EFFRAYER = bring fear in French.

Freyer = egg laying.






Despising utopia as being unrealistic.

But, one- there is nowhere where one cannot go.

Two- it is the suggestion that utopias are going to pose problems that is childish as everything being under close scrutiny, analysis and having for a goal to be refined or simply worked on, ‘is’ (=has to be) bathed by the necessary and vital perspective of improvement, self-evolution, in one word being endowed with propriety of the alive.

Third- it is the nature of every project to have to wait some of its implementation to find out more than its natural limitations but also that it will uncover of other parameters, jointed fields, and approached alcoves. The third point is the raison d être of all concepts. And the first and second point, the trial of life.

Denounce utopia like denouncing strive for higher moral and societal conditions is the illnesses of a dead lock projection.





Against, ageing.




Work. Tool.

For the person that are the closest to me. My roaming is the way of regiving and rediscovering their loves.

And till them I stay with them all the time as through any life and hope I meet their


affection lay.















Cetvies is original, I have not come across with anything written this way yet. I already wrote on many topics, I am a bilingual foreign teacher and I am a graduate. I write, read and travel constantly.




This is just a sample from former work.

MORE AT http://cettevies.blogspot.co.uk



New books still under review.

http://cettevies.blogspot.co.uk     is the blog of the same author. Have a look there even though the book is different from the blog, they tightly correspond. Cetvies, the name of the book is a collection of thoughts on thoughts on human rights, duties, social, political issues, justice, equalitarianism, well-being, spirituality, spiritualism, veganism, environmentalism.









The reality of free will, is to comprehend that though I tried to listen to and obey higher instances and understanding than me or at least than me alone; my peers, strangers, neighbours, experts, wise, experienced as well as my deepest meanings, hopes, dreams, and instincts, or thought that were instinctual, I now know that even though I am not aware of all of the implications of my acts, I know by heart and head that I followed such says or advices as I would have devices or instructions, and that it was definitely for the worse because my soul still cry of anger, refusal, frustration and confusion. But first, fist, and fierce, and foremost she is lamented not by feeling by the crimes that do not allow redemption.









All cultures are equal because the definition of a culture is how to search for god or good. And we have all failed.

At it.

Attic. Ceiling not skies cite, its, ist, inset, site. Ciel. Chill.

Silence. Coal. Seal.











Maybe to try to find the beginning, is to say i ll find god, which is made pretty impossible the moment you beg the question.



Theorist very more and more afraid of the practise, as they brought them far from their field and impatience make them do bad things.

Or not to be able to solve the way they had created it or envisage it in the previous scheme.





Some despair the size of touching life and death disputation, boundaries and abandon, drives the body to the bridge of its wooed, won breakage. So if is the body, what is going on with the spirit.



Am me that stop being there, that stop speaking with these people that ain’t my church or things like this, after my comedy finishing in a errors bigger than hers, that was I thought were, just having to nod at I could do nothing without a network that would have helped me. Or the next life beneficiary.

Not wanting to speak with meat eating people, and finishing not being able to do this little rescue on my own. So much so that I became viper, despair.



Animal rescues.

They are stories that draw tears. But another facet are these stories of pseudo rescues when the pet is trusting again, a human attention before being put down. Illustrating, our half way living.

Never do that, please never put them down, or you will realise that with them more than a part but finally you are dying.



Host, haunted.

Hostile, ostie,  is not about taking a body, but share the life, like one has to share one’s table. A not the table he should have if he had the success of the man seeking money, but the table of the one that fought for life, till he never abandon anyone.




To look for signs in nature, mind we are nowhere but in nature, so good luck to us, since we killed and belittled her a lot.

To look for look in nature, means in the first place that nature is supposed to create shape intended to us, or intended to our understanding. Why nature would not communicate forms we do not know, and then cannot recognise just like this, why is it supposed to give us a reading that is easy, without having deserved it, by serving her, and know her enough that she can entrust us with some of her living? Why, because on top we pretend not to understand or give a damn about others’ of her creation languages and all of the sudden she would make one for us to be in the light of her love and care.




When the victim is a child, they cannot really comprehend the damages, the horrors, the subsequent disability or instability, suffering, violations will cause.

It might take them to grow adults and witness other lifes, or to live a whole life as adults before realising how much, and how profoundly their being have been altered. Often by the simple fact an individual will put all their energy into readjusting, and sometimes readjusting to situations their initial carers made sure they would not fully understand or in fact know at all.

Typical, to make someone illiterate with the aim of having to read, will take off 10 years of an adult life down the path, because this has not been done when the victim was a child.

Also illiteracy for example might be used as a way the kids are not in sync with other kids anylonger, and spend too much time learning what they did not in childhood, while it is not anylonger what their peers are about, to forget, to dismiss what has kept them behind – illiteracy yes but what about other violations?




And cult.




On copyrights who would mind that people post modern post mortem do not get your first name right or mistake you for another one. To write and ‘create’ for the sake of time and space, comprehension and elevation. To elongate your link and sink not without a trail. Are not faithfull writers who hide information through fear of being copied, are not writers at all.

Faithfull, or faith in lust. No loss for the feral, fierce, fear world.

Faith lull.

Or of the myths a cool recollection, making personal achievement too impossible for their followers to seriously trying, collection of what have been done by several serious warriors instead of one being given all the attributions. Just like the wealth without elegant fair, fairy, redistribution.

At least for some.







The fact that we spend most of the time fearing for humanity, others, fearing of others, and disgracing not nature, but disgracing ourselves taking it on nature, destroying it or preserving it just for consumption and future mutilation, beside the fact that we will dearly pay, also unelegantly and above all unwisely blow on your face every om moment of the day that we have got an ego problem the size of a towel.






In intelligence, when one does not manage to comprehend at once, they have then to break it down; it is at this occasion an access to other realisations, path, and concoctions.




One needs to know every myth to feel one with not nature only but the universe. The elements bercent, berceau, rock and cradle our loneliness, homme seule.

Seule, solo, lone.



Sea, Seal soul.


Of our intellect, so distraught when it stops to co-contemplate. of what he has (for) reflect.




Radeau, raid, craft. Raft.



Lent ,cent, scent,



Hijo, son.




But even the aster could (may) not manage to summon wisdom and love enough to realise sooner than later that love at her turn she could betray, refute, and throw in the air.



No one would feel the meaning of sacrifice, if we talk to the moon as a way. As life but not to condescension but ascension.




:              The right to property, or of now growth and damned prosperity, in fact very much in diapason with land disputes.

Sin. Son.




Sociology and human rights: confrontations, evasions

and new engagements

Patricia Hynesa

, Michele Lambb, Damien Shortc and Matthew Waitesd



the need for sociologists to

find a universal normative foundation for their approach perhaps leads to a narrowing of

the scope of investigation               815.



C.ET:    or the seeking for universality would bring us to research up to the atomic to be brought to its simple diversity.

To be brought to his knees, knot, or humility. To its demise, or to their avow that they ain’t so unique, one. The omen of the unbreakable, brakeable, the mystery of the anonymity.

Exquisite, exclusivity.






Pi,              like,              n.

Like you, Nina.

Philosophy and its part.

Pie and eternity.




To search for longetivity, with the turning point of searching for eternity, or imperishibality.



Cannibal, carnal.



Perish, parish.




‘The association of human rights with universal

and foundational claims about humanity means they can appear to exist independent

of social foundations, and indeed beyond the realm of social reality(Hynes et al, 2010).


C.ET:         premises that human is superior and not a part of something, that would be functionalist by the way.

Refuting that society is the fruit of humanity but anyhow humans the fruit of the universe. Would it b too cosmic, or would it lay fundations for more than communal care but also for rights and duty much at the center of controversies such as environmental rights. If humans would be recognised as being a part of the universe, then resources could then stop being considered as being at the society’s entire disposition, and this consensus on resources being at the right of human consumption, itself at the center of human peace though lined with human race = racing to resources and sovereignty.



Or the seeking for universality would bring us to research up to the atomic to be brought to its simple diversity.

To be brought to his knees, knot, or humility. To its demise, or to their avow that they ain’t so unique, one. The omen of the unbreakable, brakeable, the mystery of the anonymity.

Exquisite, exclusivity.




The only way for nature to have permitted humans to destroy hers, is that human will ultimately invent either their own extermination or their own way of becoming hybrids again, that will the reinsertion of wild animal genes, or animals but just having to destroy the sheer stupidity and dishonesty that animates human to consider itself otherwise, not unique but morons.




I knew I lived for her, giving her all my moments of inspirations, almost of all what was motions. But this because I did not witness her trahison, treason, reason, even though I knew she left me, for something, someone that was not me, probably despised me, but anyhow I would kill for anysing, sing, sign of any comprehension, understanding, any pity.

So what was I really?

Sign son, sing song.




My sould had been so tormented, that surely love waited for met, for me, the channel, to be mature enough to denounce you to the police of the gods.

Love in the waiting.

Entrance, of death by dance.

Me, met.




Child marriage, rapes….

C.ET:           and of course it is in those countries homosexuality is depict as vile because one fucking sure thing is that if homo are like hetero, it would be a duplicate of hell very soon. It is why the homos, just like the muslims that fight arranged marriage and all that is unholy in their countries, the homos should make sure that kids are protected. Because becoming like the mainstream story is too dangerous, they keep on proving it.


To cut the chase cultures say that they respect each other because they want to eat each other. Stay where you are there will be war, we are disrespectful of everything, kiddos and all, and who will be able to nourish population in a while anyway, but for the moment they are just all to busy doing and redoing their homes every 6 years to look like if they were developed, the mafia will price the market and who and how you will be able to stay put in your quarter, the mafia will also say.




For the hope to go through, pass, and passed world, to go on strong enough to be heard by some, one must find and honor love.




Explaining that light comes from an atomic explosion.

An explosion.





If atoms could not be divided, reduced to sub-atomic elements, they could have been duplicated within anti-matters theory.


Unique antic attic  drastic, desist, deistic,





intimatedly intimately 



Mon amour,

Do you want me to call you mon maour? Ame-our.

Amen. Ame = soul in French, Latin.

Manor, mane, manure, armour, honour.

Homer, Mansour, sour, sure, islam, Siam,

Si ame.

If soul. Is lamb, or land.


Lane. Sane. Vain. Vein. Cane.




That anyhow in term of time and space, thoughts must be travelling faster than light itself. Less fast though than pour, pure intuition.

Intra not infra construction.




intimatedly intimately 











I think a good doc on possible other environmental problem. We had man centric, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphous... and this entirely man-made. But who will be able to unmade, no redemption has not this function. Or perhaps, let's hope and pray. But not for the sinner. Let’s hope we did not actually killed what we have killed and that repentance, might revive them, here is the deal. As for the killer, salvation is to embellish hell.

And perhaps the cycle of life will not encircle us for eternity. For humanity.



God all-powerful, a possible reality, within their world. The all-powerful idea of being able to tend, to reach out to this goal: the one of perfection and love.

And also the daily defeat of not being able to stop indulging, to redeem say of oneself that we are nothing, and stop trying to do something purer than the day beginning by the end is no more than death by living.

All powerful in something.

Where, everywhere, in us including.



In every being.




The dom, demonization also coming from being fed up, with being human. In a sense of their restrictions or in the sense that their organisation is simply or aiming at our true skills and seeking or to those of others, animal, environment, spirituals. Or altogether ogre.





The ‘sacralisation of human rights’ could in practise result in the one of the private person, leaving the staff or other person not here mentioned, doing what sacralisation implied: adoration. The very old complaint since human rights as a notion appears, is that rights are becoming obnoxious if only one person is helped or protected by them, or if only a part of them is observed, and respected. Over-growth, under-growth.



Universal rights are repelled because they are the clear proof that one cannot even once build a society on the robbed or robbing privileges that the same defends so dearly.




The key to eternity is to stop killing. The moment you touch to environment is it the equivalent of the paradise crumbling.

For our soul, or the sake of it all. Maybe it is that hell, knowing that you killed yourself into a damned. In the abyssal of the old age.




In that Islam took back Christian myths and whereby prolonged them.





















C.ET:        mention of the ‘german hatztbur/ottoman ‘alliance.

Germanic       Turkish.








And when I think of you, coming back, I know I cannot thank enough what life told me there is or there might.

Also there, their might.

I did not do enough, not for you, as you are my only, but to thank life to have shown you thee.









Naturalism (philosophy)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the term that is used in philosophy. For other uses, see Naturalism (disambiguation).

Part of a series on


"αθεοι" (atheoi), Greek for "those without god", as it appears in the Epistle to the Ephesians on the third-century papyrus known as "Papyrus 46"








Secularist organizations[show]

Related topics[show]

·        Irreligion by country

·        v

·        t

·        e

In philosophy, naturalism is the "idea or belief that only natural (as opposed to supernatural or spiritual) laws and forces operate in the world."[1] Adherents of naturalism (i.e., naturalists) assert that natural laws are the rules that govern the structure and behavior of the natural universe, that the changing universe at every stage is a product of these laws.[2]



C.ET: perhaps interesting to know here that naturalism, or maybe natural laws for some, might be the opposite or rather the opponent of supernatural, or spiritual.






Some philosophers equate naturalism with materialism. 



I was wondering why they insist on natural law so much. It is not about the laws of nature, or the bow and respect due to environment or cosmic consideration. It is down, put down to materialistic intendment, the survival of the fittest and its social sciences application mockery.

And of course the exploitation of all what is not talking back at you in a what you will be able to hear and willing to acknowledge English, Arabic, French, Greek, Chinese or Hebrew.



 Poor birdies.





the Oracula Sibyllina,











       H illi.






Gir,  gear.









Enounce, denounce

Enunciate, state.








There is deconstructivism, there is destructivism.




Equation, equitation.



Nation, born.




The soul has to be here, and functioning part of the individuals, all persons, and others, because we are one life amongst others, inside a universe, itself a unit. Participating, to a general dynamic, and however complex, having a sense of us, as something that is one, but a part.


Functioning, found.





Maybe one, to not fall into Manicheanism, must remember that we well can be togged between to be tougher and everything cracks down or too lax and everything flops, and flags.





Is it an assault on sovereignty or on impunity?

People speak about humanity like if they deify what have been done and practise in the past. Cultural relativism is not to ponder or to weight but to fall back down on to absolutism, an absolute not in theory, but to give all chaos the right to drop and win over liberty, wisdom, and restrain on solution made easy.






Are my.





The engraved drawings, carved in the stone, fir, fear, fur, flirt, fit for a vampire. Though was se smelling too much of a human work, sure of they having, owing the stone, in whatsoever means, through owner ship, engraving, or the possibility of destroying a work, however was it, it was, now withstanding, notwithstanding, its beauty.






Cross borders

you know, if i was living in a Muslim country (and others), as a lesbian, my only chance to survive in a flesh that feels it worth living, would be to cross borders, even at the risk of being drown, perishing, a life without a woman is worth, is to have for only absolute the one of dying. Maybe in grace, maybe still in beauty if permitted, but you know death desire is romantic, religious even, but never people loving. You still can love the lamb, the child, but for the rest, you know you get out of the picture, that is decaying. 

And I think of many of them, caught in torture, exploitation and slavery just to have made this move. 


As homo and as others.

What should not be permitted is people coming to crush on liberty. Because then fear is a lie. And nay any way me as a traveller I would like to go and see of the other countries better…




When death is all around, and becomes inevitably your inner strength,

But when there is nothing around, that the others you know that stays because no left.

Then instead of flirting with the death, she becomes your mistress.


Amen amends.




You know tally talking about colonialism, etc., maybe time to ask what westernized culture is - is it in fact western in any way. Maybe a big colony, but each time power just simplifies views and liberty. What is left for and of everyone?




Reduction of pollution tackles while aiming at ‘Sustainable Energy for All’.

 With a respect with what one produces, system of waste, even if land of abundance, one cannot speak about what is bearable, a spirit of waste and use (of not what is given like thousands generation fleecing each other have said, but of what has been met or encounter, a meter) cannot bring respect or stability.




The vampire is solitary too gain in blood thirsty? That even his shadows have less flesh or then flee.





Bygone scenery.




At forty, even before, waiting to double that, and then to die.

The world getting rid of its germs, and gold.

And what memory in all that? Fading but what about keen, key keeping the shading shallow of what we did not know, and have nothing to say, to stay about a love, and true universality.








When able to melt with space and time, life teaches that they will take us beyond. That were, where, and there, we are traverse, transpires, transpose, transpire, transverse. And vector.

Vanquish vainquor.



Everyone will admire bill gates for its computering invention. It is one thing to have revolutionized every one life, another one to be the boss of a company that on the reverse deliver a micro unable to save the time of someone really involved in computing. By unsaved computer reactions, by the how it is impossible, through windows maybe, to manage more than 3 documents successfully. When I work on an essay, and doing my paid jobs, while surfing the net, this amount to 20 documents minimum needs to be open, just like for a normal desk, but with Microsoft, no.

Also the technicality and difficulty to use the software, very expensive software, each time I have to change of machines, that is not even sold with an appropriate guide and full instructions within, that you have to buy handbook to use the stuff. Should be ‘bitten’ or come shy as a bittern, you are not a good boss at this way.

A malfunction a day.




The place of the image, condemned in Islam and byzantine Christianity. Way of improving or substitute, surrogate for literacy but also way to illuminate or darken the scriptures meaning? But at least not the ones the contemporary in power want them to bear and administrate.




Theological quarrels reveal in fact that everything was under heavy debates, disagreement. To end up with a -       English of which erase the word passion) result is (don’t cope cup the pop) completely dissonant.

Questions about iconography, trinity, cosmology, the way we pray, we way we think and represent, the way we spoke (and poke) of. There is no religion per se, that is what is illusionary.

Everything of what is now held as what people believe was the fierce






18 of 60 - Carole Mundell on the Big Bang

Wed, 14 Jan 15

12 mins

What put the Bang in the Big Bang? Can our scientists report back from the moment before the dawn of time? Astronomer, Carole Mundell finds out.



‘that the moment, period, or what, before the big ban is where mathematical and physics equations stop making sense (Carole Mundell, BBC)’



C.ET:   Stops sensing.

Me I would say that killing nature will make that, unable to sense no more.

Get lost.

Stop to sense, to be sensed, stop to pray.







View the state of the streets; I would be afraid seeing the rest.

On how china is hiding its town made tips in censoring Youtube and google type of journalistic or reporting system.





In addition, you justly said that smith was trying to protect human rights from claims, my thesis was in doing so I feel he weakened the larger concept of human rights themselves, and therefore their related protection. 




Flowers on tombs or on visit to alleviate from odors.





I won’t bother you on and on with all of this but here maybe more than my opinion but also knowledge.

Traveling is good and you own a caravan because also, because to own your thing, and since when you rent a place, or people might wreck it or landlords might rip you off.

There are no sites enough, there are no waters and hygiene conditions kept.

And London though a place where there are jobs is just unaffordable.


As for reducing immigration, let’s talk about laws or work, whoever you will have in a country, if the work, type of work permitted, and though behaviour in general= work inefficiently, work while causing harm, work while letting people down….work to damper security, work to unfairness and segregation, work to deepen inequality.

Whoever is in charge, well-intentioned people, ill-intentioned ones, that I guess M.L. King, called as character,


I have been working almost a decade in your town, you can give me a call anytime, if you want a version of what you say about hard working tax payers, but you know don’t call them all this way, a lot of more, because like usual the gypsies will pay. And when I say gypsies it is whoever they can find for their work to be done, or to be finished rather, and then fired them because you know it does not take a decade to know or you work well and with honesty towards every human being and community (but when I mean you, I mean that work should be practised this way, not the opposite) or you know that you are on your way...to be slaved again, generally of people profiteering from bad, lax, permissive, biased, just for one side law, or the ones pumping the state money, be it travellers, commoners or managers of any kind and nationality.


Bien a vous.



As for travellers, they are from a country and belong to earth anyhow. Me I do not wonder why people wants to get away from a society that impose so much of aristocratic rules. To have a good suit and work for kids that could afford better universities. And change clothes and pollute with pouring cleaning products as the way to succeed with maintenance and cleaning jobs because people like new clothes made by children of other countries and cotton that will deplete the soil- because no one else than them does not respect or cannot afford, since sick imprisoned by jobs and functions, of a society that does not have to be repugnant – this is only an adjective, a state would convey its current being, as it will banish itself with extinction.

Gypsies are alternatives. And alter ego. A let. But of course in a society where people abide because they can lie, exploit, or die if saying that something won’t let go.

Not super to live in a caravan when one is stranded in one place, but letting otherwise is to let oneself collaborate with a state mock their own laws- the one of decency, and care, and integration of values that are humane.





The animal and vegetable word knows it. And it is for this reason we need hatred. They now know for sure that humans kill them at leisure and that every year the scale goes unprecedented. Something will happen, perhaps in the domain of disease or others, or both and beyond more likey, likely.

They hate us, and hate will erase human being if they cannot erase their mistakes.i do not even seek for pardon or redemption, I take planes so anyway.maybe I should live like an hermit, but society has it organised itself does not allow us to take boats, and are planes incentiving.i was born this way, I fear how I will die, the other side, of a hell where it is yes as a devil we would have said.








Thesis:           need for a reversal now, of economic system, this endorsed by more and more people but beyond of our views on other lives, this denies by the very UN and other texts, including ‘green politics’ texts. A denial of equity, equality, the slashing of universality. The common term for morality, as in comprehension that is global, extensive, curious, researching[i]….

 and protective of its sole certainty, to be. Cannot quite approach how then would people prevent too much undergoing a philosophy, or a society, or their lack of boundaries, internal or external. Finite or eternal.



Conclusion,         if spirit of human law does not reinstate nature as not only the provider of more than human life but of all life, if in practise relationship to something about which people ceased to regard as bigger, and as being a part of, if people continue to life in a parasitical manner instead of putting every single effort towards living in a symbiotic manner then just like in an unrequited couple, as still human beings with their theorisation of being the only one to have a complex language, a political life, and so on, central to the false deontological of the otherness- elaborating submission over the presumption of a nature tame-stick with level of worth, be it a ridiculous punishing diptych picturing the human reign in their virtue of inelegance, the human producing, pricing and consuming and the rest of the universe, pending pendant. A one (unit, harmony, meaning, sensing) that is diminished as their incapability or their being assessed that way to communicate is equated with inferiority, and to behave otherwise, that is to treat another species as its equal, an insubordination. A nature that is seen barren, as not coupling. An unrequited feeling, of providence, providing, provenance, nature will leave us just like our manner and life unmatching equality will erode any possibility of future conciliation, as members of the whole picture, the family just simply cannot wish a killer continuation.




Representation and power.

Globally, in terms of research then media and academics might also play a distortive effect. If the BBC world is one of the most potent, accessible and documented media in the world, their news will tend to address the UK in particular. As well who is going to report that greens or environmentalists doctors within universities for example behind a dialogue focused on greenery are in fact more interested in selling bio vegetables than the fact that their woods are being trimmed to the core, leaving no living spaces for the animals that used to shelter there. For an environmentalist to end up advertising to change a woods into a park as an ecologic victory is a bit hard core, but though it is the actual trend everywhere, to pass ornamental gardens as nature while they cannot host wild life, leaving hundreds of animals for each allotment homeless. To go on promenade in china’s ‘natural reserves’ in a city to see birds that cannot even lodge anywhere since trees are just a band where people can pick-nick neatly but where birds could never nest or even rest as trees and bushes are so stunt, they are no more than a Hyde Park in London, still claiming some kind of conservationism that is in fact conversion of the nature into .no life can shelter anywhere To translate globally concern onto local occurings would also be daunting, as for the translation work, and beyond the translation, the actual representation, communication, and appropriate actions that have to be taken. Such concerns are real since globalisation is also necessary in view of harmonisation and in this case to make sure that one place is not left without protection, or bear the destructive activities of human because of not having appropriate laws or enforcement mechanisms. Finally, global solutions are the only solutions to avoid looming mass catastrophe simply because of disloyal competition. Since GDP countabilise what costs pollution as element improving gross, as one is allowed to sell product made unethically, putting at risks people and nature for less than the competitors practising more honesly or in line with requirement of their own country, to stop destruction would not be possible if it goes on meaning more money.




And what then would be validated out of the state of being aware, if it was to stay as it is, vulgar, sadistic killers. Nowadays even killing for fur, cosmetic, useless experimentation.              But even to have access the technology to eat healthily and though killing animals to satisfy taste and a reluctance to change, even if we take comfort increase more than happily, now amongst our taken for granted lists of rights, and liberties.




