-religious intolerance, and an overall decline in democratic and human rights standards. This event will explore the pervasive culture of impunity in Sri Lanka, both with regard to past abuses as well as post-war governance. The broader challenge of transition from a post-war to a post-conflict situation will be discussed in relation to ongoing efforts regarding peace and good governance.
Thursday 20 June 2013, 6.30-8pm
| Speakers: Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu; Asanga Welikala; Uvindu Kurukulasuriya |
Under the guidance of Professor Lisa Anderson, Conceptual Foundations of International Politics is a graduate course at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs which examines many of the central concepts, theories, and analytical tools used in contemporary social science to understand and explain international affairs.
PS: I just want to log in and comment as these lectures are simply great, but I can’t.
C: interesting lecture, ontologic, put oneself, in face m fact myself into question, my navel not engrossed and what flight and flung my ship conception.
Cheap ship.
I said a lto lot about academy, but these lectures of Harvard, yal, colym cl colymbia etc. have only 150 500 hits each. I think that academic are under great danger. I think that technology have enabled human to kill fast and irreversibly in mass in all atrocity and hypocrity, ove covered y by reasons and sciences I think that we are reverted to a philosophy of survival in which research to knowledge, not in destruction for analysing depletion and suffering but knowledge of the heart, live and harmony, the all thinking and breathing, the good and the raison (nosy hare) won’t permit itself into redemption.
I am not Christian centred in saying that it is just (not) (note) an option.
Glaring Setbacks for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, The Environment and All Human Beings
Still Today The Government of Brazil Continues To Ignore The Constitutional Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Rights of All Human Beings to Preserve a Healthy Planet
C: dying nature, killed nature, the same of the pop people. Fi if mainstream kill people instead of rights protection and instead of nature conservation then end of civilisation. and in case of technology advanced crushing as a mean, the crash will be as (and in fact more, as sciences if used consciensciously (on purpose and impose, tax and not immunise but immondice-monstruous, mount of refuse and squalid) against (ageing) the mother - resources, nature and culture- no tally tale talking about cultures that mimic and maim themselves for example treating women as their inferior in order to serve the ordure) then knowledge unsaved, rapture will rupture and kill inversely her traitors (pervert, insulting, not creator) for the abuses not to endure.
She will teach.
I will tell you what I know me Malcom. you talk about local authorities, they are now local government. for example since 2009 in the UK if you want to make a complaint (most probably you are a staff knowing what exactly is happening, at leas in your area of responsibilities and function) against or about the care provided by the council, you cannot lodge the complaint to the national government anymore, no, you have to complain about the council action to the council itself.
And about whistle-blower, the day you go in court with the proof, or at least hoping that the judge will investigate, because they would investigate with a professional in the field incriminated, an independent guys who jobs is to follow and if not monitor but checking the application of national standards- that are on papers rather reassuring, then you could prove your case that you have to work and follow rules intrinsically abusives and in fierce opposition to the vague, incomplete and avorted human rights notions that are inscribed here and then (not enough they are but they are, just to be spurned, and for their not in application, no matter, no counting).
So all of this above not counting because whatever you will say to the judge, say that you have working against, a contrario to the guidelines by the ‘national vocational’ bullock provided, the judge I quote would say ‘as for what you try to bring up, it is beyond my jurisdiction I am sorry’. At the question, whose juridction it is the answer would be ‘I don’t know’ i.e ‘there is any’.
That is whistleblow and everyone knows that ‘humanum errar est’, ‘mimstake ins ins only human’ people will be at the task of finding you fault during your time at work, or even lie to be sure and clear of your resignation if you are lucky enough to get away with your recommendations (the so unavoidable and indispensable references and referre, that no employer has to provide during the on-going training and that you have go tto produce at the en d of your sac sacerdotal nini).
To prove you are well behave, that you did not say nothing to the authorities. The same, in rule and responsible, note the range and average of the choice, Saville or baby P).
‘a juridic system that is connected to the economic system’
Lecture 4 - Alternative Views of American Primacy
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
Signed in Geneva May 18, 1977
[…] In Tunisia, it all started with a young fruit vendor who could no longer bear the abuse from authorities and set himself on fire. In Chile it was the costs of universities. In Turkey, a park and in Brazil, bus fare increases. […] became widespread protests on issues such as corruption, inequality, the high cost of living or the arbitrariness of the authorities.
C: University price and fare are two major impediments to liberty and individual development that we are facing here in London.