,         54 countries will be short of water by 2050               infinite growth is not an option, and that therefore technologies will not secure nor answer social problems (Professor Henrietta Moore) such as redistribution, and as far as nature not environment is concerned, the way people are able, trained and ready to transform their relationship to a symbiotic one. That would take not a taking for granted position, hoping to be nurture by the simple act of signing in, symbiotic relationship with nature to succeed as to become an end, and surely not a means such as being paid for a NGOS protecting a bit of nature while eating and frying animals. What do we fear, would we fear other species to progress and become technological species like us? As what differentiate us from animal is not politics, they are politic and organisational as well, even not technological, I bet they improve their radar like sharpening razors through their lives and all the decades.





As for the questions on origins, fare from being able to address them, who would give access to people unable to respect their own species, other species, their own planet, well not theirs, but you know what I mean.

The key is what we can do, is to pray. To pray for a flower, a bird, for them, the world to stay and be beautiful…and living.

Never ending.




People are aware of the danger, but are they of the permanent, relentless suffering. In a society that insists on values such as compassion, nonviolence, understanding, efficiency, safety, how come those horrors stay. Is it possible to challenge them at all, since despite being in the open they last just presented as perennial[ii].

Is human being able to pity themselves only? The religion of which one is the god. Sad god.

Terrible destiny.

Terrible, riddle.




Eva, eva,

E(le)va, elevate, eleve,

Enee, eneide, nee.     Native.





Spirituality and the time passing.


Spirituality and the passing day.


Passing, or being, or having or adding.





People would not understand  the word beauty from the mouth of someone who venerates it.



Is everthing.


And because through her, everywhere it can be seen.

Never reach her, but when performing, its remembrance, to have you looking at me through penance.

Or through the love you inspire me, liberty,

Or on being able to soothe suffering but just recognising in all this same equality.




One can suggest that while one concentrates on protected areas, they ignore the issue of over-consumption. (Black, 2011). Consumption here could be reinterpreted as the one of nature, the human eating away more and more of the wildness while branding protected areas just like agribusiness would keep a pet amongst thousands of animals they have slaughter.

Environment: The case against protection. 29 July 2011.




54 countries will be short of water by 2050, and that therefore technologies will not secure or answer social problems (Moore, 2015)

The End of Development 09 March 2015

Mon, 9 Mar 15

29 mins

In a lecture at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, anthropologist Professor Henrietta Moore argues that development is an outmoded concept.




Such as redistribution, and as far as nature not environment is concerned, the way people are able, trained and ready to transform their relationship to a symbiotic one. That would take not a taking for granted position, hoping to be nurture by the simple act of signing in, symbiotic relationship with nature to succeed as to become an end, and surely not a means such as being paid for a NGOS protecting a bit of nature while eating and frying animals. What do we fear, would we fear other species to progress and become technological species like us? As what differentiate us from animal is not politics, they are politic and organisational as well, even not technological, I bet they improve their radar like sharpening razors through their lives and all the decades.




If media could reverse, inform, bring awareness.

Media not equipped to investigate,


In Formation












The British academic and academia who praise themselves not to fall for description but arguments, are in fact only describing their opinion and deduction.

None is done and why?

Because we have to pay, the students or outsider, an amazing, exuberant, hallucinated or not, more deceptive and setting up a framework, a pen for us, citizens in prison and indebted to self educated politicians that take office for their public publicans (idiot) price discriminating what? Potential students, so potential studies.

Resort, research, re-essay of ivory.





The government that should be here to make sure every one can work while making a living doing a job that is giving not taking out of the present and future generations of species. All species without need for specifications.





Trans                                             parency


Heritage of ancestrality, DNA,






It is just like PIE due to firstly allowed inappropriate invasion of private and personal space as a social convention on TV.

Just like it was constantly on dirty dancing with the main presentator.

It is depravation but beyond it, it is predation.


When I say appropriation, it is objectivation, the other as your property. It is vile, not need to be scandalised at the outcomes, it is generalise and advertise such rapes one by one, as it is implicitly what is recommended: the person in power, watch by millions, set the comportment and comments.

It should have gathered all objections.

Instead of that. Britain find two guys who have managed to get 200 convictions to try and start making a wayout and getting away with it for themselves.

A scandal is when people do not know.

Else is collaboration.



to investigate







It is just like PIE due to firstly allowed inappropriate invasion of private and personal space as a social convention on TV.

Just like it was constantly on dirty dancing with the main presentator.

It is depravation but beyond it, it is predation.


When I say appropriation, it is objectivation, the other as your property. It is vile, not need to be scandalised at the outcomes, it is generalise and advertise such rapes one by one, as it is implicitly what is recommended: the person in power, watch by millions, set the comportment and comments.

It should have gathered all objections.

Instead of that. Britain find two guys who have managed to get 200 convictions to try and start making a wayout and getting away with it for themselves.

A scandal is when people do not know.

Else is collaboration.





In zones prone to inundations and flooding, people will get to think each time it’s raining now.

Get to think each time it rains now.

Eaten by the elements the way humanity ate its components.



Imagine yourself shouting zeus to the skies.

ZEUS      IS a sound that can pierce and mount, go high.

In English it means ze, zoo                     us.

In French it means eu, eux,                oeuf, = eu eggs,                                 eux = the others.




English descent not from the latin OF Ancient times or of the ancients directly but from one of its form, FRENCH. ?? ?? ?? ?

Like the bible, a support to a common language, as to language everyone stays for its life time an apprentice, as for the rest of all sciences.

A book that have the vital advantage to talk about survival for everyone, and everyone in spirituality. Advantage and responsibility. A religion content. The education and survival of all its people = humanity.


Human not in control but repository.







That is the result of a state abandoning its citizens to self-defense or more subtly to the rules of the more armed and trigger-happy.





LINGUISTICALLY AND IN FACT IN EVERY LANGUAGE, I would be curious to know the relation of the words and characters or syllables between them. Perhaps particularly or more regularly between the first characters, first letter in a word


Between bitten.

Systematically stem.           Thematic. Sys, sister act.


TTTTTTTTTTTTThe                                        the                                     he

TTTTTTTTTTTTTTThat                                      hat                        haste

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNo                                    no                   o

Honest                                                             hone nest

Own nest.



Liik at this one,                               sample not ample.

Map hap pen.




the story of disability…that are in fact, will turn to be difference in ability.





Religions try to embody some of the rules supposing to protect lives within society and acknowledge the core importance, ritualised or hidden, of su spirituality.

They are the outcomes of what is supposed to be the summary of the most successful attempts at the celebrations of man, nature and their origins and supposed purposes and outcomes philosophies. But philosophies here standing on one book that were at the heart of protection. Humanity, or peoples could not give that much, protection to a library, so they idolise a few persons and few texts in order to manage to bring unity.

This being respectable as one is concerned about the possibility of all standards and norms going out of windows, and through this sain fear will judti justify the more and most relentless, daily, life long damaging bigotry.



As man, will adore themselves. And go onto a pretense of unity and invasion. As they will find themselves so adorable as to kill other species. And threaten to call for explosion if one says that they have to share, they will say you don’t love man you are despisable. Despicable.


Despisable, is the tower not of babel, but the tower we are now constructing, it says itself highest and of the same size will be the fall. Is pis tower tilting due to earth trepidations, of her heart conditions. Never mind the confusion, her, still has one. And in a body of an abuser, not the one of the redemption, of the one, where people has to reincarnate to stand or reinstall justice. The one without heart because it want to ‘benefit’ will see if ice is cool habit.





the immense gravity of saying ‘there are just words’ is to get closer and closer from the moment where one will get cue ‘and that is only a weapon’.

We have words, and swords,

And weapon and wee pen.






We are working a lot on what people should do with their kids. For example that they should not be spending so much time doing sports, extra activities, work, internet… but yet they can do it together.  They still can.

Ban the preaching of child marriage by Islamic preachers - and all others.


This petition aims at letting people know about a simple fact:

Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old. Sahih Bukhari 5:58:236

'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old. Sahih Muslim 8:3310


“These texts are direct translation of the Hadith, Arabic
adīth (“News” or “Story”), also spelled Hadīt , record of the traditions or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, revered and received as a major source of religious law and moral guidance, second only to the authority of the Qurʾān, the holy book of Islam.
Hadith has become a synonym for the term Sunnah.”

However, the plight is not more about what the scriptures say but about the thousands of documents produced by Muslim preachers, believers or followers entirely condoning, honoring and recommending this marriage of an old man with a young child.
This information is accurate. Please, be aware that ‘these teachings’ legitimised as fundamental to the Islamic religion can be found by the thousands on the internet via a very simple word search.
Preaching that the marriage of Mohammed to a little girl is appropriate or can be taken as a, or the model has grave and beyond horrid and vile consequences. From child marriage in countries like Saudi Arabia, to the many stories of Imams being caught on camera in Britain agreeing to marry children and presenting it as a suitable practise under Islam.
The campaign and petition have two purposes: One, to ensure that people know what happens. The ‘marriages’ in themselves but also the fact that marriages of children with adults are in fact professed via the teaching of Islam. Two, it would then ask the government to sanction direct or indirect incentives and incitation to paedophilia and child marriage (paedophile marriages). Pragmatically, it means that Islamic teachers should be condemning child marriage systematically, and be severely sanctioned when advocating it. To praise Mohammed’s life without expressively condemning child marriage is in fact support to paedophilia.
The prophet Mohammed is highly praised and constantly cited as being the prophet and only prophet of Islam. His name is introduction to almost any communication and verbal or written exchange in culture Islam.
No one needs to enter madrasas, Islamic schools, to figure out that Mohammed’s life is given as example and model.


Ban paedophilic preachings







Do check on internet, you will see, hundreds of people give this as the exact translation and interpretation of the Hadith. Thank you for your support. Could you sign the petition and share it.





On lot of kids in social services or schools that would complain because a teacher is trying to push them doing somethings. Obviously pushing too much is abuses, but the reality is they are discretedly pushed doing absolutely naught. And the staff that care and would like to motivate them, the target of reprimands. System abuses that turn duty of training kids into action into impossibility as the grand mode is to pretend the teacher that motivate is in fact too demanding.

I ll be honest with you. I am against any abuses whatsoever. Having said that the reality is the social services and school do not care enough about their kids to prompt them towards activities, such as sport and any of it. There is a culture allowing a child to waste their potential. There is no dumb in the world. And there is no jobs. Also society creates a state of uncivilities and passivity. it is disheartening to see young people not doing half as much as they could do with tranquility. They are trained doing nothing in a lot of cases and that is neglect. Kids are neglected, their potential wasted. Waiting things are done by the ones that still get some salaries.

Series. Severe services.



Kids need to learn and to toughen, not to wait the teacher (waiter) be fired to try and do their job of educator.


Deduction.                                 A waste generation is upcoming.




Pay, pays.

Pays = in France countries.                                     See paysan. Peasant.



To whom the benefit?? And who suffer from the one that benefit, thrive or enjoy.



Rob bust.


Robust Bust.



The story of the king Salomon and the disputed infant.

Just shows how come, in what ways people are sometimes left hand hanging ending with the support and safety of children security.

The true mother has gone, because who cares the child being disposed of, and cut into two, it would bring more allowance or salaries anyway- and less to do, but even more to say.




The nature, the birds and all other animals will or in fact will have understood that human beings is not a predators like others. It will process the fact that human beings exclude nature, other species from everywhere, even from the green. For nature, the lawn and gold or golf courses and mine fields only. Other species won’t have no choice but to see us as what exterminate, not even damaged, bud but consciously exterminate the common home, the common boat. They will, like we do, they have attained this degree of consciousness and awareness, every animal now do.

And will perceivers. At it.

Persevere  At it.

(kill you man). After the cancer for all cells what is gonna be. The dilution, the delusion, the desolution, the oblivion, that mate matches the fact we know we kill things out of ‘practise makes perfect’ not even on occasion. Human beings can’t heal and have havoc other species’ deals, the planet concentration of the poison that will make us lose all defense, immune only to acid citric, ascorbic,

Score sick.


At ti

At it.


Revelation, but not elevation.





Check hercule, as heir cull.

The Labors of Hercules

The goddess Hera, determined to make trouble for Hercules, made him lose his mind. In a confused and angry state, he killed his own wife and children.






 you have to know, I just hope it is not completely irrelevant or ignorant of your own feelings, but for the first time in my life, in between staying with you and having to go to work like I must, it is as much as compulsory as intriguing, I am torn between.

I have to go and try my best at what I am meaning, I would want and try to stay with you unless.


Irrelevant, ire,

Relevant, lift again in French. Elevate.





We, why, wee, wry.

The why there is not animals hybrids, with multiple heads or other shapes, is because of lineage in the form of breeding.

We already have lost our genetics diversity.

Alarm, orca, oracles, Heracles.


Die verse city, quote, cite.







To respect old priests because they are virgins.

To you I can say ‘father’.



To be accused of living promiscuously by bigot. Big Goat.

Hetero may be promiscuous, as well as gay, we are the same. And it's their rights as long as there is happiness and consent, contentment and fairness in short relationship as well as long life one.

And as for gay we ask for marriage. we are not asking for our love to be recognized, if people recognized love they would stop trafficking and killing, but we are asking to be ceremoniously and legally be protected by the human community. we as people seeking couple and family. And we as human being in a communities who attempts at reunifying.

The eternal.





Environ, Environment.

About, vague, undetermined, as mysterious as life.

And if not treated as such, as sacred, will give and take, death.

Suffering. Fuss earing.




To answer the English native speaker, migrating in huge numbers for well-paid jobs (or well-paid job god), and benefiting from easy visa agreements and their propensity, propenposity, composition, proposition, pomposity, porosity, trends at thinking England made its money just due to its geopolitical space and situation.

Or hard working, that is about the migrants that work for hours, for nothing but to act like the ignorant, brainless, heartless servant.

 I hope they will deliver visa for non-natives as well. It is also true that an ‘international accent’ in English is sometimes more understandable than a strong English accent. Nonnatives know that.


Passport Requirements: UK, USA, Australia, Ireland, NZ, Canada

To protectionism discourses abuse commodity.




Please, plight.

Polite, light.

Politic itical, ethical.

None of it.















The British academic and academia who praise themselves not to fall for description but arguments, are in fact only describing their opinion and deduction.

None is done and why?

Because we have to pay, the students or outsider, an amazing, exuberant, hallucinated or not, more deceptive and setting up a framework, a pen for us, citizens in prison and indebted to self educated politicians that take office for their public publicans (idiot) price discriminating what? Potential students, so potential studies.

Resort, research, re-essay of ivory.




The government that should be here to make sure every one can work while making a living doing a job that is giving not taking out of the present and future generations of species. All species without need for specifications.





Trans                                             parency


Heritage of ancestrality, DNA,






It is just like PIE due to firstly allowed inappropriate invasion of private and personal space as a social convention on TV.

Just like it was constantly on dirty dancing with the main presentator.

It is depravation but beyond it, it is predation.


When I say appropriation, it is objectivation, the other as your property. It is vile, not need to be scandalised at the outcomes, it is generalise and advertise such rapes one by one, as it is implicitly what is recommended: the person in power, watch by millions, set the comportment and comments.

It should have gathered all objections.

Instead of that. Britain find two guys who have managed to get 200 convictions to try and start making a wayout and getting away with it for themselves.

A scandal is when people do not know.

Else is collaboration.



To investigate







It is just like PIE due to firstly allowed inappropriate invasion of private and personal space as a social convention on TV.

Just like it was constantly on dirty dancing with the main presentator.

It is depravation but beyond it, it is predation.


When I say appropriation, it is objectivation, the other as your property. It is vile, not need to be scandalised at the outcomes, it is generalise and advertise such rapes one by one, as it is implicitly what is recommended: the person in power, watch by millions, set the comportment and comments.

It should have gathered all objections.

Instead of that. Britain find two guys who have managed to get 200 convictions to try and start making a wayout and getting away with it for themselves.

A scandal is when people do not know.

Else is collaboration.





In zones prone to inundations and flooding, people will get to think each time it’s raining now.

Get to think each time it rains now.

Eaten by the elements the way humanity ate its components.



Imagine yourself shouting zeus to the skies.

ZEUS      IS a sound that can pierce and mount, go high.

In English it means ze, zoo                     us.

In French it means eu, eux,                oeuf, = eu eggs,                                 eux = the others.




English descent not from the latin OF Ancient times or of the ancients directly but from one of its form, FRENCH. ?? ?? ?? ?

Like the bible, a support to a common language, as to language everyone stays for its life time an apprentice, as for the rest of all sciences.

A book that have the vital advantage to talk about survival for everyone, and everyone in spirituality. Advantage and responsibility. A religion content. The education and survival of all its people = humanity.


Human not in control but repository.







That is the result of a state abandoning its citizens to self-defense or more subtly to the rules of the more armed and trigger-happy.





LINGUISTICALLY AND IN FACT IN EVERY LANGUAGE, I would be curious to know the relation of the words and characters or syllables between them. Perhaps particularly or more regularly between the first characters, first letter in a word


Between bitten.

Systematically stem.           Thematic. Sys, sister act.


TTTTTTTTTTTTThe                                        the                                     he

TTTTTTTTTTTTTTThat                                      hat                        haste

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNo                                    no                   o

Honest                                                             hone nest

Own nest.



Liik at this one,                               sample not ample.

Map hap pen.




The story of disability…that are in fact, will turn to be difference in ability.




Religions try to embody some of the rules supposing to protect lives within society and acknowledge the core importance, ritualised or hidden, of su spirituality.

They are the outcomes of what is supposed to be the summary of the most successful attempts at the celebrations of man, nature and their origins and supposed purposes and outcomes philosophies. But philosophies here standing on one book that were at the heart of protection. Humanity, or peoples could not give that much, protection to a library, so they idolise a few persons and few texts in order to manage to bring unity.

This being respectable as one is concerned about the possibility of all standards and norms going out of windows, and through this sain fear will judti justify the more and most relentless, daily, life long damaging bigotry.



As man, will adore themselves. And go onto a pretense of unity and invasion. As they will find themselves so adorable as to kill other species. And threaten to call for explosion if one says that they have to share, they will say you don’t love man you are despisable. Despicable.


Despisable, is the tower not of babel, but the tower we are now constructing, it says itself highest and of the same size will be the fall. Is pis tower tilting due to earth trepidations, of her heart conditions. Never mind the confusion, her, still has one. And in a body of an abuser, not the one of the redemption, of the one, where people has to reincarnate to stand or reinstall justice. The one without heart because it want to ‘benefit’ will see if ice is cool habit.





The immense gravity of saying ‘there are just words’ is to get closer and closer from the moment where one will get cue ‘and that is only a weapon’.

We have words, and swords,

And weapon and wee pen.






We are working a lot on what people should do with their kids. For example that they should not be spending so much time doing sports, extra activities, work, internet… but yet they can do it together.  They still can.

Ban the preaching of child marriage by Islamic preachers – and all others.


This petition aims at letting people know about a simple fact:

Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old. Sahih Bukhari 5:58:236

‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old. Sahih Muslim 8:3310


“These texts are direct translation of the Hadith, Arabic Ḥadīth (“News” or “Story”), also spelled Hadīt , record of the traditions or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, revered and received as a major source of religious law and moral guidance, second only to the authority of the Qurʾān, the holy book of Islam.
Hadith has become a synonym for the term Sunnah.”

However, the plight is not more about what the scriptures say but about the thousands of documents produced by Muslim preachers, believers or followers entirely condoning, honoring and recommending this marriage of an old man with a young child.
This information is accurate. Please, be aware that ‘these teachings’ legitimised as fundamental to the Islamic religion can be found by the thousands on the internet via a very simple word search.
Preaching that the marriage of Mohammed to a little girl is appropriate or can be taken as a, or the model has grave and beyond horrid and vile consequences. From child marriage in countries like Saudi Arabia, to the many stories of Imams being caught on camera in Britain agreeing to marry children and presenting it as a suitable practise under Islam.
The campaign and petition have two purposes: One, to ensure that people know what happens. The ‘marriages’ in themselves but also the fact that marriages of children with adults are in fact professed via the teaching of Islam. Two, it would then ask the government to sanction direct or indirect incentives and incitation to paedophilia and child marriage (paedophile marriages). Pragmatically, it means that Islamic teachers should be condemning child marriage systematically, and be severely sanctioned when advocating it. To praise Mohammed’s life without expressively condemning child marriage is in fact support to paedophilia.
The prophet Mohammed is highly praised and constantly cited as being the prophet and only prophet of Islam. His name is introduction to almost any communication and verbal or written exchange in culture Islam.
No one needs to enter madrasas, Islamic schools, to figure out that Mohammed’s life is given as example and model.


Ban paedophilic preachings






The petitions have been removed wherever I posted.


Do check on internet, you will see, hundreds of people give this as the exact translation and interpretation of the Hadith. Thank you for your support. Could you sign the petition and share it.





On lot of kids in social services or schools that would complain because a teacher is trying to push them doing somethings. Obviously pushing too much is abuses, but the reality is they are discretedly pushed doing absolutely naught. And the staff that care and would like to motivate them, the target of reprimands. System abuses that turn duty of training kids into action into impossibility as the grand mode is to pretend the teacher that motivate is in fact too demanding.

I ll be honest with you. I am against any abuses whatsoever. Having said that the reality is the social services and school do not care enough about their kids to prompt them towards activities, such as sport and any of it. There is a culture allowing a child to waste their potential. There is no dumb in the world. And there is no jobs. Also society creates a state of uncivilities and passivity. it is disheartening to see young people not doing half as much as they could do with tranquility. They are trained doing nothing in a lot of cases and that is neglect. Kids are neglected, their potential wasted. Waiting things are done by the ones that still get some salaries.

Series. Severe services.



Kids need to learn and to toughen, not to wait the teacher (waiter) be fired to try and do their job of educator.


Deduction.                                 A waste generation is upcoming.




Pay, pays.

Pays = in France countries.                                     See paysan. Peasant.



To whom the benefit?? And who suffer from the one that benefit, thrive or enjoy.



Rob bust.


Robust Bust.



The story of the king Salomon and the disputed infant.

Just shows how come, in what ways people are sometimes left-hand hanging ending with the support and safety of children security.

The true mother has gone, because who cares the child being disposed of, and cut into two, it would bring more allowance or salaries anyway- and less to do, but even more to say.




The nature, the birds and all other animals will or in fact will have understood that human beings is not a predators like others. It will process the fact that human beings exclude nature, other species from everywhere, even from the green. For nature, the lawn and gold or golf courses and mine fields only. Other species won’t have no choice but to see us as what exterminate, not even damaged, bud but consciously exterminate the common home, the common boat. They will, like we do, they have attained this degree of consciousness and awareness, every animal now do.

And will perceivers. At it.

Persevere  At it.

(kill you man). After the cancer for all cells what is gonna be. The dilution, the delusion, the desolution, the oblivion, that mate matches the fact we know we kill things out of ‘practise makes perfect’ not even on occasion. Human beings can’t heal and have havoc other species’ deals, the planet concentration of the poison that will make us lose all defense, immune only to acid citric, ascorbic,

Score sick.


At ti

At it.


Revelation, but not elevation.





Check hercule, as heir cull.

The Labors of Hercules

The goddess Hera, determined to make trouble for Hercules, made him lose his mind. In a confused and angry state, he killed his own wife and children.





You have to know, I just hope it is not completely irrelevant or ignorant of your own feelings, but for the first time in my life, in between staying with you and having to go to work like I must, it is as much as compulsory as intriguing, I am torn between.

I have to go and try my best at what I am meaning, I would want and try to stay with you unless.


Irrelevant, ire,

Relevant, lift again in French. Elevate.





We, why, wee, wry.

The why there is not animals hybrids, with multiple heads or other shapes, is because of lineage in the form of breeding.

We already have lost our genetics diversity.

Alarm, orca, oracles, Heracles.


Die verse city, quote, cite.







To respect old priests because they are virgins.

To you I can say ‘father’.



To be accused of living promiscuously by bigot. Big Goat.

Hetero may be promiscuous, as well as gay, we are the same. And it's their rights as long as there is happiness and consent, contentment and fairness in short relationship as well as long life one.

And as for gay we ask for marriage. we are not asking for our love to be recognized, if people recognized love they would stop trafficking and killing, but we are asking to be ceremoniously and legally be protected by the human community. we as people seeking couple and family. And we as human being in a communities who attempts at reunifying.

The eternal.





Environ, Environment.

About, vague, undetermined, as mysterious as life.

And if not treated as such, as sacred, will give and take, death.

Suffering. Fuss earing.




To answer the English native speaker, migrating in huge numbers for well-paid jobs (or well-paid job god), and benefiting from easy visa agreements and their propensity, propenposity, composition, proposition, pomposity, porosity, trends at thinking England made its money just due to its geopolitical space and situation.

Or hard working, that is about the migrants that work for hours, for nothing but to act like the ignorant, brainless, heartless servant.

 I hope they will deliver visa for non-natives as well. It is also true that an ‘international accent’ in English is sometimes more understandable than a strong English accent. Nonnatives know that.


Passport Requirements: UK, USA, Australia, Ireland, NZ, Canada

To protectionism discourses abuse commodity.




Please, plight.

Polite, light.

Politic itical, ethical.

None of it.




By 2014 United Nations Radio.

Children fleeing CAR are dying in Cameroon, says UNHCR



A scavenger collects plastic for recycling at a dump site on World Environment Day in the northeastern Indian city of Guwahati, June 5, 2013. REUTERS/Utpal Baruah

The largest democracy.

DE Mock won’t play.




They ask me often if I am a brother, a sister, a sibling, or else, perhaps an auntie.

I could anw answer that one does not for a second choose one’s family.

Of the human cupidity.

Scare scared.



Family, mill.


an auntie, hunt, out, ant, haunt.



Sill    seal           bing.





A piece of news: if someone still doubt global warming because at times it is freezing in hot spring or even in summer in the UK, is that because of the pole’s ice melting. The polar bear are now endangered species, I don’t know if you get it. SOON THE POPULAR POLLARD WILL BE, IF NOT THE DOLLARD.

And these guys preaching, warning that pollution of that scale and of a ‘superior’ ones is not happening. The sing signs that we are rely ruled by prostituees. PROSI PROSTITUE INSTITUTE.









“The duration i would opt for would be related to the kind of volunteering and to how much it would cost me”.

I said that to a volunteer organization while desperately looking to volunteer for people that need the most. No questions that with millions of refugees or people suffering from poverty or disease or from poor education one could have found a niche.

I was looking for it also attempting for the cost of volunteering be minimum as well as for the opportunities to give while there the maximum of my skills. Be slightly trained why not, since in Europe it is not any longer done. Dorks ’jobs. And also oblivious or restrained from thinking and acknowledge how poor and poorer society (all societies)- their range of destructionabilty, and inerty) will be.

Where you can find placement in posts you are qualified already, the most numerous or at least more advertised, for 1, 000, 3, 0000 pounds asked me!, for a few weeks of organized half work, half holidays camps.

These aren’t camps if you ask me.

At this price on definitely has to stop complaining about the price of university.

Rerun rich’s charity. Alm.      Lam, lab,.




They scrapped the petition and none is answering me why. To “own” (as in to have written) a website or webpage is so dangerous. your work can get binned without any possibilities for you to ask for your work to stay preserved- at least handed over.

Possibility for piles of books or other work of academic or artistic nature to go to burn.




A warm magnet appealing all, whole my sense, senses, sense of direction and reason, reason to sleep and slip happy, fulfil, comfortably near your heart, or the flow of pattern, neat, and nigh nightey. nighey.

near the heart that nourish your color, complexion and the hair, air, hairs that envelop the one i come closer with. to stay.

Then my skin, my feeling turn to be silk, skills, whatever that make it played, play, plague, pledge, lays, my eggs on your vicinity, vanity.

when i embrace ya. 




And talk to the animals, plants, and talk to the nature.

The re great shame when ones realise that they kill an insect without noticing he/she was too heavy or oblivious. We are legume.


Great, regret.



Insect, incest.



Eating, decomposition, invest invert inversely to composition.







Lethal, leather.

And lethal hoe hopefully, nature will find way to reincarnate itself into solutions that forbid to be this murdery.







Ana the mass,


Ann = marie,



However in a post-dictatorship context, and democracy building or democracy transition business might provide for the need of institutions.


Incidentally one could ask oneself why auto proclaimed democracy rely on business almost exactly the same. Are we forgetting colonisation, WW, and the censorship and the predation evidenced by and on the WWW.

Democratic states are in this actual same condition of being in transition.

Yes, but towards what??




And what if important sources, could disappear like a castle made of cards. Nowaday, now a day.

When what previously on the net have gone away, AWOL, a whale (of a time, not laughing though).


I don't know if you know but this video is now private, one cannot any longer watch it.

It was so brilliant. I hope that I will be able to find it back taken from somebody else.

I hope you have not lost this speech. maybe you should be taking your own speech on video


I hope you will duplicate the video, don't let anyone monopolise (or bin) your lectures.



Look at the score, YouTube used to scrap video with 'too many dislikes' Like 15     Dislike 14                        

While for me, this speech is the quality of a classic.


A Britain got talent, and X-factor democracy. Please don’t go, please don’t leave me.






Name ibis.

Name egypt, crypt, script,

Git. Gitan.

Git = lay.



Lay = slay.








 I write it with, and read it to my cat, but she said the human beings are generally too thick. As it is what they do endlessly eating chicks.

When will I have to write human rights thinking of her as well? Too complex for being (a) humane.


Be a vegan.



People write about how the creator, of what it made, or make us.

But there is no creator that would make through dolor, and terror. The pain, gratuitous, avoidable, experimental, on these animals. Are not, cannot be justified in curing illnesses. The ones who would like to cure diseases would attack the disease when it occurs by accident. In fact not attack but try to cure. These are not diseases but pain brought to a living beings. These are pain creation and other diseases formation.

That someone who create anything this way will perish, and what would we have to imagine as redemption? A knowledge of greater pain. Is it why human trafficking is high fashion, top of the bill, for all to remember how human is unconditional.



As I, my fried, graceful fridge, slave machinery, now, off past, even not in the poles will he face redundancy.

The average commodity.



Slave, lava.                                  Anyhow without the oil we drilled, earthquakes like earth attacks, hearth attacks of a planet that left her bacteria growing such as they ate its health and wealth, its multiplicity.

Duplicity.  Publicity.




Plight, fleece, lice.



Reproduction, n breeding as healthy activities, when it comes to look after the kids, help them, teach them. Good for physical, mental and intellectual health. Also for the passions and bounded love and time sharing implied.



“Monitoring and evaluating”.

When an organism has that kind of power over others, it becomes beyond crucial that it be done with all the care and attention bear to every situation and everyone’s rights and abilities (abilities to bring light and skills and improvement on the current knowledge and ways).




'A nation's treasure is in its scholars'?


And when everybody is and fight for life to vie, blossom, and wisdom to lie in peace and the way they treasure space, time and resources. and any other species.




Delayed. delayed.


Lay, ayl.                         Hell.




Laid, dail(y), dale, dedale.


Ail,          hail,       


Languages interview, interval, interwoven have construct correspondence and resonance to infiny.



Interior, posterior, anterior…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Superior,  =         not better, but another position.




I always miss having a girlfriend almost deadly’ or beyond that actually.

But I always weight it off with my dear moment alone, on my own, which I would not to become with somebody.

Today, and certainly for the first time I am longing someone who could be there, and help me, and hold me.


Friend, frame of mind, of mine.


Girl, gild, gold.




Be violent because it is cultural?? Or saying that it has to be kept pretexting it is cultural.

I think that I could be not so cultural as people say it is. torture, exploitation, slavery, maiming are the physical danger that human being faces, and that in any culture. it is simply different forms that has to be fought but the violence is the same. and at the end of the day while we have to conserve cultural diversity and knowledge, and inventivity, etc... We are one word, and violences done anywhere concern us all. and also violences done to beauty.








I used to be sporty. and year after year I opted more and more to transform my need for moving into cleaning, caring for people, animals, precincts, etc... well I am paid like that. but if I get an office job only I would like to volunteer for the RSPCA for example.






All discourse around protect of interest but what about attack of devasting devest.



When one understands that everything is alive, from animals to vegetals, to material. From my computer, to the salad in my plate, and all the plants of the planets. And the plan and the nets. And the meat that still are called so even though they are corpses industrially murdered, assassinated and tate, ate. Even though. The feast of the bandits. Not ass, nor assesses or assessed assizes but chorizo.

Assisting the deport, and the diseases, the trespassed, and the missed, in the haste and halt of all bunkers and genocides. The sirocco.

Sirup the nature serving as examples, the crucified, for the blood even not thirsty too much cinema on the account of the blood drinker of a race that should see its disadvantages, bande d’impuissants.


Entitled nazi.



Why would people take great care and time to juxtapose a big stone horizontally upon two other vertically- like in Stonehenge or other temples or tumulus-? To create a roof, a protection against rain and fall.


And to create a monument that could not be moved or dented.

If under enough protection and observation.


Hede, head, edge, age. Angles. Angels.




A society of charity instead of welfare state will put help and redistribution and reparations at the discretion of private person and secret selection.

It will become at the image, more and more, of the laws that will be produced. Laws without being applied systematically, without universality and equity. Without consistency nor reason.

Or absence of law or absentee applications.




Self-esteem as I adore myself, when I am wrong through alter loathing?

Respect are gained, I would say that in many respect in places and institutions they are bribing (with beautiful seat setting, and nothing when it comes to work and education. No wonder how social care (workers) find themselves being a pond, a nurture to adolescent prostitution. That is, a niche for pimps let on the roam.



Thank you for that. I write a bit like this so your criticism is precious. for you own essay i would say that in terms of human rights if i was taking very specific case studies i would try to compare them, cross compare them, in order to make sure that human rights progress be not confound with privileges. ex, the only ones that can afford education... because it would raise the questions, what are the people supposed to do to obtain these rights compared to others. Compliance, assimilation.(yes, yes man towards herd complexion, keeping people thinking they are critical while criticism = rejection, pariah..??



The wealthier, the more secure. In fact security should and had to aim at that, at being secure if long term of it. This made and makes perfect sense. My question was more about: are the wealthier getting more security at the expenses of the ones getting less wealthy, less protected. is this less in protection what permits wealthier to exploit more, be it individuals or situations?  also it could be interesting to jauge security vs liberty here. you know sort of secure in global golden jails, or the liberty to talk for wealth and growth, but banned from tackling their shortcomings or side effects.

And maybe the wealthier, the bar against justice could stand higher.


Wealthy, we all, the.

Not saying all can and are to get wealth through pillaging, ancient story.



Art permits a reflexion. Self or grouped. A link with others and although similar or identical to our call.

Higher purposed, throughout, that my essence, my existence, the fuel of my moving, will, fuel in some kind of sense, in every direction.


After listening indian Buddhist indhu whatever it is- god good godly meditation .

Thou rout,

Though out.





Lece, echo.

The ones of the guetthos, slaughter houses, that are kept aloof afar or in public places, when people want to further their paces.

Pace-maker not maker, peace for whom, the player,

The flute, not lute. The deflector.

Saying it’s the Israeli, it is the gaza holders, but who will establish peace, on 2 people put here on purpose, to crystallise and symbolise, boundaries and the lack of borders, the empty shop that will become or became false religion, just like Christianise.

And act it like watching them ambushed is a punishment position. When no solution without it to internationalise, lease, liaise.




To have viewed, ?, witnessed, seen, scened, to much suffering, for our heart to be taken, as l a life cannot be taken, some say that death leaves empty space. What it leaves is amputation.

It is also why life cannot be taken as penalty.




Not even seldom,

Sell dom.



One does not remember that we say s.o is educated because they are read. Does not mean that the dozens, hundreds, or thousands books did on them (or by themselves) well.

It is just the way people want to speak to nations that like behave like undergifted, ignorant, irresponsible, posing as prose pros prostitutes.

Pined pondered.



Diving love across, along, within two persons.

Divine, as love is beyond, love is belong.



We eat animals on plate. Pray for the nature not to give us the right punitive story? Not in fact stop praying, as if we were punished right away, an issue that could, an issue, not an exit, that could be averted is the exact reason, g, raisin, sour grapes, that allow us to torture them again and again, celebrations of our pseudo achievements with meat and living sea foods on mate, plate.

Nature, like a deraison, an alienation, attestation of her being powerless, have to let us, witness.

And by the same token, she will see us punition, punishment never ends.



The media freedom to distort, and sort out the information. Prioritising issues and evading (questions as well as) action.




I was wondering about blogging, Social Media (eg Facebook), etc

and the amount of free work (as in unpaid work) it is the produce of (work), how strong and powerful, able to shift decisions making, practises or attitudes are they comparatively.

Are they in fact efficient?

And if powerful, how powerful, their advantages and how potentially dangerous, out-of-hand, counterproductive, even to their original aims and objectives. Since anarchy is disobedience, opportunities of not following, even the reason why we are supposed to work on.




Every sane prs wonder about they really, indeed, come from.

And if they are not wondering, at least they don’t bother, and neither about others’ upbringing or origins.



Morality, the necessity to establish rules and balances for people to stop harming each other.

By Yale uni, Ian Shapiro.




Elites and information (systematic) redistribution.

Waiting for universities’ contributions.




One day I will remember this window, the view on the buildings and the tree. And think the day I die it will be like this day every day of my life, every day of mine. Think of her, instantly.





The only reason I fear death, is to lose the sight of you, even though you were gone.

You still were as long as I could tell, life was without end. For you. By you, and all its marvels, the sentiment, the feeling of you, its emptiness insane, crying, crumbling. A soul no nostalgia, just here, no want, no moving, but for the sight of a cliff, a river, a wood. Un bois. Aboit. Boire and jap (cry of langor or dolor and manage reach to be shapr even sharpish not loud but let the body be quiet just express his tears and tearings that play) and bark. In French bark = the howl of a dog, as well as a wood.. Abbey.





To be so ingrained in happiness and beauty. To live or imagine the perfect moment for what one’s life and believes may be. To be without a sound, to manage to breathe without air, or go on without breathing in that moment of bliss of eternity. End eternity.

You telling me.


Lia = in French bounding.

Lira = lyre, read.




Natural rights to express the infinite complexity, and the all emcompassing situation and applications of rights. Rights of all, and all creatures. In any tracks, groves, on every intention. Any situation, the intrinsic, intertwined contention.



Douzinas cites Samuel Moynn, historian.                   “Rights, within their inherent individuality have been elevated into universal vocations.”



C.ET: individualistic in their dimension (true in the human rights declaration, just a defense against gross and systematic, obvious and  relentless, gross and simplistic bullying dominion or domination, not against more elaborated violations, and also situate individual as a prey not as an actor having rights and duties towards overall community construction and stability, as well as prolongation.



I almost tramp on a snake while i was doing my 5 mn running. It was on the hills, many people go n walk there. It was on the peddled way. In china there is a lot of music, opera, pop, traditional, etc. I think that animals may just seek other animal company, in that case us. We may appear rather peaceful n respectful if they haven’t realised that we kill the planet, that we ordered their slaughter, that we eat them on plates. And that on top we could start destroying the jungle callin on health n safety procedures because they dare have defense if they are attacked, in pain, or tramped over.

She did not do it on purpose, i know it is a bit contentious what i think but what i think is that if you are poisoned n if it is not your fault then the poison will teach u, strenghten u, n has to be turned into a blessing. Look after her though because bite are often to be said to affect someone durably. Mind like the rest.



A little reminder of what is called sovereignty, in the case of national, regional, institutional… and the danger of declaring or claiming to be sovereign at least when rights and duties of others, or consequence are concern, the danger of the actual regionalisation, or the UN taking over and over by self servicing self interest. Or others’interest on the egotic and egoist condition.

Sell f ish. Shell. Llesh, ss, llehs, lich, leech,




Hobbes theory according to T. Hobbes. In Stephen B. Smith, Yale university.


‘Sovereign power remains absolute and non divided’

‘The sovereign and only it, the sovereign, is the source of law’

‘The law is what the sovereign commands’ also ‘known as legal positivism’

‘No source of the law or source for the law outside the sovereign’

 T. Hobbes. In Stephen B. Smith, Yale university.



God is a being, power, or force that all species and all other strenghs, h ta, that form some kind of unity would obey.









Woman Saves A Puppy That Turns Out To Be A Coyote



C.ET: yes, until knowing that the coyote was to be euthanized.

Is it the fatal or fucking story about humanity saving, helping?

Something else?

Fatal is too polite, or drama or romantized to describe that.



by http://www.thefreedictionary.com/apple


apple of (one's) eye

One that is treasured: Her grandson is the apple of her eye.


[Middle English appel, from Old English æppel.]








C.ET:                                 apple, like appel                       appel = calling in French.




Balance, lane.



Cadence coded.




Sear searching a prophecy, in a ls last attempt to ceremony, and ceremonisation such as Armageddon.

Arm        aged don.

Ar       mage      dondon.




The bible and all other religious books are in fact huma humble books describing thousands years of history, at the image and scah schal schoal, sh scale of human history.

Not about the history of universe. Merci, Mercy.



Voodoo and sacrifice, like the hostile, ostie...

The bread for h jesus’ body.



To serve a spirit, not necessarily, out of fear of something bad happens, but something less.

To have swerved from the way, one’s opportunity or more one’s path in a moment, our present. to be godly.

Our present



Crucifix, crucible.



In fact the old and new testament story are reminiscent of greek like mythology. Where there is in fact no monotheism. Monotheism would be the depiction of a god of all power and understanding. Not of one that permits satan in its concul. This is a depiction of polytheism with a force that is central, maybe the one presiding earth, but absent, and completely forgotten and impotent the unicorn, the universe facing.

Unicorn versing.

Verse = pour, spread, transmuting.




Or Hades, as


 the god of justice and riches.


Or the image of hell, possibly broadcast by the elite (el high height, ) in order to ink, imprint, what bon, boon people think of who is who’s, a criminal.


The image of hell, simply exhortation for the punishment, death penalty by the starving people under magistrate that would send them for having grabbed bread.



The elites keeping for themselves the ‘sacrosanct’ possibility, not right of course, neither sacrosanct, by any means, to condemn people not for what they have presumably done but on an account of witchcraft or heresy.

Demonic not spiritual order. Of course people could be setting up, for what they have not committed, but within these kind of regimes you do not have, you just have to work your spirit into saying, perceiving things of a mental order or disorder.


Witchcraft condemnation which through space and age, condemned more women.

The feminine boy body more mental than physical.

At face value.


Woe, move, women.



Bored with word and explanation. Spinning spunning with lassitude.

Or out of it.




Like ethnic e cleansing.

Slavery,          could become from lave = lava but equally laver = cleaning.



On murderers, theft, vandalism and injustice. To the ingenu of the radical and extremist or populist, leading (lie din, bin leaden leading) parties.

Spirit of expension, territorisation, possession (possession includes when community want what be taken for and utilised by one, or when people want to steal other people instead of producing or creating) and appropriation will do that.




Water and air. Both life indispensable, and threatening our existence in a matter of seconds or days. Both transparent.





I am a vegan, I still think that we are to find ways not to eat vegetable.


Spire, rites


Just like rituals come from abound, bonding, abundance(s), or shortage and when irreligious or irreverent, wasting.






Tall talking on growth rooting rot in political speeches instead of creation, creativity, art, sciences, renovation, conservation, care, thriving, nurturing conditions. A planet whose human, animal, and all element mission is the one of protection, love and recognition.




Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds - Ancient Sounds that Advanced your Consciousness

Jill Mattson

C.ET:   interesting lecture, on how sounds, instruments, music, performance, disposition, architecture, of course, and healing process as well as body and scientific research were to do with mathematics, or formulas,


She explains, very interesting I think, that for example each music has a positive and negative poles, like a magnet, and that the listeners have to be attracted by the kind of energy they need at the moment.


Which renders listening skilss active interaction with a piece of art, that is an instrument.




Patriarchies, matriarchy, patry list, lost, monarchy culture.

Prat, patriotic,

Partire. Pant.

Par tyre. Tired of it.              Pat, pat, pat,


Patrimony.        Mony, money, monastery.




The realm and business based on sacrifices.






There only could lie, openly lying religions, that manage the obscenities of not recognizing being the same family of a chimpanzees, and all other reproduction.






The churches that in trying to eradicate witchcraft and ‘pagan’ religion have in fact demonised catholic religion, by the use, official and tangible, of inquisition.

More than demonizing but just in fact being the demon.

Moni,                      money.






If god is represented as monotheist, etc, all empowered being, unit, concept….

I don’t know whether I express it well, but I know that it is also impossible (to do so).

Well let’s say better, then.

Bible is a joke of an acclaimed defended hero.




Drop your anger, dropped, dropped,

As when tiredness is too close to swallow you with pain, in almost no avail, you dare, you pray, you ask, the devil, the darkness to come and put you back into dark, empty matter, that could be less hollow, of having you as generator,

Generations. Generic. Genese.

Genese as a book is only a period revelations, as when the images collapse they must not be no period centred. That is when people see themselves in ancient stories, they see, them, their fates, elaborating, illuminating, illustrating, their species; when they do anthropomorphism, it is then.

We take for granted, the assurance of being paid, that all these notions, are humans related. But like the lamb, the human will otherwise, something else illustrated. Like the way its intelligence will be dying to have go on with farming instead of designing freedom for whom they had on and on ‘sacrificing’, not at all the for thousands of years butchering bill.



In no avail.

Avais +     =     to have, past tense.

Valais       =                worth, or cost.       Value.

Lavais        =          cleaning or cleansing.

Aval           =                    swallow or upstream.

Laval          =              French town symbolic of ‘cooperation’, ‘collaboration’, they were at work. Quel travail!

Available of course,              and eveil = aware. Awake.

In the wake of. Kawe, cave.




:        forced marriage, and other tactics to force people to a life of decrepitude, decay and self-hatred, or unconditional love that reveal to be blindness and drive healthy body to the desire of becoming corpses not for the living but for the livid, would only force the society to crumble, and battle. Till death, and auto destruction of course, as no one survives the stealing of love.


Living, livid, to live to desire death in order to find the life we had in ours, to find life (in) itself.

To live death like one will give it later.




Life, efil,              fil =    in French thread,


Feuille,                 leaves.

File =                          but also                            fille = daughter, fils = son           filial. 





Maze, mist.




To study beliefs, and magic like you study history.


To think that we have or at least can or may see supernatural, and forget that our energy is solely soul, sun, soil, soluble, sublet, suable. human.



Is solely soul, sun, soil, soluble, sublet, suable




One cannot command marriage, all the more because marriage may in fact be the most beautiful vessel of one’s life. Of one’s private life.

And then comes the inner life.

Beau = beautiful in French.

Boue, = mud.

Boeuf,           bull

Oeuf = eggs.

neuf = new, nine,

feu = fire, passed away.


= made, mud,

From dust, to dust, man will come and go back.

Argyle, terra cota, fragile.

Cote = rib, from Adam rib.  Bir, ber, bear, borne.

How frustration that should be. Then they write female come from a male. Bad, bad, mental mentality, mantle, of obscenities, all generations based on gene jealousy.




The Pieta has always been a very potent idol. It is in general for the Roman catholic, in France, churches were almost all following papal orders. 

When recalled this incredible piece of art, holiness, sainthood, in fact motherhood, just like ideas and principles are also parents, family of beings and minds, also seeking for their souls in a world that is beyond terrestrial, and certainly beyond human, an apology coming from the books and words, of absolute, absurd order they may have often drawn. 


Typically not a Christmas symbol, but still one of maternity and sanctity. I heard it was something like an image of inevitable, inseparable support, perhaps like a coming back to the source of love, origins of all actions and resolutions, of all commitment and completion.

Almost hidden, for me it is also source of piety. Lasting, maybe entering or sent eternity.


And though unbearable.

Lasting, sale.




Admittedly far reached, the pieta by Michelangelo, like a flower, such as the lotus in Buddhism.

Unlike the lys, symbole of royalties’.





C.ET: a lotus resembling the lys.

Or potentially the grail.




In Tibet, Buddhists monks give worshippers corpse to be eaten by the vultures.

Relativing I think the inevitable needs for us to find food. As we are as well. At least can provide food for animals that cannot prevent (yet) being carnivores. Or anyway cannot prevent eating, as matter, all food for sure source is alive.




Time, emit.






Time, met, empty, et eat emit, limit.





Vers = towards in french or around. and round and round.


Vers, rev, reve = dream.



Willing, illing, healing,

W, letter-shape, like a cup, supported by another.




Doing one’s job or one’s life like a machine.

And when understanding the lack of understanding, or a fault,

How violent our readjusting must be.

Perhaps in one flash see the work clocks go back and forth, at least see it.

work clocks that have all my movements dancing and going, while I call this dynamism and will.


Will will lliw, live or leave.




Ferity. Fierte = pride in French.


coming from feral.





Its ‘Ca Ira’ , ira,               era,                                         to go, the will to go.






Lap,    palm.


Pole, pile, pull, pale.