As for the thesis that these countries are doing well economically and though are in the state of revolt, I would forward the point that economic development and growth are presented to be the panacea of all evils (whatever the face of the evils people want to keep and entertain for themselves). So when people see in fact what dramatic curb on originality, individual liberty through the standardisation of thoughts, behaviors (smile and suits, the dress code being an address to the population, don’t be capitalist and you will be the one redressed the sad way- in the prison of unemployability), so come a reaction. Would you have customers, to your life adopting ways to spare water and animal sufferance, well they would be, -if not ashamed-, disregarded, parked, degraded, declassified of their ‘rights’ to better and bigger money. Ghettoization, the one that pays you the possibility if not the right to open your window in summer without to have a mastiff bulldog and fatigues (not the pet, the guerrier) to protect your t.v – the hope of having a little house in which your neighbour won’t render your life’s moment, momentum and instant of tranquility as hell as with no peace to rest, think and revitalise the energy one needs to flourish and protect themselves of life and spiritual turmoil, danger and tiredness) because they decide that noise is for other pollution and discreet social torture a good day.
On Huntington’s thesis that says, it occurs in societies experimenting changes. There is Durkheim’s thesis that it is because people are in lack of references, but there is also because the power is transferring from a form to another and that people are here there not really to protest against more inequalities that the ones they are touched by or with- or that the ones they cannot manipulate or be to an extent to at its certain (reverent revered) receiving end, but here to grab the seats and gears of the products of a labor tamed into profeetering from or anothers’ labor, or from the natural (own by nature) own resources, or by the lack or abundance of law permitting them to succeed from and out of leeway.
As for the gross and grave inequality occasion by the police and other civil servants treatments, let’s wait and see then. As grow development and its abuses legitimated by the people awaiting to do nothing more than grabbing the rest. Like in any fashist and dictatorship who is gonna take the blame to push us towards a politics of the sharks and their embellishment, the institutions themselves.for the rest that will satisfy and congratulate for this attitude and their individual and societal limitation their sex (= beast, the animal and spirit that are our inhabitation) there will be grotesque. And also without forgetting, as it is at the base of all debauchery, there will be sex. Not the one of disenfranchisation, the duties to serve in marriage institution and organised rapes, but the one of the rapes. The vultures even not, as for rapes claims and gang or social constructions, they are just puu puppies of puppet.
As for the intent that authorities and others has to reproduce and serve inequality (just ik as the image of your brain will be swallowing due to your chronic hunger that you can only appease for the very short term of drinking more water than your body can drain safely). There is more in the calculation of acculation that the term of inequalities. There is how possible it is to gain (to revert the fate, ex: class mobility), at what price (is it moral, whill it occasion other harm) and if it is possible at all (you need water to survive, what if water all polluted, taken, unreachable). And top of all that there is what certain confound with the term of security, are the vaults in the dungeon of fear and thief, well guarded.
Why in London it does not work.
Reverent, reve = drame dream. Reve errant, errand, reve hunt. (check Microsoft approxi-maxim)
Reeve, revue, revel.
Abundance, hound
Paradise describe by these fake religious as about abundance instead of being the proud produce of harmony and of humans’ serving it.
Ending Child Marriage in the Arab Region
Download Ending Child Marriage in the Arab Region (PDF: 1.23MB)
(May 2013) With technology producing more and cheaper ways to determine the sex of a fetus, fewer girls are being born Shock of Crop Loss Increases Contraceptive Use
Economic Shock of Crop Loss Increases Contraceptive Use Among Women in Rural TanzaniaEconomic Shock of Crop Loss Increasural Tanzania
by Paola Scommegna
(June 2013) Results of rigorous evaluations show that one of the most cost-effective ways to boost primary school attendance in western Kenya is to treat children for intestinal worms,
Survivors of alleged rape in Indian Kashmir renew old fight with new...
Victims of alleged mass rape by Indian army men in Indian-administered Kashmir, in 1991 say justice still eludes them.
C: even the UN soldiers have been indicted for rapes and sexual exploitation. as for the caste system it is structural permit to any other kind of violations and worse one, just like this one thank you for remind people of this.
Use of environmental modification techniques for hostile purposes does not play a major role in military planning at the present time. Such techniques might be developed in the future, however, and would pose a threat of serious damage unless action was taken to prohibit their use. In July 1972 the U.S. Government renounced the use of climate modification techniques for hostile purposes, even if their development were proved to be feasible in the future.
C: what is happening then? Is this treaty concern only states against other states but not states, companies or individuals’ gains or perversions against the populations?
And you will pardon my verve as it comes from listening to me more than I should be listening of the souls crying in pain and in vain, even my ears that would like to, here, is not saint, and misinterpret their saying. Anyhow to know about them just what is to do is not to reas read the priests, clergy or other prophets, academics, but to directly serve, hal heal and cure them.