The tiny but grosser and grosser of any star, start, state derision of love unreturned, unshared, mutating, or mute, its mutineers is that big ego i guess i love her (err)



The tiny but grosser and grosser of any star, start, state derision of love unreturned, unshared, mutating, or mute, its mutineers is that big ego i guess i love her (err) more and more for she was the one permeating (permitting) a dream to go on and vogue about: being loved an in return to make the best of that. A someone that would like what you are and what you are, at your best, receiving her support, and getting better for that. And if, i, don’t get any better, as life is too complexes for that, and more perplex than somewhat, at least i would not have become the damned les. Less, and lesser, as aspiration of giving warmth and a nest is looming now; as the what can have; while another would pry andes endlessly prey on ya. prey on you.

It is for and it is thanks, or due, to my ‘study’ that i was waiting. Waiting for as deep as long as without limits and bound with. Bounded with.

One sure they cannot alter their point of view? Or would it be possible to have a suit, as in french it means follow as fellow. Fell low.



Birth, berth, bred, brew, brave, brief, breath.




Eagerly (hear, girly),

Eagle, haggle.




I am sorry about your resident.

Die, dying on this day as always something symptomatic or good chance it has. When working with older people, death takes another meaning certainly? And also the day one will die that would have a significance for them knowledge only. Do not have to be Sundays or Christmas to be linked to one’s life, like crazy.



Cry.     Az, has.                  Haze, easy. Assit = to be sitting. Ass sit.

Race, raze, craze,               raze = come close or shave, or pull something down to the ground.



To protect one’s love,

And mutate as she needs her protection to be perfect.




Esprit,           eprise,   priset, prise                    = held. But definitely feminism, feminine.

Saint esprit   = the holy ghost.





Obol.             Sinbad,











Sym                                                                         receiving.




King of this earth of the dead, for the next rulers, and then us, even me.

Mind it is practical, no fear no more of being beheaded.




After the shock not pretending to have to watch t.v. facing my losses, the wastages. My fur and furious reciprocity.




If I could sue Microsoft for all the files that lost, erased, itself or did not record when they were supposed to; I could life on bail.






Life is about thinking, including every single animal, every species.

I guess it is the same for all live, matters including, but cannot even think of that, since I did not manage to go beyond my conditions, or even not almost try to fight it, even though I know it. Because of my comfort, I deserve no compassion.

And when we are at it, we cannot but thinking of the divinity. Divinities, the raw, crew, crude critic? cartel, certitude of creation or of re-creation and the certitude that though within we are beyond, outreach, we are servants in the sense that we won’t belong, know or being accepted. Or at least not our sense of divinity, life unless one joins what we kill, and let kill, is only the witness of decay. Decades, decadent. Decay, decoy.




Could not lie, live without thinking of the divine.

To life, to think of the divine. To life, to think, like all mat matters and met and end animality.




Could not lie, live without thinking of the divine.

To life, to think of the divine. To life, to think, like all matters and animality.




To wag.







 E er nity

Se re nity.




An author when asked if it draws on personal experiences, ‘imagination’, or the tales, or telling of others, can not always say.

Was it that the reality? Till? Lit? the essence? Quintessence, or that life of absurdity?

Surdity =              hearloss, hearless.

Beyond it.

When, hen.

Whereas, thru thee three. Therefore.

Here and there. Beyond, yore, be.

Pond, nod, don, donate, pawn.




I don’t want even to go to bed. As tody is today even if without your knowledge or acknowledge it would have been a pain. But paid because today unlike tomorrow I am free of you, running away, absconds, towards nobody that I can identify as myself, or as the one I wanted to be.









My thrill of writing coming from my thinking for her. Any moment, was dedicate.

The dangerous matter is that since the writing is a milestone of not directly the love- it would be divine, a taste of ideal- but milestone of just what was intellectually managed.

The intensity of collecting this indirect result, phenomenon, of being with the knowledge of your existence, to live with this on the only private and fragile side of my mind, on the only story that was not obligations, circumstances, logics, moral, social, duties, but on the only story that could have covered my whole having been humane. Humanity.

You know it is only for example if you d need to be a super hero to success and you train and you train but whatever you train you die in the process and you training your performance are your body. You body that will decay, your body to whom is asked other tasks that the one to super ego. The body or bodies, embodied, that still carry










King of this earth of the dead, for the next rulers, and then us, even me.

Mind it is practical, no fear no more of being beheaded.







My access, or excess of despair, disrepair, hut hurt, that leads me or allow me to take a break, to take too long a consideration over me.









Ex-cease, cessa. Essay. Seizure. Session, secession




As for mother earth, I wonder, wonder?? Marvel?? If she is able to tremble, any longer. In a.

Maybe not but crack certainly so. In her last act of rebellion if she does not wish for her inhabitants to have her not borne, but torn. Blown, in and out, completely dead. Daed.

And count on what will come to avenger her. Come and go.



Retort. Rot.




On politeness, and social theory.



The devil in day light would appear to me, as a human monster, even though it could kill me in a move of its pawn.

The same on during the night, the end of humanity.



And possibly distanciation. Not even what our lifes will be able to put away for very long. Put it down won’t do or go.




An author when asked if it draws on personal experiences, ‘imagination’, or the tales, or telling of others, can not always say.

Was it that the reality? Till? Lit? the essence? Quintessence, or that life of absurdity?

Surdity =              hearloss, hearless.

Beyond it.

When, hen.

Whereas, thru thee three. Therefore.

Here and there. Beyond, yore, be.

Pond, nod, don, donate, pawn.




Here wiki is very wrong, it is true for Facebook and google, but BBC is not under censorship. As far as I know maybe their Chinese speaking channel is, but not BBC channel.

Should keep in check information of this importance.

Well if china stopped censorship and the west imprisoned the abusers and crooks on the web, streets and in offices, all slavagists from elections to red quarters, we could eventually be happier and stop this argument website story.




The magic of incantations connecting, calling, adversaries dinities. Such as figures whose relationship is based on revenge of a loved one for examples. Call the murderer of their husbands, sons, wife, daughters, parents…at the dam same time as the grieved.




Her o.

He row.




Mecca and Ka'ba temple, kabal.


But in fact, could the prophet of Islam be a representation not of jesus, but of what the catholic churches order themselves to perpetrate in evocation, in invocation of the bibles, and the gospels?






I am out, am out. But pet, we are in the wood.




Be b(Eating) up.




‘Don’t do damage to the company reputation.’

The Nazis in praising information.




The campaign they have been launching, lunching is irrelevant.



Incantations, which give the words, or the sound, the sense.

To have chant a certain names for hundreds of years, could mean that when this sound, in fact the same phonemes are chanted, several hundred years later, they might bring the same invocation or evocation to the earth that bear them, and then to the speaker that spoke then or the hearer that listens to them, then.




The scholars wonder, if the kings kept the irrigations scarce on purpose, to ensure their power, influence and wealth.[10][18][19]



C.ET: or to regulate populations, and civilities, and to leave the lands unoccupied and much more unexploited. Undrilled and pomped by H ‘sovereignty’.

Earth, a deity. Violated by her servants. The Earth, the Sea. Servants as she was lodging and lording, and loading them, and mothers of what, all what surrounding them.




Middle East organ transplants

Trade on organs, and the west let them, awaiting nosily, some kind of completion?






Who is the head of all of this. Sociopathy, in this department sociology drives it. Apathy.


Pathy, pathos. Loss.

Path,               faith.

A pat.

Ath, half, affres = limbo.


Sociopathy.       Pa(th(y.             pay.




Une guerre au mots, homo




Hundreds, hoarded.

Hoarder, order.



Endeared scarcity.

Endured scarcity.







Cime = apex, top of the mountain in French.

Cime, climb. Dome. Cone.

Cime, homophone, seem.

Babel tower. Decked.


Servant (servable, helpful, survivable, viable, survival.



Intraseque, sequence.




Politically mocking (ad hock




Deposer a state,                                to dismember, or discard a static institution able to help its nations.

Disposed people, population.

Genocidal neighbouring.





Deicide, decide

Dei,                  side.




Be for.



Fiancialles = ru, ruin, reunion




Right, height.

May, might.



Carthage, carthegian, for us carthei, cathe, carthesian, to prize - opulence, prise = prendre, comprehend or size. Seize, reprisal.






Peser, penser a une autre femme, que celle qui m encor, en corps, ensorcele.




Meth. Myth,

Method, myrrh. Mirrored.




When this is not occurring then humans = H tell and ordain themselves as

being god and religion becomes the bearer of sectarianism, the

condoner of totalitarism.



S.pit, crept, script







Your life without I would have become and still do, a monster as thirsty, thrusts, as bloody for you.





The probe, problem

The pro-blame




Garage for the moment, I start having fear about holocaust, abc, about which property could protect security a little longer than the ranting theory. Domina, no one can rent to anyone no more, if they have the jew.wej-wages.




Satan, d’antan,


Antan, once upon a time. Of yore.

Attend,       wait.

Attempt. Temptation, temps.

Top, step, tip, dii, dimmer, temporal, times.

Times immerse immemorial.

Dimmer. Dine.




Just to furnish an example on how the students now are taught one art, the throwing chair, tables, before throwing people.

In UK’s classroom.




At chase.






Ban,                              banc = in French for bench.

Ban, nabab.

Bon = French for good.





Savoir, savior





I could have fell in love with my mare had she had the same judgment than you. To find every day the spirit that conducts skies, lands and air, and hug her with the whole surface of what is in me me-happy. Apex, complex.


Amen (in French transform in amene=bring it on)





One’s 33 years old, 25 years waiting. A quarter of century, waiting. And what to expect but crucifixion, in the name of the people, taking your name to make pass love for even plus bete = (beta, bite) in French, stupid and animal.

Crux, croire = to believe, credo……………………         fiction.

The eternal is without nom. Non.      Mom, nominal, seminal.        Sem, semence = seeds, semen.


Semence, sec, séance. Sequence. Sequester, equestrian, eloquence. Esquire, descrier. Destiny, destrier = the horse. Destroyer. Troye, helen of troy, and troyan horse. Toy.

Destrier, trier = sorting out. Like humanity one day can be ‘sorted out’, that is the one with means enough to pay themselves and bender bunker or a vessel to go where t it is still possible to breathe and eat.

a same, insane, mess, or mass.

Sae, same, ame.

Ame, amen.

Ame = soul.                       Lous, loose my mind.         Solu ble. Solu tion.         Ion.

Lous,           lo           us.         Lot us.                 Lotus.





Dieu. God in French.








Este = to be.



I could dream about a world at the quest of its real mysteries, mutanteries.


Marriage, arm, ark, are, mare, ram,

Ramer = rowing in French.

Suite. Infant. Fantin, fantassin.




Worm, worn, wrough, work, work, work, and who is gonna repair what is left of our ego, and Dulcinee. Destiny.



Aggress, agree

Res,= reign.

Ree = rise. Rigour.

Ree, eer, ear.






Infant, in it.


In fine, within it.




But you’re (are, rea, era) my wife.




It is just to I d (told, I, I’d, would) say.






In- measurable. As we don’t know what’ in.

And to believe we do, or to inspect without the ultimate highest respect, is killing.






Like the, one’s fawn, foal.








Atism,                        haste.






There, here, terre.




A world growing upon ) inter-subjectivity, that is a shared believe, will be, and become elevating, the day it will be shared, and drawn from animal and all what comes from the world. Alike.

The day.





Theo, rising.


Ethos. Terror.




When you think that the Christians after the lamb story, invented a devil to be a goat, to the roast embelly(sh)?

Embalms of avilissement, abasement.


Abject, object.








Alight, allow.



Glacial. Glas (tune, toll)

The last toll.



Abuse, sub



Con state (constater = notice, realize, understand)



Redeem, Dream.




Vice versa.

Vice verse.






Nombre = number in French.

Nom.     = name








Been (ban).



Life (elfi-healthy)



The day he would kiss her, she could imagine herself throwing into the deepest waters, to contain, no, to reassert boundaries, and because the bomb could leave her up to the sea.




Goddes, Iris.





And if the apple tree was standing for a genealogic tree.





But then I met her, and the more I was looking at her, the more was I falling into the ground.

Not a love at first sight per se, because I was happy by then, feeling like traveling the word, land, skies and waters without a tear for not having married any females. But my sight and ears hers became.






Ram,            mare.





The day you are dead, no gender, no race, nor age. Just a life, before and afore.


Four ward.       As many as horsemen as there is directions, but on earth there is 4 since we deny the deepest to come back, forth and sure, surely won’t buffer nor buffoon.




To beg god for her to be my wife, as to beg for (frau) her to stay, or for me to do whatever she needs, as her, as hers, its stay, as her his say.




I am a roaming traveller but when I think of you, my soul tur into statue.




I am a roaming traveller but when I think of you, my soul tur into statue.

My, yours or mine, soul entire, tired of solitude that can be broken by a one that want it to move on her center, and stir, shift no more, than a feather to see you.

For the love of you, most endure. En dur.

Dur, rude,             solid, though, hard-on, HARDENED. Den, hare, hazard, chance, hence.





I thought that the wolves and others were hauling howling at the moon in remembrance or greetings to their lovers. I think now or did I understand that they in fact call the moon itself.

Have I understood.


Mood. Toad.




When the thought of you, took everything around. That has to be love, otherwise, lost energy that makes my soul succumb. Be it commitment, involvement, dedication from now. The by whom I did transform.




:            Human rights literature,     maybe too concentred on redistributive justice, as effectively posing as naïve. Because of losing view of the danger for injustice to become worse. In every domains, freedom, creativity, research, invention, preservation, human, environmental,

Ever again.



Naïve, knave.








On people claiming direct participation to democracy was only possible in city-states. :           not if grass roots is taken into consideration.     Problems here is not participation but control and cohesion.







Belle hive.

Lieve =leave,

Liber, liberty, liebe = love in German     lievre = hare in French.


Belly eve.

Bell – he –heave –ene

Est nee = to be borne.


The egg/chicken complex reshape by the bible and the templiers.

Templiers = Templars.    

Temple ares.                    Temple lier = link,          plier = bend.



Bend, den.




To protect human rights and assert them as natural laws, no need to be religious only, humanist, worth being listened to and with. Not live at the expense of someone else, that is live propagating death and not wealth, that is contrary to life. What everybody owns- life.


Human rights




Equal rights to freedom and well-being.

Ok, but you must work for it. Need and right to work.

Work, towards development of freedom, wellbeing for everybody and everything.




Problems of their rights as their own ‘good’, in expense, detriment of the others’.




The right of nature, forgotten, while human rights are borne from natural laws.

The right of nature only almost recognised as being at the service of what human see fit to be at a, the, more centred of his own personal wellbeing.



Pere, pater, son… etc.

Revolting? The nature will eat this word even, that in fact of true care never brings. See its sons, eaten by their brothers, and in slaughterhouse, and manslaughter? Laugher even after, concentrated.




Social rights such as the right to work at a decent work, with decent aims, in a decent way and for a decent wages…

Made dependent, at the service, of economic perceived or avowed performances.



I do not even have a complete guide with my Microsoft software, that is butchery, we should get rid of this mate.


I won’t insist in case it has the power of even more express censorship me via google on the internet, or why not loot my computer, after having done that to my data and time via a software you need ill conceived courses to apprehend always in only half.

When you think they do not give you the hand book lesson for that.



V:    the problem is that F1   or  help is help and hopeless in Microsoft, who is the dummy, and friendy not even to their buyers then.

Buyers, good bye, but cannot even the monopoly of the mass,        naz.




The planet as a world you do not respect, don’t try to look further.

Fur                ther.



Seeing a documentary on Egyptian believes.

Seeing a rising or setting sun, I wonder, at the time where people could see in the distance, whether the myth of underground would not come from there.

The sun, disappearing, under the earth, coming down to, going into, under, hell, the sun inside then.


The setting sun, I think I remember a phrase that I heard in the past, swallow by the earth.




Thoth, Egyptian god of magic.



Thought so.




In carnated,





The god is nature.


And beyond us more than supernatural, but le’t s not attempt to describe what could not open doors to us, as we are a looting sale espece. Loose, lose of space.






Del,               deal                                                               led.                   




A spirit of our psyche in          Egyptian antiquity  called       ‘ach’,         pronounced, pounced, trounced ‘art’.




Psyche, scythe, space,               spice,        ice,          speech.




How states, and ‘other companies’, might at will, remove people or subjects being searched. That is if someone is published that you don’t want other people to read, you can pay someone to put the targeted material down the list of google or other search engines.

You can obviously, like previously recorded on this blog, pay to make the headlines or to be up lists.





I managed it because i was in honk kong to obtain a visa. i think it is a problem for me because i work in mainland china. Censorship sensitivity. Perhaps. 

Thanks for asking i might have had problems if not. 

Still i found amusing that censorship in china would correspond with a reading list a bit remote from the core of the course, but i cannot find a reason why the reading list would be in itself a sensible subject, unless it is in phase with the almost faint and evasive fashion of all universities when it comes to describe their curriculum??


Still till.








[1] and protective of its sole certainty, to be. Cannot quite approach how then would people prevent too much undergoing a philosophy, or a society, or their lack of boundaries, internal or external. Finite or eternal.


[1] And what then would be validated out of the state of being aware, if it was to stay as it is, vulgar, sadistic killers. Nowadays even killing for fur, cosmetic, useless experimentation.              But even to have access the technology to eat healthily and though killing animals to satisfy taste and a reluctance to change, even if we take comfort increase more than happily, now amongst our taken for granted lists of rights, and liberties.



Philosophy being make believe human can just get rid of their abode. Of their unique abode. What can it tell us about the degree of human dependence on corruption, erring for not being able to react to this. Thinking they will dompt nature, as they recoil in front of the smallest, human unadaptability, by theorising on their superiority in pollutant, invasive, excessive, all-ranging discourses that use lying on a so regular basis that the norm is the acceptation of the grotesque. At least people do not give up to panic even when it is clear we are dying errance for not being able to react to this.





When does alchemy apply to texts?

Following for this time the principle, of what did I create?




Greece near Italy near Constantinoples near Serbia near Damascus, near Austria, near dark sea, near Adriatic, near






Do you know the Serbs were backed by Russians during the Kosovo, Bosnia, Herzegovina wars. And now china as a Russian ally? With censorship by the kremlin and human trafficking orchestrated by abandonment and mafia. 











We had too much fun. Our fun will come, kill us, and take us. One cannot really joke not when they know how much suffering is around .suffering we could intervening, and how shorter are lives because we are too carnivores to desire life as sound and long as the ones of vegetables.




All the strategies of goodies-goodies explaining at length that god has provided for adam and eve…

That the planet is for us to take, in an attempt at strengthening the appertunance, of a same species.

Space  up to space non content to be a predator, with the intelligence, and practicality of becoming a vegan and to try to spare life…they become the unimaginable, incredible, top of the crust parasites types. V.




The reality of free will, is to comprehend that though I tried to listen to and obey higher instances and understanding than me or at least than me alone; my peers, strangers, neighbours, experts, wise, experienced as well as my deepest meanings, hopes, dreams, and instincts, or thought that were instinctual, I now know that even though I am not aware of all of the implications of my acts, I know by heart and head that I followed such says or advices as I would have devices or instructions, and that it was definitely for the worse because my soul still cry of anger, refusal, frustration and confusion. But first, fist, and fierce, and foremost she is lamented not by feeling by the crimes that do not allow redemption.




All cultures are equal because the definition of a culture is how to search for god or good. And we have all failed.

At it.

Attic. Ceiling not skies cite, its, ist, inset, site. Ciel. Chill.

Silence. Coal. Seal.
















The reality of free will, is to comprehend that though I tried to listen to and obey higher instances and understanding than me or at least than me alone; my peers, strangers, neighbours, experts, wise, experienced as well as my deepest meanings, hopes, dreams, and instincts, or thought that were instinctual, I now know that even though I am not aware of all of the implications of my acts, I know by heart and head that I followed such says or advices as I would have devices or instructions, and that it was definitely for the worse because my soul still cry of anger, refusal, frustration and confusion. But first, fist, and fierce, and foremost she is lamented not by feeling by the crimes that do not allow redemption.



C.ET:Within that types of discourses, where health might become a way of adbancing political agenda, enriching certain people and institutions to the detriment of others, as develop goes hand in hand with vandalism on older object or unfashionable ways and the lethally threating pollution. Somewhat a person attends for what she will bring of health to her community, economic potential, to a community that would and have used her life for the same effect as a prostitute. In this framework of ideas the individual still belongs to the community who is asked to bring her health in order to be able to have better reconduction, or production rate. Of course it is certainly a way to explain why prostitution is bad and counter effective, ultimately damaging individuals and society, but to explain it only and to justifying only as a worse investment on return is bordering infantilisation of the people one is addressing, as well as being completely oblivious of how other ways of life- risks taking, politisation, pionnerism, invention, exploration, resurgence, insurgence, polyvalence, beyond data. Yet again the stigmatisation of prostitution serving the mainstream society into they are above questioning, because they are more healthy?

C.ET: a means to an end theorisation all over the literature and put forward by the unicef itself, that is of utmost concern. Following the cosmopolitan view that we might not reach an agreement because we agree on the causes but on the outcomes. Here the socially raped and imprisoned in socio economic role and prostitution is still the object of instrumentalisation, view as a data, a way of basic health not overall stances of the how exploitation and sexual exploitation is done, not mention of the level of atrocities taken place. A taboo on the state of our society, displacement of the subject on how come this type of violations co-occurs with wealth and a more modernised, efficient, elaborated world, that allow have and have-nots and could start counting prostitution as work, children as robotisation via foetus modification, organs trade a stock exchange activities



Just like explained in the first chapter of this essay, though holistic approaches are necessary to prevent abuses the fact that donors and actions deal with all ranges of child exploitation covering labor, physical violences etc, diminish clear and sustained program specificially on sexual exploitation or sexual abuses to take place. We also have seen that added to the confusion on how to define and target precisely those abuse, the sense of its being particularly horrendous, and the sense of its gravity, and with it the appropriateness of sanctions and the emergency of such situations, all of them have been affected and people are left in inaction or without the necessary tools.

No mercy, emergency.




All cultures are equal because the definition of a culture is how to search for god or good. And we have all failed.

At it.

Attic. Ceiling not skies cite, its, ist, inset, site. Ciel. Chill.

Silence. Coal. Seal.








Maybe to try to find the beginning, is to say i ll find god, which is made pretty impossible the moment you beg the question.



Theorist very more and more afraid of the practise, as they brought them far from their field and impatience make them do bad things.

Or not to be able to solve the way they had created it or envisage it in the previous scheme.




Some despair the size of touching life and death disputation, boundaries and abandon, drives the body to the bridge of its wooed, won breakage. So if is the body, what is going on with the spirit.



Am me that stop being there, that stop speaking with these people that ain’t my church or things like this, after my comedy finishing in a errors bigger than hers, that was I thought were, just having to nod at I could do nothing without a network that would have helped me. Or the next life beneficiary.

Not wanting to speak with meat eating people, and finishing not being able to do this little rescue on my own. So much so that I became viper, despair.



Animal rescues.

They are stories that draw tears. But another facet are these stories of pseudo rescues when the pet is trusting again, a human attention before being put down. Illustrating, our half way living.

Never do that, please never put them down, or you will realise that with them more than a part but finally you are dying.



Host, haunted.

Hostile, ostie,  is not about taking a body, but share the life, like one has to share one’s table. A not the table he should have if he had the success of the man seeking money, but the table of the one that fought for life, till he never abandon anyone.




To look for signs in nature, mind we are nowhere but in nature, so good luck to us, since we killed and belittled her a lot.

To look for look in nature, means in the first place that nature is supposed to create shape intended to us, or intended to our understanding. Why nature would not communicate forms we do not know, and then cannot recognise just like this, why is it supposed to give us a reading that is easy, without having deserved it, by serving her, and know her enough that she can entrust us with some of her living? Why, because on top we pretend not to understand or give a damn about others’ of her creation languages and all of the sudden she would make one for us to be in the light of her love and care.




When the victim is a child, they cannot really comprehend the damages, the horrors, the subsequent disability or instability, suffering, violations will cause.

It might take them to grow adults and witness other lifes, or to live a whole life as adults before realising how much, and how profoundly their being have been altered. Often by the simple fact an individual will put all their energy into readjusting, and sometimes readjusting to situations their initial carers made sure they would not fully understand or in fact know at all.

Typical, to make someone illiterate with the aim of having to read, will take off 10 years of an adult life down the path, because this has not been done when the victim was a child.

Also illiteracy for example might be used as a way the kids are not in sync with other kids anylonger, and spend too much time learning what they did not in childhood, while it is not anylonger what their peers are about, to forget, to dismiss what has kept them behind – illiteracy yes but what about other violations?




And cult.




On copyrights who would mind that people post modern post mortem do not get your first name right or mistake you for another one. To write and ‘create’ for the sake of time and space, comprehension and elevation. To elongate your link and sink not without a trail. Are not faithfull writers who hide information through fear of being copied, are not writers at all.

Faithfull, or faith in lust. No loss for the feral, fierce, fear world.

Faith lull.

Or of the myths a cool recollection, making personal achievement too impossible for their followers to seriously trying, collection of what have been done by several serious warriors instead of one being given all the attributions. Just like the wealth without elegant fair, fairy, redistribution.

At least for some.







The fact that we spend most of the time fearing for humanity, others, fearing of others, and disgracing not nature, but disgracing ourselves taking it on nature, destroying it or preserving it just for consumption and future mutilation, beside the fact that we will dearly pay, also unelegantly and above all unwisely blow on your face every om moment of the day that we have got an ego problem the size of a towel.






In intelligence, when one does not manage to comprehend at once, they have then to break it down; it is at this occasion an access to other realisations, path, and concoctions.




One needs to know every myth to feel one with not nature only but the universe. The elements bercent, berceau, rock and cradle our loneliness, homme seule.

Seule, solo, lone.



Sea, Seal soul.


Of our intellect, so distraught when it stops to co-contemplate. of what he has (for) reflect.




Radeau, raid, craft. Raft.



Lent ,cent, scent,



Hijo, son.




But even the aster could (may) not manage to summon wisdom and love enough to realise sooner than later that love at her turn she could betray, refute, and throw in the air.



No one would feel the meaning of sacrifice, if we talk to the moon as a way. As life but not to condescension but ascension.




:              The right to property, or of now growth and damned prosperity, in fact very much in diapason with land disputes.

Sin. Son.




Sociology and human rights: confrontations, evasions

and new engagements

Patricia Hynesa

, Michele Lambb, Damien Shortc and Matthew Waitesd



the need for sociologists to

find a universal normative foundation for their approach perhaps leads to a narrowing of

the scope of investigation               815.



C.ET:    or the seeking for universality would bring us to research up to the atomic to be brought to its simple diversity.

To be brought to his knees, knot, or humility. To its demise, or to their avow that they ain’t so unique, one. The omen of the unbreakable, brakeable, the mystery of the anonymity.

Exquisite, exclusivity.






Pi,              like,              n.

Like you, Nina.

Philosophy and its part.

Pie and eternity.




To search for longetivity, with the turning point of searching for eternity, or imperishibality.



Cannibal, carnal.



Perish, parish.




‘The association of human rights with universal

and foundational claims about humanity means they can appear to exist independent

of social foundations, and indeed beyond the realm of social reality(Hynes et al, 2010).


C.ET:         premises that human is superior and not a part of something, that would be functionalist by the way.

Refuting that society is the fruit of humanity but anyhow humans the fruit of the universe. Would it b too cosmic, or would it lay fundations for more than communal care but also for rights and duty much at the center of controversies such as environmental rights. If humans would be recognised as being a part of the universe, then resources could then stop being considered as being at the society’s entire disposition, and this consensus on resources being at the right of human consumption, itself at the center of human peace though lined with human race = racing to resources and sovereignty.



Or the seeking for universality would bring us to research up to the atomic to be brought to its simple diversity.

To be brought to his knees, knot, or humility. To its demise, or to their avow that they ain’t so unique, one. The omen of the unbreakable, brakeable, the mystery of the anonymity.

Exquisite, exclusivity.




The only way for nature to have permitted humans to destroy hers, is that human will ultimately invent either their own extermination or their own way of becoming hybrids again, that will the reinsertion of wild animal genes, or animals but just having to destroy the sheer stupidity and dishonesty that animates human to consider itself otherwise, not unique but morons.




I knew I lived for her, giving her all my moments of inspirations, almost of all what was motions. But this because I did not witness her trahison, treason, reason, even though I knew she left me, for something, someone that was not me, probably despised me, but anyhow I would kill for anysing, sing, sign of any comprehension, understanding, any pity.

So what was I really?

Sign son, sing song.




My sould had been so tormented, that surely love waited for met, for me, the channel, to be mature enough to denounce you to the police of the gods.

Love in the waiting.

Entrance, of death by dance.

Me, met.




Child marriage, rapes….

C.ET:           and of course it is in those countries homosexuality is depict as vile because one fucking sure thing is that if homo are like hetero, it would be a duplicate of hell very soon. It is why the homos, just like the muslims that fight arranged marriage and all that is unholy in their countries, the homos should make sure that kids are protected. Because becoming like the mainstream story is too dangerous, they keep on proving it.


To cut the chase cultures say that they respect each other because they want to eat each other. Stay where you are there will be war, we are disrespectful of everything, kiddos and all, and who will be able to nourish population in a while anyway, but for the moment they are just all to busy doing and redoing their homes every 6 years to look like if they were developed, the mafia will price the market and who and how you will be able to stay put in your quarter, the mafia will also say.




For the hope to go through, pass, and passed world, to go on strong enough to be heard by some, one must find and honor love.




Explaining that light comes from an atomic explosion.

An explosion.




If atoms could not be divided, reduced to sub-atomic elements, they could have been duplicated within anti-matters theory.


Unique antic attic  drastic, desist, deistic,





Intimated-ly intimately 



Mon amour,

Do you want me to call you mon maour? Ame-our.

Amen. Ame = soul in French, Latin.

Manor, mane, manure, armour, honour.

Homer, Mansour, sour, sure, islam, Siam,

Si ame.

If soul. Is lamb, or land.


Lane. Sane. Vain. Vein. Cane.




That anyhow in term of time and space, thoughts must be travelling faster than light itself. Less fast though than pour, pure intuition.

Intra not infra construction.




Intimatedly intimately 











I think a good doc on possible other environmental problem. We had man centric, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphous... and this entirely man-made. But who will be able to unmade, no redemption has not this function. Or perhaps, let's hope and pray. But not for the sinner. Let’s hope we did not actually killed what we have killed and that repentance, might revive them, here is the deal. As for the killer, salvation is to embellish hell.

And perhaps the cycle of life will not encircle us for eternity. For humanity.



God all-powerful, a possible reality, within their world. The all-powerful idea of being able to tend, to reach out to this goal: the one of perfection and love.

And also the daily defeat of not being able to stop indulging, to redeem say of oneself that we are nothing, and stop trying to do something purer than the day beginning by the end is no more than death by living.

All powerful in something.

Where, everywhere, in us including.



In every being.




The dom, demonization also coming from being fed up, with being human. In a sense of their restrictions or in the sense that their organisation is simply or aiming at our true skills and seeking or to those of others, animal, environment, spirituals. Or altogether ogre.





The ‘sacralisation of human rights’ could in practise result in the one of the private person, leaving the staff or other person not here mentioned, doing what sacralisation implied: adoration. The very old complaint since human rights as a notion appears, is that rights are becoming obnoxious if only one person is helped or protected by them, or if only a part of them is observed, and respected. Over-growth, under-growth.



Universal rights are repelled because they are the clear proof that one cannot even once build a society on the robbed or robbing privileges that the same defends so dearly.




The key to eternity is to stop killing. The moment you touch to environment is it the equivalent of the paradise crumbling.

For our soul, or the sake of it all. Maybe it is that hell, knowing that you killed yourself into a damned. In the abyssal of the old age.




In that Islam took back Christian myths and whereby prolonged them.




To explain why universal primary school is not met and how to stop that situation from occurring.

It is very informative at the same time it does not sound like they would improve education in itself it is more a program on privatization I feel.





I would suggest that people for prostitution, then prostitute themselves in guise of a ‘solution’.



Empowerment of expression stops when threats to disclosure approach.

What about it?              What has really been done. One constatation, even in school which are the only massive serious tool against it provided universal education is actually provided, which is not always the case even in countries that pledged it or in countries where denominational or private schools would like by magic being not concerned or could try to wriggle out of it , there are no traces of tools against scourge of incests, sexual exploitation or even the notion of any sorts of abuses. 




Act of conscience work only to redress wrong, and dressing obstacles to homosexual marriages cannot be. Simply because man or woman have the same rights: namely to marry a man or a woman.


Otherwise is to try people live slave to one’s own strategy.




Typical of a forum like linked, no I cannot even talk privately to a commentator saying something about the conversations, since my comments are being blocked by the administrators first place. Anyhow I would hesitate to write for them, because your posts could appear and then been deleted at leisure after, linked is not in a right state.

I think it is usual linked situation you are talking to someone who shapes the conversation and this one wants you in an inferior position. At least he did not delete your posts, yours is super writing, maybe go elsewhere, people the side of justice do not read those kind of posts where you have to hear false and flax bigotry all other again, it is so tangent that people this way just try to disaggregate what is left of common sense allied with honesty. Those conversations the fruit of their administrators should be not reported but treated as spam really. Do not bother reading them. Sap map. Shape by a fake.



Clifford Smith

instead it is derived from the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment in that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws and places limitations on state and federal governments from denying equal protection of the laws. The right to marry is a fundamental constitutional liberty (Loving vs. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967).

Clifford Smith






Immigration or force immigration, Hispanic and black to Brazil, while indigenous mostly killed.

Or wiped out in Cuba.

Ralph Newmark La Trobe University




 Indigenous genocides as we do the forests.






                       Vers,                the poetic of form.

                       Vers in French = towards, and verse.




I think you should allow sponsorship. A journal is good. It is scholarly.       That the donors might be able to connect and have a look at what the kid is doing. His daily life and school life, his interest with his own words etc. 


It is not privatisation that, it is to have a glimpse of what we can do while patching up what has been eroded, torn, robbed, worn, and throw.

By states, individuals and civil society cofounded.



A journal is good. It is scholarly.


Anything true, a picture, and a pupil that tells n write about what he does during her day, from morning to evening, weekend and also the account of her scolarity, does not have to be long. Leave it to your former or present pupil. Or the little guys you try to keep at school. 

It is for them, also it makes the kids recognise we helped, that we needed to help, even though we failed, for them to be ready to help at their turn. 




The long arms we have got to remind on much we have crawled.


The hoc, holocaust, the end of the world?

Easy it is human-like, human made from what they do and preach.

When prayer is about eating the paradise given by angels only crying for what has happened and done to them.



Naive. Nave, Navity.





Bule, bull. Boule.


Earth, blue, boule = ball.




Traditionally coming also from puritanism.




When watching, looking at a picture of a wild landscape or rather wild landscape and wondering about its history, the events it has seen, like a stone, like a tree.


Astound, amazed, astoned,         hound.

A stand,



Outstand, understand.





The love you give to your angel.

Maybe the romantic love or part of the romantic love you gave.

A way,







You know as a gay person, my people lived as you should die, die spiritually, die physically, die financially, die in prison, die hanged, die in horror, die in error, die alone facing hell of a world devoid of anything close to conjugal love, die to relationship, die untouched, die raped, die in nostalgia, that we lead you to the cold, death compared to a live without passion is just coldy, not ice, underground asphyxia.

And that’s too obvious, we go on.

Die reaped,




You know Ashley gays get hanged in some countries without mentioning how one could rather be lifeless than live without one's mutually chosen companion’s love and attention. But I guess this could shock some of people’s pretension or personification. So, as far as I am concerned so forth so much for the inflammatory. I guess you are bending (posh, liberal, or retarded way: they say: reacting) to some complaints. 

It is not inflammation or inflation but put someone on fire kind of debatory. 



So much for the inflammatory.



Why people don’t debate it, or rather don’t protect it? Example human rights at the international level?

Maybe because every country are some to sell. 


Maybe because every country has got some to sell. 


You know gays get hanged in some countries without mentioning how one could rather be lifeless than live without one's mutually chosen companion’s love and attention. But I know this could shock some of people’s pretension: sound a too good bargain to some morecomedie humaine. The lying shit. Lie is the subject. like the red quarters they’ d like to create and promise to their slaves. 



Still I have a second answer for you. When I checked last year the subject for this module, the essay number 8 or whatever it was, there was one, was a subject on LGBT issues. Maybe it is right here, on these sites. That the most vulnerable populations has been evicted, not easy for the country that castrated a WWll war hero for being homosexual, talking about the UK. Just as an anecdote in the face of the grandor of the abuses of the everyday people, not rich enough to pay themselves a shelter that won’t ruin them or what is left of their sparing in the londonian guetthos, but still a good one. You see I wanted to sign out because it would have been the first essay I could do on LGBT after 4 years of human rights study, gender I did this already, kinda


Solley sole.

Sorry soul.













I tried to run a campaign, but it does not seem to manage to quite ring the bell:

If you could sign it or at least read about this dire reality, at your doorsteps.

The UK is notorious to be one of the worst countries in Europe regarding the rate of the children they leave under the poverty line (meaning poor nutrition, education, prospects, care          despite millions spent on case-by-case individuals) really? Really. I don’t know I never manage to resolve this charade psychologically, or it is the state and the private sphere altogether puncturing all that they can get, to produce misery? That’s politically.

Havre for FGM, women trafficking, grooming, and grooming of kids given to the social services just doing nothing but expecting their pupils to round up their allowances by street means (you think they get educated. The one send to college in some residential homes are the success story, ready to got rid and offer the housing to some other kiddos they won’t have to talked to, except for make-up and nintendoes) regional borders could rapidly become like the even more notorious women trafficking near Russia borders. A good thing they don’t have to look at some of the Europeans standards these people.

Complain on religious grounds, pround eh heirs of catholic support for all priests, anathema for the one who would wonder, and the country that allowed PIE up to the mid-80’s.

The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984.[1] They were described by the BBC in 2007 as "an international organisation of people who trade obscene material."[2]


Please feel free to go beyond the WIKI description.


But if feminist can decide global sex trade is good, then they should give it a go themselves. As long as someone as a paying job, benevolent for the rest of the individuals in their own rights then I would think prostitution would become obsolete, as long as you leave people choosing their relation and marriage type, not in banning homos to live normally that is to say.

Don’t worry for people like me, I would rather the death penalty than living without trying for a life, a wife, a girl-friend if no life-long affinities.

And for those who said that gays could live like heteros, and that you nod, one you nod in knowing? Yes I think you know how society might be cru, curbing. Personally I mean, on these issues?

But as well, we nod at it envisaging a life without books, without passion, without a voice, in a constant state of fear, and relativism, constant breach of personal freedom, silence, a war-like psycho poshy scene. With only the eternal.

And then? Just some like soldiers, just like some Jihadies, we would go with in head, in thought, the wife, we fight for.

Fight for? But of course not when one assert themselves to be the moral stamp of this modernity.

Cf above.

Debating with thousands in the pocket, and with these results (your poverty line and housing market, your NHS going bankrupt, or not rupture but bank route, your sharia law replacing the common one that dismissed even its public places) for underestimate.

You know people will need laws, they will need communities, it is the grooming like that. Some people would give everything to be part of a group of people, and some people at term, at length and at will, will have only this. To give the body for what they have been produced, and kept. To be raped from their own life. From and out of existence itself. Be their souls have their redeem, a revenge that it is like god, no one will be able to describe in full of its tiniest fractions.     Like in India, and like everywhere prostitution has been controlled by religious organisations or else, to finish like designated by birth or by divination: a caste, as in castration, a breed.

New breed, the one of the feminist then?




What is beautiful in nature, is that one will find oneself unbearably fat, just, the day before losing weight- or the like.

Inspect, introspect.





To feel like playing video games, just to sense oneself riding a horse, be in nature, rising in term.




I’d like to say that I am a rather extensive writer and quite the same as a reader. Working with Microsoft, from times to times my all screen become blue in the middle of an operation, the only procedure I found to find my normal screen back is to click onto the button ‘undo’. I done that again and again for months on end, and since I write a lot, my way of doing so is to concentrate on the moment of writing without reading it again. I had to introduce my work this way, if not to explain them all, to tell you why in certain place it will be missing words…as I thought settling the problem with the undo button coming back to the screen, but while it was coming back to it, it erased, eliminate my last operation too, when the poison did not remove my whole text to cry in front of you.







Everyone should be allowed to be a accompanied of their pet at all times.

But problem is the world is a bunch of perverted sissi. Company.

Taking the heterosexist trend, finding that revolting, well them.




Everyone should be allowed to be a accompanied of their pet at all times.





 In Le Morte D’Arthur this king receives Excalibur three times. Once from the stone, once from the unidentified Lady of the Lake and once in a battle from Nyneve.




Excalibur received 3 times by Arthur would reveal not a magical sword, but 3 times the magic revealing itself onto the sword. These moments were forces and strength are unearthed from what we thought we were, or we thought we hold or heard.




Of course, figues, fugues and figures. They have meaning and orders that we acknowledge or that we can’t tell since with thinness of spirit and thickness of grandiloquence ill-spared we are pale.


And to know that one, two of them, just enough to trace destiny and fate, the why we are not so much as insane.




To be perplexed when people marvel at how humans are so similar genetically, because one may well be suspicious at how that happens.

That in fact what humans see about them being similar was what spur or spun, ‘push’ them or ‘legitimate’ them into killing, genociding other peoples or people.

Ill like they don’t even question themselves doing to other species.

Animals. Malevo malvolio.

Evil will.






In a life, to be delivered, to be free, from living, as I know as clear as sky, as clean as water from the montains that will never be seen, that the day I die, my body agrees, accords just like all books that took for me the scene, that my soul, and my mind, my love, and my will, then goes to you, just like the swan to the cid, to the cygn.



Green, grill.



The siren Melusina”


Melusine is one of the pre-Christian water-faeries[citation needed] who were sometimes responsible for changelings. The "Lady of the Lake", who spirited away the infant Lancelot and raised the child, was such a water nymph

The three girls — Melusine, Melior, and Palatyne — grew up in Avalon. 

Their harmony was uninterrupted until the prying husband broke the conditions of their union, by concealing himself to behold his wife make use of her enchanted bath. Hardly had Melusina discovered the indiscreet intruder, than, transforming herself into a dragon, she departed with a loud yell of lamentation, and was never again visible to mortal eyes.





Morgen (mythological creature)


The ruler of Avalon is referred to as "Morgen".[2]

Morgens, morgans or mari-morgans are Welsh and Breton water spirits that drown men. They may lure men to their death by their own sylphic beauty, or with glimpses of underwater gardens with buildings of gold or crystal. 





:           morte, gene.

Gene = to be hampered by shame, self-awareness, orrestrictions of any kinds.

Mort, gain.

Mort, gagne = win in French.




Competing universal, being striving for liberty and absolu or dying or wish they could be. Even absolu in being tranquille, but not one phoney.




In fact, as for peacekeeping, if peacekeepers get involved in prostitution, etc, it is certainly better for a nation to pretend their soldiers are not better than outlaws or some armed groups, in keeping them all men, than to draw females into the game. Then we, the army would resemble more what it is originally, a representation, an armed representation of a country on a foreign land. That is if one army was perceived as being that: the armed wing of a nation, and that they were going on perpetrating rapes, prostitutions, etc., then what would become of the retaliations??




If one could afford to pay for their own prostitution, what the world would become? Ready to be taken away.




Without arts, human is nothing.

Without sciences, human is nothing.

Without politics, human is nothing.

Without religions, human is nothing.


So one can be sure other animals, any other animals share these, those, all of it, further up or further down the pond.





Disillusion, lesion, luir,     =     light,

= a false light, or at least one that won’t give you way.









Athena is the wisdom goddess but me i believe in ancient religion. I mean just like other religions thy are part of what humans could fathom. 




As I write I concur that the skill, mental skill and intellectual, spiritual no doubt that I had to perform, endure or indeed find and follow is to manage to be near the abyss serpenting around me without fearing, stopping, going or jumping. To accept that empty place, just the size of a life that tries to seek herself, knowing that it has failed so many times, knowing that it cannot be too proud and too reassured about the paths it, they take.

To be in its company without turning one’s back, and not without thinking of not too much agitation for a loon looking at it without it to seem decrepit or me the empty reincarnation. Or maybe. Why not this emptiness orning, ornamenting itself from me, me and my belongings, me as its belonging, yes, wei, staling, stealing me, sheathing into my house, to my home of comprehension.




Upon, Top, epic, ice, accept, hippie, hypo, hippique



Universal topic.











Universal topic.




Art, tra.





British Petroleum’s largest settlement in US history.

C.ET: a comparison. poor coma comparison.

At last crime against the environment will cost. towards?




Sorcerers I in a world of int- in-between. The mixing fo of 2, not entire but coalescent, or melting.


Bet, ew, wean.





Gene, in French shame or snow.




Enneige, snow, under-snow. Slow.






Jade, jadeite,

J’ai, j’aide.






Caen, kaolin.


Cell, vessel.

Terra cota.


At co, a cote.       Cote = side.                Cot. Token.




The first humans may not have felt the desire of writing or drawing because those are plenty, making nature. Their observations and communications to and towards them are enough for creation.

Or the actions was concentrated on immediate art with satisfaction of being the druids and barbs of the stone age in just making syllables that we share with other species and the noise around that of course came inside and came from inside.


Of a world that inspires, of a world of abundance, that were free, free from human ambiance, reign, and ignorance. Of a world in the making, of a world that were speaking. To ears that had to listened not ours that can’t hear a thing.



Forgive my arrogance, when it too vile and violent becomes.

I cry I don’t write, and I don’t write well, well, stoned.

No proof, probe.


Propel problem.

Emblem, blem, lem, lame. Prowl.







Au lit = same pronunciation than holy =in bed in French!




Historically those who practised censorship to after claim they are the civilised.




There are subjects I think about after writing trying to transcript and redescribe what I would say on second thought or first time rp processing.

But those one, the one I died for no. if it is ill written in the sense that I can find something clearer to my own thought or to the comprehension or to the general ideas, then I will write again not rewrite it. Because they are my tombs, my fall.

Infallible. They are my ghosts and companion, my campaign and diversion.




I have been killed by you sentimentally, romantically,

Without you I am dead spiritually,

But then there is no without you.

You are even when gone, not here, or not willing to be with me.


















C.ET:        mention of the ‘german Hartsburg/ottoman ‘alliance.

Germanic       Turkish.






Seve = sap in French or latin.

Even, ever.




Women a problem in an army as soldiers would spend their time protecting them??

Army competitive place, also in case of genuine heterosexuality approach, if groups of soldiers in cohesion it is only normal that they care about each other. Plan according to equally survive attacks, individuals and groups in a long-term setting. Not authorising sacrifice for the comfort of operations but preserving all man.    Friendly fires.


Masculinity put onto certain males or females in order them to produce sacrificial acts in being front line or securing lifes of colleagues over his own while rest of the group put him at risk.




Not laying down rules, that one can challenges and whose applications or implication will be, according to mutual respect and opportunities, not profiteering because of course amateurism is not permitted (commuted) in the sense that one has to be committed to ensure (pallid) application and active criticism: more, much more than values, but informed decisions, (still what information, available?? Quantifiable?) :                      proof that the UN are not or would not be commanded by principles and in the interest of all populations, but by its selected staffs.




C.ET:         already the results of victimisation and categorisation, structures of power that enable victims. Also, to be noted that victims of rapes might be victims of men and women, for example victims of women inciting men to perpetrate it on others.




In addition, his stance could in fact hid a political agenda of the main power, just wanting to reinforcing the gap between individuals in allowing more women to have prerogatives that in fact would allow them to abuse their position of power. To be equal to men regarding their possibility of abusing power and not stopping individuals, men prioritarily in this example, who are given by the system the opportunities to abuse others.



Question of rights, incompletely addressed, power unbalanced multiplied by women and men accessing to the same undue priviledges.





I think of you, n can hear you every day, alo, almost every single day, of my life quil qui le suit, je nie le nie, je le ne lis. Nuit. Nymphe,




Fiacre,            and the horses that fired my passion, alight, and devouring, devoir, devoting, no destiny. And serve me right for the perjure. Je m’enflamme mais ne dure. A fire that cannot last, but the air now keep its warmth. And that would not be so loud and full of cruelty if the fire had been from the mother from where we are both born, that is if it was not her decimated, a matricide energy.




Gendered differences. Sex differences.

 The way they are said to be, the template enabling to demand specific tasks out of them. Like if they wwwwere facilities, the same like that one treats a cattle, not because they are other species but because it is another kind of farming, obeying rule of market, prioritising we want to eat meat over the lives of creatures one will be paid to feed in order to kill them. No more organised possible killings.




Flamme,         fl         ame = soul




Soul, solu = solution or soluble,      





To be able to live thousands more years, and not to know good and evil for that, to avoid the fall, from autumn to summer.

These books tah that ties tries tried to store a consummated wisdom for from times where they may have been able to read the fables and fight for the liberties they gave, and the depiction of their horrors.





Population, inhabitant, and employment. Rehab.

C.ET:    could the ethnographic, parm parameters enter traditional one because of it to fore force women to desire the males gone out of the territory, then putting pressure on exile, migration and wider trade, be it under the forms of collaborative, peaceful networkings and forceful invasions.