Use of environmental modification techniques for hostile purposes does not play a major role in military planning at the present time. Such techniques might be developed in the future, however, and would pose a threat of serious damage unless action was taken to prohibit their use. In July 1972 the U.S. Government renounced the use of climate modification techniques for hostile purposes, even if their development were proved to be feasible in the future.
Extract from:
‘’ is my own writing, just for try to be clear on me not putting words in others’ items.
A scavenger collects plastic for recycling at a dump site on World Environment Day in the northeastern Indian city of Guwahati, June 5, 2013. REUTERS/Utpal Baruah
C.ET: I just were wondering if any one would attack me for posting this picture. While the little guy who is scavenging have been left (without the money produced by the original article, for you to be reassure none I ll be making, I post it just as a ‘reminding’) and even he would have received black economy pocket money, the little boy just left there and on going.
I appreciate that one cannot do everything and that taking a pic could be used as an act purposing help for him- and the other guys and girls in his situation.
But what I recall equally it is that in this realm, I have to ask myself if no one could seriously try to sue me for doing this. That is to sue me for having taken a picture or to have written an ariticle, hopefully to end human rights abuses (if not to start human responsibilities) and one of the priority remove this child from this environment that poison his body. But suing me because I redirect you to their article as if I intend to summarize their information for you I could be in breach of copyrights coming from the story of this little boy, snapshot without receiving a denier of the dominion. So please note that I am not the author, that I own no copyright and do not seek to earn any money.out of my ‘newsroll’ and system of quotation; I just try and do like any computer of search engine, give you my specific summarizing.
I just comment on other buddies work and provide with all the links you need to read them comprehensively. My own creative work is
Cetvies author and editor of this blog.
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it can be bought directly on (Cetvies homepage and scroll down) or through the biggest eBooks library.
‘lulu. com’ is the biggest ebook library.
And please ask for me sending you its complementary work-updates to Cetvies from what will be its next volume.
Woodhouse, H. (2009), Selling Out: Academic Freedom and the Corporate Market, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
"Reason is natural revelation" [John Locke Essay concerning Human Understanding]
"The heart has reasons that reason knows not of" [Blaise Pascal Pensées]
"There is nothing without a reason" [Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Studies in Physics and the Nature of Body]
"I am not arguing with you
I am telling you" (James McNeill Whistler).

C: here u r, for the ninnys’ of Britain.
check my last case, I am very angry at ebay. it was a con, you settled in favour of his tricks.
The military moves in around Earth’s most threatened tribe
Brazil’s military has launched a major ground operation against illegal logging around the land of the Awá, Earth’s most threatened tribe.
‘Proud Not Primitive’ campaign challenges prejudice against tribal peoples in India
Survival has launched a groundbreaking new campaign in India to challenge the deep-seated prejudice that tribal peoples are ‘backwards’ and ‘primitive’. Such attitudes are often used to justify the theft of their land and attempts to force them to change their ways of life.Visit the campaign →
Sacred object handed back to Hopi tribe after ‘shameful’ Paris auction
Pics are absolutely appetising on this site. Peek and Pick.
How Bird Baths Hurt Birds
Is Your Bird Bath a Threat to Your Backyard Birds?
This is a good page for the bird bath, but on another page same author recommend to bleach. Please do not use this horrific poison, even in your pipes, even on your clothes playing pretty and immaculated, human beings on top of global warming just has poisoned and loot on everything alive.
In your pipes, possible use soda carbo.
From the British Library.
What was the legal status of homosexuality before Wolfenden?
Male homosexuality was made a capital offence in England under the Buggery Act of 1533. (Female homosexuality was never specified.) […]
The death penalty was the punishment until 1861 (1889 in Scotland), though it was only exacted a few times, […]Thereafter punishment became imprisonment for between ten years and life.
Then the law became stricter: the 1885 Criminal Law Amendment Act made any homosexual act illegal, even in private. […]
Why was the Wolfenden Report commissioned?
Arrests and prosecutions for homosexuals had increased since the end of World War II. For example Alan Turing, the cryptographer who helped break the German Enigma code and who is generally recognised as the father of modern computer science, was victimised for his homosexuality. Charged with 'gross indecency', he had to choose between prison or hormone treatment. He also lost his job. His death in June 1954 was treated as suicide.
Homosexuality was not legalised in Scotland until 1980 and Northern Ireland until 1982. […]
For 400 years male homosexuality was a crime in Britain, punishable by years in jail or hanging. Many reputations and lives were ruined. But this report, controversial at the time, helped change not only the law but public attitudes and acceptance
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Olympe de Gouges, playwright and author of the Rights of Woman and of the Citizen.
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Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793) ... Olympe de Gouges was born in 1748 in Montauban near Toulouse in France as Marie Gouze. She came from ...
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