Pressure that may exert males to enforce females to ask for their, the et territory as such expension.



Et theory, rite.

territory,          etre = to be in French Or being.




Pharm parameters farm parameters, pram.

Every meter.




C.ET:          or at least this type of captivity, because aren’t we all captive.

I would not oppose a certain type or certain measure of captivity, as for the protection of species, but also in order to cu communicate. Communication while wio wild, however it is primordial for the wilderness to be prser preserve for instinct and other aa awareness,

Also I guess that captivity would have been stopped when it is not in the aim of communication between and inter, intra se speciies.

To specifiy, people against other s to compare their relations to animals with the ones they secure with human beings might be for

-        Avoiding people treating humans like they are lawfully treated animals.

-        But also the ones that denies the closeness of the experience, conditons and expression between species, and of course ultimately within.



Capit0 captivity

Captivate, enthral, ravish,



Courage, rage, couroux = anger in French.

                                          Captor, vite = speed, in French.

Spy, species, space, speech, speed.




Pact, capacity, captivity.




Posthumous Posthumous  pose, thumb.                                    Thum, fume, tum, toum, tomb,       Spouse.








Betraying the value of work.

Like these society where people wait for it to be on a tray.

Astray, attraction.




A man that could not stop the war, ince since, it was it alone, in that society that allowed you to ride.

For the love of equids.




The fascination of the ancient Egyptians for mummifications, a religious ceremony attesting of this doing so for the safety of the dead one, covered the needs and curiosity for anatomy, experiments, conservations.

Coroners’ corn coronation.




TO build pyramids to resist being covered by sand, as a firehouse, a lighthouse to made inroads and see where the towns are, or to repel vegetation at the other places, palaces and temples altar.

Aster, insofar




Not race but origin.









Here I would think that the oldest profession is the one of politician. It is, it was, easy to go on protecting the things that makes people weaker, because they will benefit from the people that exploit these very same person. 

For people who think that it is a profession, and the ones that use their services, then they should go on applying. But usually positions changes when it comes to what Rawls made us think about:        what if it was me?

Feminists talked about a glamorisation of prostitution, to make it appear worth or romanticised. 

I won’t say one think because the web is full of intellectuals having done their jobs and explaining the horrors of what prostitution really mean.

I also think that it is still valid within a heterosexist system where males for example are exhorted having sex, but not between themselves, and women are told that if they want a job it will be a reproductive one. It is often that women will tell you I would rather this than to be into a bad relationship. But more often what can I do. Is it these same feminists that say that we need prostitution? Then they could take the job, even on a voluntary basis if it is so welcome to the improvement.

It is just the way we see work and consumption, a claim on calamity. And a world where no one has to work or has to claim results, because nothing will be changed, not an atrocity.



We are having this kind of pretended discussion on the society just because, out of forgetting that we are not civilised. And that this kind of discussions is maintained on a regular basis by paid academics makes it highly dubious, otherwise violent and worrying.



As the oldest profession as pseudo journalism/reporting, could that be? The one of facilitators and false witnesses sell bodies.

the only think that a feminist would say, with much caution, is that in many cases, in almost all cases, women whose earning depend on being paid to give their consent to have sex, might be when one discount people under the dependence of drugs, with mental diseases and social and mental difficulties because no one can be undamaged when one has been tortured into this. and will on top of it has to face, good old workers that will, ore, more often less openly that people being paid to write on it, will say that red quarters are of primordial necessity and somewhat unique: that is that the poor woman in it can well stay there, but moreover can well go back. That is never be employed as a staff, whatever in the legal or not sector. In the industrial or home-house-work sector. with having to face university teachers or social workers reaffirming that you know it is how things goes, and that sometimes it is well deserved or the nature of the woman caught in it. With certainly women having to say that it is their choice to avoid retribution, as they cannot even go to tribunals or even to the police safely. because of false allegations? Because red quarters are opened without no one intervening in it. And of people being for their legalisation because there is nothing one can do against nothing. As a comment it is better that you believe you ve got specific mental illness when you end up into prostitution and the one reaction you ve got is the one from another person, educated, with a well-paid job, well paid we don't know for what, or nothing to do with what it brings to the larger community and that will answer, it is just like that, just as an euphemism of their thought or political assumptions for themselves to be able, or allowed to go on without .... having to fight, having to pay??


the only think that a feminist would say, IS THAT we don’t know how to get out of this, and that on top of being mentally, intellectually, exploited to one cannot more to the core, that one will slip beyond life and it sanity, the crows will attest on it one day. While they are being killed and, only tolerated maybe because they are enlisted to be tortured under the forms of simplistic and working sexual harassments, then the forced migrants like some would please themselves to say and others are put into what has been called ‘bondage’. That whatever is paid for them being tricked and detained, is not going towards their being richer, and able to go, but towards their ‘wardens’, the mafia and the police and other tolerating this. It is what, where the boundaries between a serf and a slave are. Though it cannot apply to prostitution because prostitution is about degradation. For a family, for a child, for studies, for a house: don’t think you can pay. Don’t think you can ever say.



Including the one of having to pay or being paid to engage into sexual, intimate or loving relationship.

It is the instrumentalisation of work, to have stolen people of what is dear in life, and make them pay for the horrors, hopelessness and destructed, destroying sadness it operates.

It is prostitution.


Trafficking, already we do it with merchandises, killing willingly the planet, and calling for growth, and logically here the politics on human individuals, people and populations. 

Ever changing methods, and cultured voice. 




i would think that here what is called decriminalisation of prostitution the aim is here is not to instate ‘retributed sex’ as an institution but combat depersonalisation. When you are criminalised then whatever happens to you is hidden. The violence, coercion, poverty, abuses, however atrocious and organised they are, are de facto completely ignored. It is the same problem when you are stateless or paperless you cease to be a citizens, the laws does not apply to you any longer, no longer protects you. So basically you will be the prey of Mafiosi’s organisations.


In all organisations that are not in fact, a cover to mafias that want their activities to be recognised as formal, and legitimated. That is to say, to sell something that is in people freedom. When are we going to pay to breathe, or to pay to walk, or to pay not to starve, sexual activities like pairing, intimate relationship are amongst what is most necessary not to have necessarily but not to be deprived with. As well as who would demand their rights to have a servant doing what they can do it for themselves, cooking, cleaning. The vertical organisations provided what one cannot do for themselves because of its being specialised, not to create positions that are in fact servile. No more a partnership.

Prostitution is to say that sex is on command that women are here to provide it. It is yet again a product of heteronormativity. The violence it implies then goes on back onto the relation males-females, or any other, intragender, be them domestic, public or just any relational.

It sees women as resources having to comply with demands, instead of seeing it as non-gendered.

Not to see that is highly dangerous for the victims, and for the society as a whole, for the future, and people that will be covered to conduct work propelling that degree of horrors.

Fuck you.



That degree of horrors.




Also it has to be remembered that any organisations yet again not a cover for mafias and human trafficking Also it has to be remembered that any organisations yet again not a cover for mafias and human trafficking, help women in prostitution with always as aim an exit strategy always, or supposed to be as efficient and absolute as it can be. I mean intervening without to make sure there is an exit strategy is no more than ‘procuring’, and should be sanctioned by imprisonment.




, u

Seconds a species

It is one of the wyh why.

Will win the wild,

win wild.

Mill mile. Even with (sue, sow) something traveling fat faster than (thin, in ant) the light, (unisex, unit,) universe will get ire and rid of a destroying one.




To deny history to former people is a way of treating the invaders or the heirs just like if they were gods. Like to lend them the all results of what has been done. At the image of how humans treat itself, just like he has created the universe, killing at will, treating it as a cake, though the cake is living.

So what will become sweets?


To deny that what is here to see is the products of struggle but also, alas (or rather fortunately, fortitude, fate, if not happily) of destruction, and it can only talk to the one who ignores it, or disrespect it, that is to say does not work towards not destroying again, with the same spirit.

We won’t last a song if we don’t see far and between.

The universe or earth is not even ‘long ago’, the writers not the space that covers a sound.




Or, =        gold in French,


Hors = out, exept.


Alchemy,                   or, other, alter, else.


Auth, oath.





Other, ether.

Etern, alter, altern.










Plato, Phaedo 

http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=plat.+phaedo+109b Phédon Partie II : L'âme est-elle immortelle




Faithful, fidelity.

Plato, Phaedo 

Soul immortality.




Ef, health die.              Defy hence.



Of those authors that have to go on imitation or the discussion about an antique order, as the present one or the representative of the present one would crush them.


Emit, enmity.





O that means prostitute in English.

Is a masculine in French.

Romane language, like carlos, stephano, pedro…. Mark the masculine.

As well as a                      is a mark of designation.

A la mer.

Et au, masculine,

Au restaurant.




The matter of the form,

The bewilderment of the norm.











When now rash ravish on the brink.

Rush will no bring.


Moon, soon, doom.


Mont, soul.


Sea, mere, maman.

Plan, stop stip, mais comment ?












A weak body, symbolising intellectuals, or replaced by middle class in office, totally in disconnection with the grounds and reality. .

C.ET:  a shrivelled body , mash masculinity is here evoke, invoke, invote in order to at the Greek classical mode, recall us the higher aim of sport. It is not traditional that women aren’t not muscular but propaganda of civilisation that want imperialist, with the servants doing a denigrated more physical job. Doing it instead of everyone.

evoke, invoke, invote.




Impair  ere  list.



A space where taking care after earth is not countabilised as jobs. Where people go to the gym, while nature gets lost, eaten away by humans that won’t lay but a no-delay. But no human that she will be able to help find a path as hole is the new whole.







We study animals who we killed. Taking inspirations of a nature that gave it all for no rewards. We are not fallen gods, we are fallen shits.

Study, study, until the day, not too far of what is next to come?


But not innocent in that planet who ate the flew files flesh it intentionally.











Ma man.


 Ma am.

Man               nam                        (e).




The proof man is only a name.

Like homo sapiens.                                 Homo,                        homme,                         and homo = same.





Fire, femme.


Feu =



Society redistribution of power, and means, and purposes.

Conic, iconic, Coning redistribution, lawyers,             enabling a false stability or ascendence.




Miscarriage. Of justice. Off justice.


Scared, discarded.



In the same register perhaps will it be inter-generational like a child is sold, the planet goes under for barrels of her hoe own blood.




Not cultural, biologic, just an opportunity designate a group bearing extra-duties, and for this help or religions or uncompetitive economic and political system where people are maintained within communities more and more impoverish, such as for example the Victorian. With diminishing cultural riches, a mono cultural stances, the censorship in arts, campaign groups lying and paying scientists to do the same, a mono-syllabic language where simplify English will soon all found, legislate, and never verify.




Weakness of physicality in men, may lose all their blood by section of their sex, as the core present in the women, their machinery is absent there, and would let the whole blood stream emptied.






This weakness will be found in how the brain operates, a flow that cannot be staunched, cannot be stopped, as they lack of direct descendency.


Local, national and transnational level.

People forget not a values or worth rank, local as important as transnational and vice/versa. Idem for grassroots works and other types. Should be more diversified, not all the more qualified at the national level but technician of any kinds and domains, of every models and concerns across space and time. Process.

With civil society type of NGO, this disappear, technician and more informal jobs disappear leaving all wages and diminishing legitimised responsibilities for people who pretend to do everything but end up doing nothing but propagandisation. Gain.











A man can be cut into an half while the female possesses another core.

Hard core.



Maybe resisting equality and diversification, by allowing not a debate on gender that is in fact a term describing gender identity, such as sexual orientation, one that should be up to the feeling of each individual not up to its sex, by allowing sex, gender as in biological sex to have no prefabricated conditions, and job description. But that is possible in a society that do not envisage resources racing because of its lack of care given to the land and its management or to give all the burden to human care to women, as no one impoverish as such, could, while will have the strength to defend the dying.




They upset me alright. 

Did i day upset though? You know they get me running. China is for my job, that gets me running. 


Dis I say?


Isis, acid.




When individualisation

Want to mean

Not singularisation, but segregation, and undue priviledges.


Or simply to have a right for one only when it should apply to everybody.




Economic, socio.

Thus, the structural and ideological division between production and reproduction (Acker,    )

Division between production and reproduction maybe in order to avoid the new generation to get it too quickly or this generation to become bribery??

Or is it working?



‘Traditionally’ in capitalist societies women are the ones more in charge of family and care. However economic retributions counts only material capital, not human capital in the form of care, sociabilisation and education. If parenthood should be a choice assumed by the parents, society should also organised a way of living and working compatible with its needs for its population at large to reproduce without impairing social stability and cohesion or what it takes for a society to be fair, having offspring left with the impression one has to fight one’s neighbour to make it, or their own ability at earning a living.




Generation that se steals, n make appears that children would be at the center of everything. The possible culprit, responsible, guilty for all of this. What has been done, not has to be done.

Instead of us working in the garden, but there the most violent passions would tear apart our consent, and dissention.

Become how to look after a garden would ram back all our passions.

But then we are apart, remote, n finally aloof from everything in this system, this world that will never share a theme.





ART, is to try to find, to find out life or its secrets, its many shapes never constant but never going any way.

If one cannot life for arts or for love, both at the same time, without contrition, without regret or without making concessions or say, assumption then they will die.

Says ash assumption







But still stopped at the form, the norms.




Form, horn, ornament.






To e be more or less in one world.

Young n older souls.

Everything in by, blatant, bright, balance.

Be, ebb.






            Fab as,

As fable.






‘Berries are borne by females trees ??’

If those ones do not turn out to be transgender, or hermaphrodite.





Darwin, on evolution.









Telephone by Bell.






C : I was not there, when it happens. It is why I can retell it. Not all aspect if any, did I manage to pick. Lie down in a 1, 2 dim dimension, not the 3, 4, 5 that ain’t available to the lay, down man. like all the book. Books.


Or were they ready (priests as elite, has elite) for social darwinism ?



Rien ne développe l'intelligence comme les voyages.

 C :      travel develop intelligence just like we become inferior to animals. Not noticing the nature abandon.





To find the help of a psycho-analyst, to bear the common ground weight of playing humanity as a species special scourge enabling us to orgy. Self and less.




Rational, coming from latin           ration = portion.





Facebook is not really social networking, when you want to campaign then you will need to resort to advert or to upgrade your profile. Advertising is really expensive, also will tend to serve lucrative causes. All causes at all cost.




Humans do not try to engage with societies and communication and in fact animals’ languages, so how would they on earth starting recognising the ones of the machines. Or more exactly the one.

Let’s wait and see. And like the popular wisdom says, if we did not before and if withstanding, I, hide, distancing, distending, this effort or this humility we orchestrated ourselves destroying them, not according others our same status and security- they will find us then. And them.

In vein, no vain.




I am completely pissed. I spent 3 hours trying to reconnect internet, since I manage like this the other day. without any results. now the water is off, but internet is reworking I don't know how...   please baby don't take offense if it does not work I try to do something on my dissert I don't want to do that stuff anylonger during the week end. I previously thought for years it is wasting, taking my time away, in fact it is also taking my life away. and after what. at sea, at loss.

I spent 3 hours trying to reconnect internet.

On, and off. not internet on and off. me. machines will kick us anyhow; we are so materialistic. why? because we don' t have to respect them. they are property only. enslavement.




-do not discriminate anyone according to colour, religion or sexual orientation. everybody is welcome so long as he/she does not expose any of the above.

- you can not hide your color-maybe veils can, and hetero are married, have boyfriend, children. you mean promote against? 




6 Ways to Make Brown from Primary Colors - wikiHow


C.ET:                       same type of colors (tertiary), made from different primary or secondary colors.



She is doing her things, thinking to the moment, in echo, in mirroring without clearly being able to perceive that I, imagine.








In France, a filial, is a sister company.





:           coming with families to protest against gay rights, it is so sickie and idiotic. coming with family to impeach ours. it is sickening. in fact I always make me think on how sexual determination is in fact under familial control and sometimes in an autocratic or totalitarian way. it is enforced, triggered, sexuality, it is incestuous.s.s.





I think I am with you on this Peter. I have done and said stupid things in my life, I thank God for not having been martyrized –too much that I could not go on- financially for this. I have been scandalised by the ransom following this story (they have to pay an incredible fine, don’t they? - I wanted to react to this in fact), you don’t kill people financially for a cake inscription.

You do a great thing to water this issue down. They are not civil servants.

As long as they don’t cook cake against equality we should do ok with this.


Jesus was a virgin and is depicted like being a Saint amongst the saint, like Marie was.

To adequate, no equate, their stories with heterosexuality is ludicrous.

It is more of the Adam and Eve story, a reproduction story. I am still for that, not against in-vitro, or cloning either.


Have a good day.

You are right, let’s not yield to lynching and hysteria. Life is so tough.

In fact I would be telling people that gay rights are the law conducted with lack of serious, without respecting proportion- dangerously basically.

 I even think the issue deserve your active support. it is a rainbow matter. these people they have to be agonising.


As long as we have go to the aisle, not only the alley.


Nave is not never, it is even it is for ever. and according to the follower of Jesus it has always been this way. Jesus represents love, without differentiation and inequality, at least it is why it reaps universal respect.


BUT STILL PEOPLE should remind the holocaust and its every little way.

And that ‘beg the question’, and what if they do?






o   Andy Towle

o   Towleroad


·        By Towleroad


Bakers Who Refused to Make Wedding Cake for Gay Couple Pay $135,000 Fine for Their Bigotry - Towleroad

Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, have paid a fine of more than $135,000 for refusing to bake a cake for a l...





On a 500 pound fine, here my reaction. It would not be so much of an issue if any success, normal success gay people have, (as in they are the other people= the ones to race since there is no love for god like say the bigot, there is no respect for earth, so human compete against each other for its rape), was not the subject of so much jealousy. Without having to have faced that to claim equality, gays were part of the holocaust. Both side? Certainly, we are all gays but that is not the topic of the story.


Also I think that these guys the backers, it is not the refusal to do politics because they made sure they made politics out of their appearance before court. It is homophobia it is what it is. Now what to do about it?- am not too sure.

So I’d say let judges do their jobs, but it is never enough to handle things this way. ….


Yes, it is very thorny indeed. because of course it could start like that, and downhill and viral.

That gays, and gay couples are refused the cake would not be too far from the tree. Also there maybe something about it, is that it is after all politics in the sense that even though equality or gay rights equality, which is not the same that 'promoting gay rights' is benign and a simple demand for justice at first sight, but not necessarily in all minds and mouths. what I want to say it is that people could say they promote gay rights and in fact try to be heterophobic or not doing that for the gay community and just for funds, I don't know for example, the time we take for each new baby, the allowances we would like to get. I feel it is not intelligently said what I said. Or changing other dimensions that would not be a matter of equity but ‘political’ choice in term of those who have and those who don’t’. Religion has also this crusaders side of it, war until winning, not for god, but for a side, at any cost, and any lies. Just like companies maybe would do to grab the markets but here helping themselves with transforming and transgressing morals, faith, and goodness. To recapitulate what is done in the name of religions is horrendous. Not all of course, they have had very useful, ‘we cannot do without that’ foundations,  but it belongs to universal goodness not to any particular religion. And what is good about them does not suit for murders and hate legitimacy.

Without marriage and jobs like everyone, the right and duty to work for the better, and to live out of it, we are right back to enduring slavery. In fact while I am writing that I feel less and less 'compassionate' to the Ashers backers. But lets' say they choose backery not being at the background of activism. Not what would have they said if the inscription had been 'Sheila and Elizabeth marriage'?.It is true that at this rate, we would have to order cakes from Soho, or what is left of it, and they would not come very fresh because the problem with gay lodgings in London is that I would have had a triple salary to hope affording any of what I saw advertised. We have got the differential between males and females wages and opportunities coming into play. Lesbian activities are so few and every time expensive, even in London, I mean only the transportation cost, for Christ sake. As a carer, not identifying myself with a servant, but a worker facilitating autonomy, I lost hope in London.

What I thought was revolting without having to think about it, is the fines they are supposed to pay for it, but in fact I just read it again and I thought it was very high prices in my memory but it is just something like 500 pounds. I am sorry I am in the middle of my thesis I did not check the information. That transforms altogether the issue for me. ok so would they print 'promote heterosexual rights', and him saying it that what he did was out of love for god, I find it very pernicious.

Well for 500 pounds, it could remind him that it was not Before God he was doing it. Like he liked repeating ‘Before God, it was something we could not do’

and them holding hands, playing the perfect married couple, it is a bit like torture.


Problem, yes it is clearly homophobe, so what kind of barriers to fight homophobia?

Will they be ask again to do a cake to promote gay rights? where i join you or what other promotions? problem is nobody is against jew marriage, inter-race marriage, or were they? me when i talk about marriage i tremble with all my soul, i know i would have to rename myself meat without being able to pretend to a woman. i d rather be elsewhere kind of thing, and not in a peaceful way.

I am lost on this one. i ll think of it.

I just see myself could not obtain a cake from anywhere, before i am told i have no job either.

I want to say, is that i think that homophobia, is in fact hidden heterosexual enforcement, it is rape every day. it is why them playing all clean n cocky, took the mickey.


I don't know what to think now.


The question would they have done it for others, and I think it is yes.

My problem, what should be our anti-discriminatory reactions? If any? No one won was the verdict. The verity ‘I am too afraid of ghetto. And even more of ghettoization’.

Gueux = in french more or less not conscient to be serfs, maybe use to slaughter cattle, as do not require a soul.

Outing the ghoul.



However, LET’S NOT force people to do things that do not attack us directly, may seem to be fair politic too.


It reminds me on how many times, shoppers asked me more than I took, or landlords taking my money through deposit, rising the rent, no so many times but enough to hit me. and you don’t want to be hit, when it is hard already. And on the other hand the ones that do push sales, I had never been told that kind of practises by my mummy.


Begin, benign, being.


It could be interpreted to be something like 'not in my garden kind of things' the problem here is that these people attack a right reserved to them or what they claim they are. it is not like i don't want people kissing in my bakery, it is like i don't want gay people kissing.

I am at sixes and sevens.

At the same time even not gay people could start challenging these backers to just pocket the fines?? Or to find another way to do it.

Or maybe as long as they do not turn this into a political matter?? to refuse a service. Though they did refuse it. or as long they don't lace it with arsenic.




"The ruling suggests that all business owners will have to be willing to promote any cause or campaign, no matter how much they disagree with it."

That religion has been "effectively banished from the commercial sphere".




C.ET: question is it a question of religion or how people have used privileges of what have been called religious belief. We have to ask for this inscriptions because they still suffer from more than discrimination, but attempt to eradication.



For the profit made sacred. Or because profit has always have this side of subduing other in order to exploit them, to the core.


As gay people would we have to bake ‘a marriage is with a man and a woman’ or other very intelligent and intellectually phrasing. Even though I hope I am a bit of her man?



For the profit made sacred. Or because profit has always have this side of subduing other in order to exploit them, to the core.


As gay people would we have to bake ‘a marriage is with a man and a woman’ or other very intelligent and intellectually despiteful phrasing. Even though I hope I am a bit of her man?

and that above all i have the same rights as them. not the equivalent, or the inverse or the opposite, the same. would that end up for them that they must marry a man as well. no, i would end up that they may, well in fact can. 





decide, size,

the mediocrity of democracy affects us all. So be a little sympathetic.

If all backers were like them. I don’t only to have the men or women they can pay to themselves after they exploit everyone with another scheme and power relation at stake. Mistresses and lovers would avowedly abound not the official side. Polygamy.

Polite play.

Without restraint.

Everywhere has been depoliticised, but the bombs size, and soon the plates plain.



Some people are pleased to say that they thought it is an opening minds era, while sectarianism keep being a living and life threat.


What will never work is when a group are against another one not because of what they do because in a different style they do the same thing but because they want more and more prerogatives.


Ashers Baking Company store in Newtownabbey. Photograph: Alamy





 Also when you look at the size of the bakery it is a huge business, not only making cake but they are a coffee shop, it means people socialise there.



A yet again, a gun, taunting, tempting story.


I mean it is not like this guy make love every night with what he thinks is the bible.

It is a super big shop, not entertain to charity. And the world poverty you see.



I mean it is not like this guy make love every night with what he thinks is the bible.

It is a super big shop, not entertain to charity. And the world poverty you see.


I mean you can see it is not the backer that is up at 4 am every morning till evening. And having only some backwards thoughts as education and distraction. This is a super modern building. Church goers my ****s.

It is just for dough.

Bricks by bricks.




With rids

With risks.







Se, sometimes we sa start, we stare at stars and feel we are in communication with the environment, animals, flore and fauna, oj, objects that are around, cosmic, get in touch with the events.

Vent = wind in French.

But also, so they may.                            Feeling in touch with a human being though observing and repus, saoul et lase, et blasé of its convc convc conviction of suep superiority.






DNA co-lapses.

Abcess, access. Excess.


XL of fashionable new hell.




The conclusive comment is how little is done, and contrarily how serious the propagation or at least the consolidation of the problems is, through technical means and more and more complex networks and associations, of a finally one cannot be more egregious crimes. A consensus on ‘that should never happen again’ has been issued on crimes such as genocides. Remembrances days and regular campaigns have endeavoured bringing to awareness these horrors of the past in order to actualise and warn against still present ones. However, how has been make possible that daily rapes and molestations, the sexual exploitations of children- without forgetting the adults- be regarded and sanctioned just as type of genocide- or as its legal equivalent, punished and dealt with just like any gross crimes against humanity should be treated?


Like genocide, that is called the G word, people, researchers cannot comprehend the suffering it has occasioned and still goes on, as to be betrayed by people but by the society as a whole cannot really heal. Not in a psychological, mental, even rational sense as victims are beyond aware of a society having left them to offenders as sexual preys.

Reason why, society itself allow it to perdure.                   i.e. remission not possible





There is no doubt about this, harming a part is harming the whole, but while harm to children is averred (and not averted) if someone too much insist upon ‘their health for our health’, they may also ensure a continuity towards a self-servicing, self-aware, self-centred viewpoint and justification of others’ lives. These people alive in order to facilitate mine, or more precisely like the one registered and approved by a system. Could be if taken as the main equilibrium point, a barter against used by one towards used by all. 



Seclusion and networks as well as possibility therefore politics allowing such violations to such a scale to happen. Of course if one individual was victims of pedophilia it would not be a lesser violations, but numbers legitimised and render less and less impossible hope for interventions, changes, preventions,     even educations???




C.ET:                   like genocide, that is called the G word,   people, researchers cannot comprehend the suffering it has occasioned and still goes on, as to be betrayed by people but by the society asa whole cannot really heal. Not in a psychological, mental, even rational sense as victims are beyond aware of a society having left them to offenders as sexual preys.




Th, ht.                 the height.




Ht, in French haut, high.





Against, absent, assent.







Dis, creance ? in French creditor. CRB

Sis, cease.




Or the gap between parents and infants, or inter-generational gaps, and vice-versa. To the old towards the youth, or from the youth to the old.



Parents. Filial.



Firm, farm.




Could the disreparencies between what is done and talked about be explained by the very gravity and the overwhelming numbers of people living out of sexual exploitation and paedophiles themselves? Could the disparities between the horrors of this situation and the pauperism of actions come from a tacit societal agreement or laissez faire. Could, what a Marxist writer called the prostitution of work, work for what the body can produce blindly on order (and not what we can produce out of physical, intellectual, moral efforts will attain), have brought the fight against the most terrible scourge in a state of inertness? Or in a state of terrors for those, not the ones who read or don’t about it, but for those who are hopeless victims for being left without help while their abusers are thriving with money.

Should be almost considered not the substantial intervention matter but a one off alongside ‘a never again spirit’ that would see no a better rescue device only but the need to rescue be lessen not by inaction or fatalism but because of the criminals given up what is considered in most of the literature as lucrative, easy to purvey trafficking, ‘sold’ to people less and less mentally competent, or too insane to see and act on their own action, and therefore increasingly unable to stop the circle of sheer horrors, but rather determined to bring it to completion (i.e., organised, rationalised sexual abuses on children. Within a postmodern area where black poverty, increasing riches gaps, ‘epidemic prostitution’ in general, unfair, here on purpose unemployment, and bad economic and political practises add to any pornographisation legitimation.). Actions focused and develop in the stopping before any violations happens = more severe sentences, and systematic tracking.




China wants developers to stop making 'bizarre' and 'odd-shaped' buildings

Buildings such as the National Theatre in Beijing and the iconic Guangzhou Circle are under the spotlight with authorities keen to get back to basics when it comes to the country’s architecture.




C.ET: it is not going to be for the people to flee away to space, said the officials.









Watch: Anaheim KKK Rally Battle in Full

A brawl erupted in Anaheim, California, on Saturday during a rally for white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan




C.ET: we know now why Schwarzenegger, nigger, not Sarkozy, is homophobe.




On the coming back of psychology.

Otherwise than sending you to their something counsellor fantasising high graded psychiatrist under a Stalinist regime, but it is not all delusions as he has been taken by the uni one of those purpose is to prevent people actively talking about the UK ace and world and worldly appealing center for FGM, Sharia law, ex-PIE, human trafficking, mercy killing campaigning




Rob, lem, lame.



Legality, illegality.  Egal = equal in French.



They has pledged, advocated, argued.


Co:         SO HOW COME.???????????                        Perversion, raise in phenomenon, ignorance in the past, social changes, more awareness, less youth marriage, arranged marriage, more police participation…?               And from today. Perversion?           Knowing, morally condemning but leave it as it is, coming back to almost putting it on the victims’ particularity to have been a victim rather than on the system, since system untouched, violators unprosecuted, and victims diagnosed.




If research has risen, it is only normal, and goes with a general research duty taking effects in the social sciences in general. The poor quality of the research though is shown through reiterated telling examples of aggregated data, amongst many others, is that instead the data being about children they are about adults.

Very serious question about definition or wording are present through core texts. Lexical severe malapropism such as disserting about the prostitution of children rather than sexual atrocities, or about the industry of sex rather than designating it as gross crimes, crimes that with not doubt belong to crimes against humanity.

However, one will have to interrogate themselves on whether this is a language problem.

The jobs of academics and anyhow of professionals in many papers and lectures or interviews, and in fact purely academic ones, that have for responsibilities to establish communication, public relations, and a common vocabulary cannot misuse words by mistake on a regular basis because the work of scholar is to understand and use words in an appropriate manner as they convey directly or indirectly the frame of meaning in which the more official side of society will be able to communicate.



The whole gap identified when needs and necessities are compared to actions undertaken, and in the case of SAAC the one cannot be more dolorous preponderant failure on their termination can be explained by this implicit but certainly convincing unconvicting formulas.


Through abuse of trust.



People’s and above all academic’ inadequate language could be but a statement about still sligthly hiden political position about their approval or not entire disapproval on prostitution violated children entire life. If children are said to be easy to manipulate, then how should we qualify or interpret these words, the keys of understandings, premises, their influence and the reflection they have on people?




Between people pushing for their predations to be accepted and the reprobation of victims, one could draw a parallel with what happens with prostitution, and how it could be used for SAAC. The criminalisation of prostitution urged the movement for the legalisation of prostitution, provoked by how officials do not help people victims of prostitution but in fact further harmed them.



One can easily imagine now the little rescues games organised by business and administration between flooding and dryness, deserts, and seas be breaks.

Bee Bear.



De fraud, deploring, deform, .





Animate, morosely.




People saying homo is mortal sin.

 I thought you could be interested in reading that one. Could have been amusingly renamed the plight.



Though raising awareness offers great hope as it would transform the latent inaction and silent by default postures taken by the authorities, the vast pool of ideas and prototypes projects inducing awareness raising might also hide the fact that campaigning the public could have become NGOs’ prerogatives. And that on the other hand scrutiny by or into the states, only true powerful enough to beat very organised criminals apparel or entire communities will not be possible.










Carole Bouquet

Was Mike Newell's first choice for the role of Madame Maxime on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) but declined because Studio Canal (the studio she was contracted to) refused to give permission for her to negotiate for the role. The role went toFrances de la Tour.





C : I think the proof they are not their own owners. I don’t think you say no to a harry potter film, your agent, maybe, but not you.

Mind it would have been certainly less funny, than with frances. Mind frances de la tour, is quite elegant too.

Though bouquet brought French class to its optimum of the firmament somewhat, or let’s say beauty, but beauty is art, well before Gerard Depardieu, gerer = manage a lot, it has to be said in Russia tax evaded return to mafia, but class is so bored border line.




Off           ice.












Early rally.











GOLDEN TERRE 2016 03 final



Too much of skyping one time, I went smiling before my screen saw me and thought for a split second that it was the other one.







I also developed solid listening and analytics skills helping in my understanding of people’s needs as well as those of texts’- and meaning.



Trek not trEEk.

The trick of the spirit.




With a z, just like the lightning bold.


Or hazard.




The symbol of the cross could finally be one of the tree, previously tortured, and decapitated.



If a certain set of genetics has been found to be common to mental health problems; could then the mental health problems be trigger by certain type of situations? Also it is the certain ways that society go wrong that will reach certain types of people. Society would cope differently or were having different types of problems then other types of people would suffer primary, visible, documented, categorized, recognized, regarded as deviant symptoms or reactions to how society would manage well or badly?

And then could suborn ways of reactions, even when reactions are in fact bad or mad but not made to be thought to be this way, could persist two-fold because of the fear that change would cause the other groups of genetically susceptible to react negatively, strongly n create unbalances or severe maladaptation to the same people that are ruling through commanding mad rules but considered as ‘natural consequences’ or occasioning bad things but things with which these people live comfortably. Numb.

Pink Floyd.




Aristotle on natural slavery

Christianity is based on Aristotelian models.





Pre = before,

Before sent, sciences, smell, con-scient.

Before the event? Things to do with is present now or is present just before what? Or how can we do to sense what next, or fell what’s near??

Death of animality.




Resident, residue.




Succeed, precede

Successor, predecessor.

succeed        Decess, access, excess, decease.




Instead of speaking of public opinion one could be very much convincing, accurate, wise and correct in saying public knowledge, in honesty.



Is “cooling then freezing” a humane way to kill amphibians and reptiles?

Shine, Richard ; Amiel, Joshua ; Munn, Adam J ; Stewart, Mathew ; Vyssotski, Alexei L ; Lesku, John A 2015

Biology Open, 4:760-763.

Full text available






This 19-Year-Old Will Spend the Next 25 Years as a Registered Sex Offender

Zach was arrested last winter after having sex with a girl he met on the dating app “Hot or Not,” who claimed she was 17. But she admitted to police that was a lie. She was really 14. http://abcnews.go.com/US/19-year-spend-25-years-registered-sex-offender/story?id=32783206


C.ET: America is so unfair; it makes everyone trembling.



Just like the sting operations that solicite people directly, THOSE COULD BE A GAME MAKING A FEW VICTIMS IN ORDER TO UNVALIDATE THE REAL ATTEMPT AT CURBING REAL SEX OFFENDERS, actively seeking, and also mounting operations turning horrors and perversion into economy. But perv is linked to peers and the rational on why it is not killed.





[C18: from French, from ox(ygène) + (ac)ide; see oxygen, acid] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/oxide



Owe, ode, own

ox hide.



Beef production damages the environment
24th July
A new study says beef production damages the environment about ten times more than pork, lamb, or chicken production.



C.ET: may the murder of innocents attacks their criminals directly, and before there is victims without blood on not in their bodies.

Theirs, very.












Parallel Verses

New International Version
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

New Living Translation
"A woman must not put on men's clothing, and a man must not wear women's clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the LORD your God.

English Standard Version
“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.

New American Standard Bible 
"A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.

King James Bible
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
A woman is not to wear male clothing, and a man is not to put on a woman's garment, for everyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD your God." 

International Standard Version
"A woman must not wear what is appropriate to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, because anyone who does this is detestable to the LORD your God.

NET Bible
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor should a man dress up in women's clothing, for anyone who does this is offensive to the LORD your God. 

GOD'S WORD® Translation
A woman must never wear anything men would wear, and a man must never wear women's clothes. Whoever does this is disgusting to the LORD your God.

JPS Tanakh 1917
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.

New American Standard 1977 
“A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.

Jubilee Bible 2000
The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

King James 2000 Bible
The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are an abomination unto the LORD your God.

American King James Version
The woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination to the LORD your God.

American Standard Version
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto Jehovah thy God.

Douay-Rheims Bible
A woman shall not be clothed with man's apparel, neither shall a man use woman's apparel : for he that doeth these things is abominable before God. 

Darby Bible Translation
There shall not be a man's apparel on a woman, neither shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever doeth so is an abomination to Jehovah thy God.

English Revised Version
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.

Webster's Bible Translation
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination to the LORD thy God.

World English Bible
A woman shall not wear men's clothing, neither shall a man put on women's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to Yahweh your God.

Young's Literal Translation
The habiliments of a man are not on a woman, nor doth a man put on the garment of a woman, for the abomination of Jehovah thy God is any one doing these.

Parallel Commentaries

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary






 Deuteronomy 22:5 

"A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God. 





Dear Professor, i am one of e-followers. i am bilingual and really appreciate your work. here attached my MA thesis. i send it to you in case you d be interested in the vocabulary used to designated what has been repeatedly called by mafia, and social services professionals 'child prostitution'. a horror added to this crime against humanity.

i also need to include in my thesis about how American TV creates sting operation in soliciting adult males to meet what is pretended teens. while i admit these guys should be given a warming. anyone doing dating on the internet will tend to say how much people on there are hiding their true identity. etc. 

they are in fact stinging people instead of catching the real criminals, networked, doing that again and again .....


Hindrances to data collection and the quality of data, as well as data aggregation (Lalor, 2003) (Whitaker et al., 2008) (Willis, 2002) (Fong and Berger, 2010) (Broughton, 2009) constitute the first part of the literature review. Then questioning arises on the way professionals themselves use terms chronically misused, fuelling misunderstanding and amalgams or helping the hiding of crimes by defining them via wordings such as ‘sex industry’, ‘prostitution’ or the ‘commercialisation’ of sexual abuses on children.

The dissertation puts forward the way paedophilia, one cannot do more taboos and ‘naturally’ ‘at home matters’, are maintained in the realm of the untold, of the unnoticed, of the unreported, or un-investigated even though when known of everyone. Could statistic results be part of the explanations for such unwilling or absence altogether of serious steps against it? Would it be because of its pervasiveness (UNICEF Pacific, 2006) (Lalor, 2003) that paedophilia is in fact ‘under protection’ or at least protected by people’ passiveness not daring even for it to be addressed? One cannot say ‘unseen’, as in broad daylight, child marriage included in the US, sex tourism regions on every continent or whole quarters in India (Whitaker et al., 2008), of children and under-age individuals exploited in such atrocious ways, remains juridically untouched, standing as the epitomes of sexual abuses on children international realm. Even though muffled, reporting appear on popular, high-circulated papers, without anyone managing to take serious actions against it. If the spotlight stays discreet, legal decisions result in letting paedophiles predators advocating, pressurizing for paedophilic crimes as activists and directors of organisations in the Netherlands.



a)        Misappropriation of the language by professionals


All the way, reports mention such things as ‘labour and smuggling’’ instead of ‘trafficking’, ‘child prostitution’, ‘sex industry’ and so forth. To talk about prostitution instead of horrific crimes and the punishment that are linked to them, will with certainty impact on how these issues are considered, tackled or ignored. Prostitution should have been reworded to phrases conveying how children have been traded and sexually raped, neutralised, harmed and tortured against money. The same applies with children called prostitutes but not trafficked, enslaved children by the sex trades. Alongside it people tend to use vocabulary from a milieu that endorses sexual abuse against children. It is not even about the percentage of professionals using these terms instead of words reflecting the crimes they attempt to designate. It is no longer the question, this paper uses these erroneous terms similarly since a lack of reformulation rules over the impossibility of naming those abuses otherwise. Professionals use the ‘new wave’ name depicting what have been defended as being ‘sex work’ for adults, and from there, one will define victims as being within (or rather belonging to) the ‘sex industry’ (Broughton, 2009, p.2). The ‘sex industry’, as it is erroneously called, using children as victims, is expending. Left indefinitely like this and the by default classifications, academic quotes and phrases would then legitimate it as being a business rather than a crime industry of the most horrendous (if not so vilified) and punishable type of abuses.


The number of children involved in national and international sex industry (Broughton, 2009, p.2)


as it is inappropriately and shamelessly called


b)              Rehabilitation, resocialization[iii]?


”13 Article 9.3 of the Optional Protocol requires States Parties to “take all feasible measures” to ensure all appropriate assistance to children who are victims of offences mentioned in the Protocol, “including their full social reintegration and their full physical and psychological recovery” (Broughton, 2009, p.12).


It is true that aiming at full inclusion, and full protection is essential and has by any means to be reminded and observed. Though this kind of formulation also infers that these same professionals do not know what they specialise in. They are the signs of a too easy, permissive, self-uncritical, satisfied jargon typifying once again that the burden is put on the child (Purvis and Ward, 2006) to fully recovered from what may be nearly impossible to. In that case pathologies could be treated as not normal and be punished as particularities, and symptoms or signs (type of resilience or healing processes that will be discounted, ignored or unexamined) could then be perceived as backwards or as inner deficiencies. It is also forgetting or erasing the ongoing realities of people having been or being harassed, and victimised. It pronounces the abuses as mendable, just a blip in the course of one’s life- it is trivialising it. Even though people jargon about sexual exploitation on children, they routinely used economic terms just like ‘rehabilitating’ them into general trading, and where even there, growth is ‘attained’. ‘Full reintegration’ resounds as the pride of a social system that simultaneously ‘allows’ that to remains well-known and left aside perpetrations, promulgating or providing at last, the perspective of being integrated to the system: as a reward, a final and late join-in.




It ok I’ ll send that to him later. there is nothing wrong with a break. I thought I was gonna die in London anyway. no friend, no girlfriend, no flat worth of this name, no quiet time, only pay. and socio-economic conflicts and predations when you are still on your way.



Conflicts that aren’t ethnic or cultural but economic predations.  





When you rarely realized that your computer has a camera, has, as an eye, and internet to decipher.



What is your favourite film?

Give a summary of the plot (the story), and reasons why you like it.

1: people talk about the film they have chosen.

2: people in the audience can ask questions.







People forgetting the importance of powers, wanting to kill vipers. Or all snakes for this matter.

Any grow a nature would have the same reasoning with us, they kill or might kill so let get rid of them thus.






To be bitten by mistake, and be granted with their noses and sense of torpor. The tornado that don’t prevent nor impeach the wind unchained and warm cover.



Spouse, soup.





Cut,     cult. Defy.



An image of colonisation, is the white American on horseback making sure no one else enjoy the country side. When you think of the natives. It makes you feel more than sad, and dubious is back as is cabal.



The ones who argue there are no god are the masters of insolence.


He whom those who claim they write a book about they.




Golden.  Den.   Ado gaol,

Ago. Gail. Gale. Equal.


Dragon. Guard, eden.



To pray to pray

To join you in eternity.

Even if you were next to me.

What could I have done to deserve this

All opened way, to a life of love, hope

But no sanity as anything between this and me, render my thoughts fire and ice.

Everything they could to destroy or stop feeling you went.


Jump, hump.





Rise, reis.



Lethal injection for death penalty utilise on animals for what. Of what are they guilty??




In the snake, females bigger.



We will reach a point in knowledge when you will be able to check on your illness on the net without being able to cure them, or even go to see the specialist about it.








All money, skills and energy going into campaigning and elections. Campaigning to let people know about society drastic needs. Without any corrections brought on how welfare money coming from the state are spent, to no avail or onto bribes, because the big bosses or all ‘their’ employees are so good to be willing to work for 5 figures in this god forsaken affair.




I give you a round, answering some questions I had.     

I gave you a series of documents, you just need to say anything you want about them. I said the opposite, I said you do a role play with me (my answers will be very brief- as a staff you have to give me the options- ideally all options), not in groups, students will go one by one-, if you want to recite the documents it is 100 % ok. you also can tell me about the texts with your own words.

if you don't find anything to say, then I will ask you questions straight away, but I strongly advise you to come to the exam with dialogues or lists of sentences ready and say them to me. 


I won’t ask questions directly on the only English texts, but it is recommended you talk about them if you want a better mark.


Third part are the exercises but it is the smallest part of the test.


PS: if you talk to me about optional things, they will be bonus points.




We will see a world where teaching positions, all teaching positions, will be taken by the financial people that put us in a pouring economic crisis, and the business people in charge of the ethics. Over the philosophers and other academics that will have to lie to go on reading, writing, and looking after scholarships.




Be guided by ideas that are greater than us, meaning greater than little heteros, religious parties, etc., etc.




The fact that people will leave longer, without leaving behind, being, any will, or financial or concrete legacy, will bring parents and children relationship, old and young to another threshold, and themes.

The ones of euthanasia energical, generically or sickly sited, cited.




Hello, I need to know how much cash I am allowed to take out of China as a foreigner, I cannot find any data coming from official websites?

Moreover since, I cannot take out all the money I earn here and also because my bank status is so low that my card, in this time and age, does not permit me to buy or any other kinds of transaction via internet.




When ideas such as the world and its units are systematically described (or describing.) within a tubular approach of our own ‘scientized’ (FORMALISED) understanding.

It is why art arts parallel to any other academics is purely needed.



People say changes are detrimental for families and social stabilities and security… a great example is the industrial revolution where people died in the mines and patriarchy was at its finest.




How long will take for the revolution of clean technology to take place, in a world, if still the case, to be all (cull cell) called and classed, cased, under that name. in a place where hypocrisy cannot hide inter and inner bad feelings and awful taste.

Racism, tolerance for spiteful religion in spite of the means that brought to an end, other species livings.




XX century said to be the most murderous in what people still called wars. But what about before security problems and discreet murderers or all life poisoning and even better.

What will be called our future famines or pollutions related epidemic and chronic murderous deeds, kills, and vies.


Going on after that, despise of that, or just wanting that as the easiest meal. Fittest? Let’s ee see what an all protector would say and remove from this?












All that French.













The country most world historians see as responsible for the defeat of Germany in WWII was

JapanGreat BritainFrancethe Soviet Union

The Soviet Union paid the greatest price and is generally considered to be the most responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany.





WHEN one realises all the nationalism, socialism that were taking at the time involving purges, corruption and famines, one then realises the role of capitalism or liberalism at bay from state fuelled systematisation of horror and surrender.




Is the story of the boundaries drawn (drown) in Africa colonialist being the fruit of inadvertence true or genuine?

Or wold I suggest the inevitability of civil wars and the discreet purge that would (fatality foci, forge forcibly foolishly, folk fall) follow or be in- get rid by murder and after by majority, or constant terrors?



When I gauge my life against the love I had…

An emptiness, but this time, it is mine.




Even the mightier of the storms, for the strength of the nature it is very little. Its natural.

I means that nature is gentle or haven’t come down to a cycle where here her agents understood she hosted her killers.

We are not capable of this, but next stage and in fact right (rig) now, would be waiting in awe.

Wetting our weight, a feather.

Disposed of her body



The murder going on onto breaking news, recurrent, incessant. Unascend, scent, confirmed by LAPD and neighbouring states or counties. Or countries. Look like advertisement of a substitute for the game of throne, and shone.



It is somewhat intriguing that the metric system, sole we intimately understand as working through units, are going by 10. Just like the numbers of toes or fingers.

As big as our mathematical sense, it presupposes.

And the way we are so sure that other animals cannot think or philosophize.




C.ET: art will end near imperialise, perene, enoble enable humans to represent, lasting 5 mn, what is at the apex or apocalypse or apology of all life (a sample of their extremes or exterior/internal, inferring, king sheer uttering, uterine, infernal or extremities) but this one, this tension lasting never ending. Overtly. The opium that we are looking for, the live fully, that we reach 3 seconds a day instead of all the time, praying almighty.


The reciprocity. Live in sin. Because of not reaching, not in. not even close, the revolution coming with feeling, the knowing through the light that enters the palace or have deserted.





Animal tortures, utilisation or consumption. Not (took take) talking about animals worn. Work.

To stop these tortures is intrinsic to evolution, though evolution may h 2 different roads, the horror or the sublime. A progression where (or in chick in which) naturally we would come to decision between food and death, or we would revert fighting for survival or for avoiding to slaughter as a primary or sole activities. The end of short live existence, the sire, arising sure one of short lived survival.


Worn. Work.

Though yes same as humans, will they have to prosternate, or prost something else. Procast, procrastinate.


Took, cot.

For grant.





My wife, my religion.

In front of my tomb, in front of your womb, praying for everything.

Knowing that you are not with me, reassure me now, since how to deserve you, how to protect you. How to thank the world. Or. Orl-ando.



Nothing wl will do and ee even less my poetry.

There are no ghosts for you, nor for me. I, you don’t have to die. Everyom moment we spend for me this three, continuously.



 I can’t thank god, I could not thank the creator that would allow me.


I can’t thank god, I could not thank the creator that would allow me.


In front ot of the autel, asking why I could not do better, and take care of some of the souls around, the love you inspire to me.

The wife, who I should before knee, the children any living change, chose.


You know you can take me, death, my body for you. The next journey for her, to find the way. How many kio kilometres, years, millenary, how cold or hot, sole, lonely, desperate, but praying, crying for ther there, her, for you to put your feet, fee, on my spine for your security. For your life? Not without me, not for another, be take eternity. Or you the door to divinity. This life did not want me with you.




When i prefer not to be with you, as my person could not convey.




Philosophy is a many mani, maniac. Query. Just (jus) like customary religion searching a justification to their rhymes and crimes.

Creamed. The cost of sacrifice that never killed but booster aggressivity? No stupidity.

One day will surely die 10 times worse than the way we eat and make suffer others, and other species.


Because the contrary would not satisfy any logic.




The Christians faith does not allow (sick suit) suicide, but what about one that cannot live with their sins, deeds or conditions.

Fight, flight. Succeed. Predecessor, secession, decease, procession. Predate, predation.




Reminder: in martial art, the belly is everything, so are the women.




What people forget in being completely outer despising to other people saying that the way is business and we don’t want your art, we don’t want your aca specialists, etc., etc., is that we don’t want their shits either, and take the way of consumerism, or consumerism. That we want something as concreate as abstract, as spiritual as practical, the dignity and digging, dignitary of living, means only one thing to deserve it and to deserve it one has to honor it.




Science, sequence.




Cultures and cultural quests.

The grail, god, blood, life, eternity, or just idea that makes travel, tremble or wanked.

But do not think that nature will take us like that, the day we decide to go up to the mountains, because we cannot decide for that, and if we try nature won’t take it this way, this easy, we will suffer our death, day, or life, without breathing thin nor this, or fils, thief.




You know that inevitably one day or another that (each) day will have its time; the role of a thinking and acting being to minimize or maximise what happens.




At least I would have written for the love I felt rather than the one I shared. But in fact the day I die or rather every time, I could rest on a stone and us become one, just because my land is hers, and that o cold marry flesh blood thought sentiment.




The sorcellery, relation to the dark- unknown, untamed- and inner essence of the nature.

Why taste a poison? bCause we don't know what its medication is.

Why going in the dark, because of the dark. The dark feels lonely. If you are terrorized by it, it is simply the fear of that needs to be met and under-gone. The dark is dark only through absence. And the dark is light as universal needs call for going through to the restful.






And censorship by politics or definite pretension.

By the way society wants them to be rigid in an ultimate sentimentality of denunciation.





If human beg beings killed a species that took billions of years to appears, like all of us, how many years of damnation for this, who wants to do it/?





And if the light, that constitutes spirits and ghosts, was not light but ways that were shown. Just a field on which or in which could slide our concentration.


Free ways to the reborn.

Or the light just before the absence of matter, suck out or leaving space for encounters with what desperately try to reach the mind or its sister, soul, question, nervousness, virtuosity, verbosity, impulsion, intuit, intuition, ignition, Inuit, ion. Input, progress, protest, procession, progression.

Profession, pogrom, mort, gap, the death we spell and sow, will never let us know that.

A cat, unaccounted form.

Track. Crat. The foe, the fur, the fort.


Omnipotent, present, by the thread of a theme, read fill.

Filial, and the partaking.



Line, linear, agent, cm, complex contingency.


Seal, siblings. Lease, bliss, nil.




On property.


you can't say all empty property, it would mean to become the trumpeter for people to violate individual space, the one we work for, we live for and thanks to, and live by, to experience oneself, to keep some kind of relative, subjective, absolute liberty, the one we found ourselves, we need to work out, and grow not onto property but propriety. etc. pela please spell your boundaries, the limits of between reappropriation and thieves sheer execution, exclusion, if not exclusive executive.


What are the empty spaces for? To get exploited? Invaded? Subjected? So militaristic, endowed with unlimited false justifications against any good will.




Using mathematics was designed to solve problems; not to create them.




The myth of the werewolf to stop people enter in communion with the natural world,

humanity pretence superiority whereas in fact they don’t even belong.




We can imagine a vampire myth (mirth), around the fact that cemetery are near the refuge aspect of a church, the comforting ideas that for a living one could need only a grave and people around serving as food, more deliciously (delict, relic) people that could or would have before made sure that life would have been a living hell for the victims;; now eating.



Monsters and the hungriness revealed for curiosity.

Or having to have one’s own life lay.




The state domain was totally nepotism as long as the salary was alright. By nepotism it was meant the behaviour of whatever got the mild milk easy nowadays. The private sector existed at the relief of everyone because we could not fight to get a job when the state employment were included, it was too near the rog, or the clog of the machine, too explosive, too near the jugular

, -= the the the throttle.

The other ones, less good salary, where staff quit, and the others excel in the no wrong right doing.

Doing nothing. Where no one word can(not not) be said nor seen.




This, vie, very zealous manner by and with which professionals admonish against not comprehensive and well know or informed writing, while so few of them are paid to compile.




between circus, pets and domesticity: between lock-in flat and slaughter destiny.

C.ET: the question of human captivity is also at stake, what we would not do or live like that if we were free, or not dependent on rules that do not enhance nature, force, knowledge but servility.




I was listening my instinct and I also always was rewarded by some increasingly worrying catastrophes. That made me think that instinct was intrinsically wrong. Till the day I understood that it was rewarded or punished or tortured by human beings actions on what it suggested.


Punish, finish.

Pun, pen.









Instinct, instance.

Transient, intransigence.



Laws, slave.




The oceans, seas and rivers, once uncross able, uncrushable, crux and flair, lair and grail a gall, scene of our despair, now, will be prayed and venerate for their giving, space and air.




I was a bit puzzled that a European degree in translation wanted from me to be an English native speaker. 




It is not emigration the problem. you cannot accuse migrants to change the rules of one's country for worst. It only shows that people inside were waiting for things to become more and more appalling. just to fall into decadency and live out of the dying. for conning be more fast and secure, etcc...It is why people will split nations, geographic area and the world, to preserve inequalities. and some without having even to admit it. as for tweeter it is why people end up all day insulting it is so few character and world limit allow that it is ridiculous communicating, let alone discussing.


Maybe you should have them legally. you know one cannot put on sharia it spreading. the uk, france, Germany (practising) will be as responsible as any.




It is in the human nature, if you have nothing to do (studies, libraries, communities achievements, entertainment, give them or watch them), people will find something to do, and each time it will be around resources as you will need to compete for them or just decide to destroy the word that cannot regulate in fairness and harmony.

Auto-destruction marching order could be as simple as that.




Just to reassure the americans, when devillepin, foregin minister of france, come to tell the americans that they should follow france because it is a old country having known barbery, without remembering its collaboration per se, then it is only worth the still hysterically funny good mockery we can see us, on French tv at 8 pm, caricaturing the politicans and other celebrities, the problem ream remains I am not too sure it is allowed to depict one’s nation given to this level of dirtiness, vileness and in fact inhumanity. Or any other low and coward, or treacherous, or lying, propagandist, stealing behaviour nor measures. We still have to mock other people, other a nation. Becore before slipping into further blasphemy. Ballast blast.






Males are said to be competitive to permit the entire family to steal inside and outside their reach -just far more beyond that could sustain insanity.

They steal their mothers, sisters, fathers, as a service for the patry.




We divide cultural and politics, denying how culture is politics and the absence of culture in politics just pillage and raillery.







Logics is the devil coming take its toll, look at what we ve done

Toll. Loot, stool.




Laugh, Loki.




Creator in Egyptian mythology = Atoum.

Latin Odin .


A tome.




One destroys what people had of history by destroying the incentives the others have to study it. Their arts and technology, biology, or at least their arts, their stories.

Or the civilisations destroy themselves killing it.

Arts, justice and salvage, discovery. Leave nature teaching what is unseeed, unseen, esa, escaping poor humanity blinded, usurpating category.




Domination is used to ‘naturalise’ societies that submit people into poverty, poor individuals building poor society will have to fight poorly. And here goes the species.

Just like these universities peering pretending debates. But not about more knowledge or in-tell-line, e intel, ingenious inter-exchanges, but to profess how none is relevant just how to gt get (a jet set) job, speaking rubbish and abuses hidden in fees and fizz. A freeze of corrupted training and conscripts.



Effect, ephes.




Sue, science. Scur, rescue.

Unconscienced has been coined by Freud. A last century concept.

So what.

What is then all that is around matter, illusion and what we sense of it.

Our ways of saying, seeing that animals are inferior. While we manage to know nothing about the strength that are around. Maybe excg exca extract, exchange some ideas and account, numerisation and coloration, but after what. The neant.

Human, a fraud.




Let’s conceptualise a world where mythologies are in fact the ones who are right. Logically, as they were the people listening to mature, mother nature. Or even when not listening as not virtuous and virtuoso, hearing.

Minus the aim of destruction, slavery, utility. Mythology reserves, reveals agnotism and the need for a circulating and doming, dominant energy.




The horror, and the gross vulgarity of talking about phallus, while not noticing that it is vaginal, or a tunnel that only the individual can own and slay.




Satan, the fallen agneau, angel, said I cannot bow in front of human beings because I have been created first and I am older, and therefore superior. So would devil be defined this way??

A chronologic, logical justification identified, personified as wrong.





In some catholic interpretation, Satan is the devil as it is an angel that do not want to serve humanity.

As their main reference? As the man at the image of a god.

As pretentious as the real thing.


How Christianity is the peluptieme (empty mode) of epitome of chr,        liberalism and capitalism. The forced adulation.




Christianism like many other religions seek faith not in god, but in that they are the image of it.




The di, devil is said to be able to change its forms, and therefore the sa snake is just one that has influenced, biased the human judgments.

Maybe th goat has been taken so often, as people with the lambs, were to move in the mountains. Were free and alone.




Just like horrid plagues could have come to make humans realise they are not on their earth, to stop the plundering.




To think one has yield, even oneself could be yielding to a devil’s pact, when there is none coming.




The desire or the necessity to bring back animal strength, intelligence, capacity, to fight against the cold or any human or other adversities.

A captivity.





Acculer, in French




Anti-christ is always represented as being male, what misogyny grotesque.


And could that be then, through the writing of a leader, that what is called the anti-christ could remain.

Post-moderne, post-mot- mortem.



They go on taking, talking of a bes, beast, bea, typical.

The end of world is not coming but here as for the si disparition of species, human beings will have to pay.













Golden 10 06 to 04 2018

Mix with docs titled ‘Golden 10 06’


There is as many definitions as there are people. So definitions are what we commonly agreed. But common is not shared and what we generalised, industrialised, our growth, our loss and despair.

Communally, what will, has to, must? Grow is the industrialisation of fencing. Greed.




I admit that the vatican 'has to be' the target of terrorism, just a bomb like for 9/11. bringing wars. le vatican en feu. une guerre qui ne pourrait etre evitee plus longtemps si le coeur de l europe et ses vestiges historiques cessent d etre proteges, car si on ne sait intervenir pour les canons alors que deviendront nos chairs.




Maybe what differentiate Jesus from other human beings after resurrection, is the fact that he has been judged. i.e that he had seen this error and errs.





I think that the church has too much sinned, regarded to women, poverty, spirituality…to go on with power any longer.

As for the other it has been never anything such as a religion despite its campaign successes.

A religion is what bring every creation to an equal foot, not food to the creator. Not the opposite, or not unlike it.




Though I don’t think Freud can be interpreted as every child depends mostly upon their parents for future sexuality, freud installed a switched against invasion, mould, manipulation that can work at least in some measures, perhaps for the main.

It is an Eros, Thanatos situation where the body if it loves (and in the child circumstances in all vulnerability, in all dependence) can also destroy, utterly separate, stop and annihilate. Annulated.



You think vegetarianism would be bad. so for the moment what is it overstocked with. overstock is your belief that nature is your kitchen. in hell. what if life's aim would be to balance, that is to stop the need for killing or invading, without pretending they are going so weak that they will have to die, to their believe we are in a predators prey situation, that suit their weakness enabling them to prey on people searching peace, creativity, etc, by stealing with no morals or stronger attitude concerning existence. i know that there are carnivores and scientists should study the way they could live without having to kill. or eat flesh, eat one's own flesh. fell like flea. humans are not carnivores they are or starving or for what is here just stupid.

And you can check there are no striving imbeciles that are lasting anylonger in evolution theories or drama.



Theory, hero, terror.

Scientist, horrific.




Often religions and sciences are opposed. If what if religions instead of hiding only sciences or sciences hiding spiritual have both hidden reality?





As for the referendum splitting Europe with the UK, I am sure that after 2 lamentable term run by a pm such as D. Cameroon it is the sole trick this twat, in charge with how a manager knowing nothing from oxford district could do quite well considerately.

You know why the referendum after so two pitiful term, just at the end of his mandate, when I caught myself begging for him to stop taling talking about Scotland, fearing the Scots will have to leave, treating everybody like its boys, like if everyone’s life had been so simpleton but easy?

Because it will be remembered. A referendum is what makes and unmake history, it is what the General De Gaulle did after violent mass demonstrations against him. It is something that will stay in history, something that will come up so often in quizzes.

Cameroon him trow that question about years and years of his week and week after weak, deomo demonstration on how pathetic the English people had to be to let his political head interfere in state matters like if it was another company, ready to go, to downsell, to outsource, and above all transpiring with dishonesty, with so flimsy worries and themes that if we were to broadcast of this PM talked to his people it would be in fact dangerous for the UK. Without any serious, with so little important matter and deeper discussion in hand that the best he (not could have done) but deign doing was a discourse on the emergency on some floods happening in the country. We don’t need a head to that, there are hundreds of should well-serving MP.

Pathetic, pathologic, and servile, because when one accepts.




And if secrete agencies, sects, religions, or political, leadership organisations had that of terrorizing not so much what they hide, but what they managed to spy in. and the result of a conglomerate of accumulate information others kept unexchanged, at least as long as it is for taking control with air of superiority. E.Ts.




Could religions holy sites be within desert or walking distance of it, as they then through climatic conditions, allowed the preservation of the scriptures.




Could chaos be a force that is younger or past the time of reason, the reason of time, end its beacon.




In terms of psychopathy, there is a maniple plural, an announced manipulative control that may mean that we could unaware dissimulate our psychopathic traits. Because one stopped caring in groups. To certify oneself as not being one, and killed animals just out of the ‘eternal vomiting pleasure’ to eat them.

Con control.

Controlee, counter lea. Lies, pies, spies and pis.



I would agree that common therapies cannot work on certain people, but also because common therapies are, have nothing to do with care, security, empathy and integrity, and that not only towards their patients, the source of income, but ward,s, towards the whole society


Psychology market, receipt, recited.





Psychology now, as a reverse of its most classical annoyed habit, stopped put the responsibility on the mother, family, but in fact by more modern extension themselves, the therapies, the society, to put it on innate characteristics.

Of course changing anything is a danger as it is the combination of the two that has to have effectiveness, exclusivity.



To assert a behaviour recognised by all as destructive is biological is one more steps, not stops, at manipulation of genes, DNA…

Manipulation assent.




When you are 20 you don't know the difference. presumably the boys may have flirted with her, and ask her here and there out. i dated a older woman when i was 17, 20 years later i am still consumed with love. 14 is too young, it is punishable and it is good this way. but every story does not depict intended crime.




The trick in psychology is the treatment from normal to what is observed or qualified as being deviant. So it is the analyse of someone who say ok the horrors of today are a fact of life versus what they categorised as being pathologic. Super schema.



So, shotgun, short of hun, or none the better for that.





People not talking about what is going on in (maybe towards even) their mind, there, the energy, thoughts and believes reigning of and on the matter they see, are inclined to and towards and prosperate.

Or people do not say anything, because what is considered mental illness is at the intersection of taboos paranormal, supernatural being so because people do not want recognise either the power and the restrictions of the mind. that it is something else, that something we don't have any clue about, on or over.




5 Most Disturbing & Unethical Human Experiments





Je viens de voir un documentaire : si tu dis a des enfants qu’ils sont des personnes ayant tendance a bégayer (alors qu'ils ne begayent pas a l'origine, avant l'experience, ils le deviennent ! bégayeurs. 

Of course, the problem is that if you tell them they are the best, then they will have to adjust all their lives, and since best does not exist, that woould persist is to destroy the land.

Ooooouuuuuuu, sniff, sniff.




Humanity keeps on demarking, comparing itself with the animal reign in order to compare themselves to god then. Main, man, mean, meaning that they thing they are more divine. Which give them a system in which they do not have to prevent animals’ death, the in fact only thing that could make them a distinct species, to be able to summon justice and sciences in order to stop killings. Any.





In Nostradamus prophecies, the name of hister announcing hitler as a second anti-christ is even more surprising when reading Nostradamus writing in old French, XVI French, whose “S” read like a German umlaut.

Hysteria. iso, esotery hysteria.




Mutation is not only due to the necessity of eating (or moving, hunting, thinking) differently but also the conscience, the awareness of having to operate this: the metamorphosis.

From there two others:

-        Animals fighting cold and thirst all hours and days long thus encounter otherwise and more profound in many times and ways that the philosophy of the mind whose body is heated or surroundings do not have to face weathers and intemperate temporality.

-        To evolve humans will have to access veganism, the only way to reduce the amount of pain and injustice, false sacrifice = done out of being sinful and unwilling to thanks the gods for every life, life = hope for liberty, happiness, creation, discovery…




Some people say the difference btw people and (other) animals is that humans know they will be dying. Humans know nothing about death, like they know nothing about creation as they know nothing about animals and therefore nothing about beliefs, thoughts, matrices and Agamemnon.




The racism like everywhere it is and has been consists also in saying to people that they don’t look like the guys that are in their country. I am almost sure that an Indian, that all aborigines suffer from racism this way. You don’t look American while they have been decimated for being it.

This comes from possession: they want to own a country, they want to own a land, the laws, and what is in it, and through this position also own other nations.

Demise and the only premise.





We keep on talking about magic thoughts and magic call and search as not an illumination but as a pardon and paradise lost.

We kill nature and therefore the rest of what we have still to see, touch, contact won’t or very little show what it has or demonstrate their own and sheer company.





Cee, celebrities are respected generally due to the fact that they are the products of society, that is and their outcomes, what they did, and their glory belonging to everybody. The same for all creation, that is the orchestral music belonging and having been made by the whole of its assembly. Namely the lords and the slaves. There is no such thing as a culture of such and such, no more that there is one society.

Gong, belong.




The thing, the gauge of life creation, that even if not animated, is nonetheless living.




Common reading also is illusory because render possible in that kind of flash news, recurrently coming, alone in mass media communication, to even make sure that their followers get dizzy on one eternal aspect of the message they send: there will be never anything in depth, anything that will solve the story. Cons everywhere, abuses without end, problem describes years after years without being stopped, just like in laboratories inflict on animals and just observed. ob served, obvious perversity. common reading in context that is.


Atomic as grotesque is pervading everywhere as long as however knowledgeable, however commited and however acting in fairness, our actions will not take place and be rewarded by societal activities, not a job not even a volunteer one. as power of action is si regulated, by the only let-motive that is eventually permitted, interested, the most vested. vest = robe, the habit = in French the cloak, the garment of a profession. the justice as via all other pressure groups biased as the human rights organisations selectively sponsored and retributed = PR, consultancy, recruitment and ceo, but nowhere teaching by extension (courses are so expensive that not intelligence will trinkle up or down the ladder of hermeticity) the rest are serfs and royalty = loyalty to growth and consumption eating up nature, culture, evolution.

As for Hermes, voyageur and messenger, the nature gods have nothing more to say but warring the ones that seek egoistic eternity = death to everybody + have to be cover(ed of) and with falsity. Messange, ange, massaging not the truth but last intrepidity. Be planet earth our last judgment before we destroy more of it.




The other sex, that is not essentially heterocentric but the other, as partner, as desire, as object (matter, imaginary, reality).

Toward completion maybe or division, recession, or the birth of another organism, but that cannot survive without a parent, or in a situation of pluralism a society, tolerant of communality and particularity. The same, the other, the oddity.

The stranger, the outer, the inner and descent. The uniqueness asked by the work of nature able to feed a tree with water, roots, the sun and the dust of what constitutes this unicity, unity.




‘Hister’ in Nostradamus, could mean not Danube but Easter.


What about MABUS.

At least we know that MA could be the diminutive of Madam, just like Notre Dame.


Just like a woman on the cross.




Desertification in china.

C: I have lived in China almost 2 years and what I saw of the desertification process is the systematic bombing of the hills. When people want to make space, they just bomb the hills for the soil to become flat. The jungle is gone and instead a red ground is all what is left.





Master of abus, of M standing for Mr, Mrs, or Ms.

Let’s see in Mrs or a sign, a relics of possession Mr’s or of polygamy, one of those@ both aberrati0ns.




Les langues, les sons, les bruits de la nature, ne meurent jamais.

Tels sont les vibrations échangées, et le langage entre les espèces et les années.


Dialects, sounds, echoes of nature never cease, forever live.

The mutual vibrations, inter-species exchanges btw space, time and the flesh who incarnated it. But what of what has been made suffering, extinct, derelict. What words they will, must say.


Have to. Have ebb but not be.




Deliquesce, that is melt away, from matter to solution. Could then solutions here embody the way denouement are expected to arrange, the philosophical affair? Purees, purse, putrescene.

Put rid.





Didactic:surprisingly enough not reviled academics but reviled by academics: info essential sources to informed critics or contradictions. But then it would mean more danger, more work n also more exposition to the duty to the truth or wisdom, though lying shits even intellectuals aren’t, it seems to oblige to provide any of this love (hovel) and passion.




The universe, mineral, waters and fire, turning with a pool of life lurking.

And if the light not traveling on a plane trip, was curving, and its information recurring.

Like the dust we will be becoming.




If you say one loves their lovers divinely because we are now society without defined rituals towards a ‘loveable’ god, then I could be answered that when people love god it is done not for these people to love god but in fact the society that enact them. It is why people may end up doing everything, and endure any way of life or rather make other people endure them- because mainly love for the eternal is not directed into the open but dedicated to societies that ultimately dock, mob, mock and tomb it.




To re-read years after, since reading just after or only after is horrid, impossible, all too acid. Not possible, lack of decency. And what I spent hours writing, thinking, yielding, yearning, just a foolish shadow fabric in density. No one word that characterised my neuter neutral nature and what is called s destiny. Sole sadness masked, alleviated, to only uncovered the little luk luck my companion have had to praise, to prey on me. Prey here because it is no good to leave the dead decay. Deck hay-ing.




In the sky, the cloud race, all white, grey, and the moon does not startle, does not start, just watch, me and them. Them, me and vain. In vein. Strata state strait, not, not to the Hindus caste that one tries, trial, trip pyrrhic or journey for the land. And end.




How many persons would choose to enact the horrors presided by people like hitler, just to have its celebrity, wealth or power?




From the plants, this ‘abc bacteria, just like a snake wanted to go out. Going out, only a few biological steps from sitting the bac a l’aureat’.




There are no safety nets, there are no jobs, no responsibilities, in a world that looms its feed back to our monstrosity, there are no jobs while crumbling, we should have thousands to make it the paradise it strives and prove, trove to be. Being.

Also people putting on the family, not because they can believe in the notion, but like a dog tortured that one won’t report, knowing that the rescuers will put her down. So people say, insist, even though they can feel it is just a feeling, to motion one has learned is suitable, positive to see. Go back to your loving family, not knowing if smiles aren’t but irony features commenting laughingly, not learning from the count of the pain, just make it irremediability.




People say that Cameroon stopped being a MP after its demissioning, resigning gin his PM’s seat, in order to be paid thousands for speech. I cannot say I studied Cameroon speech, but each time I have had an echo of it, I was full with shame, just half wanting, half wanting not that these be listened to by foreign. Foe reign. Cause what one would have fathomed is that there was nobody at the head of this country. Cameroon’s were the quality of a member of parliament talking about trifle affairs but never those of someone elected to be serious about the size of a nation. I always knew it, but little did I guessed what will have brought this heretic. To become a footprint in history books, it triggered a national and continental historic event. The Brexit of Britain from Europe. A few months after the scots agreed to stay with England. A double betrays. A double betrayal.

Cameroon reign should have been saluted for its brevity, just you know we have no one so we seed a said, send you this half manager, liar, easy going with everything that matters, the unseriousness of the financial and lucrative market thus embodied if not idolatred (hatred). Of course these people come from oxford, and the parliament’s style of debate, tell you why you do not need a café philo in London, as politicians are as dishonest as philosophers or publicans will be.


We seed a said, send you this half manager, liar, easy going with everything that matters- no trace of competence, value, and for its speciality, the absence of relevance- the Vlad lad of pettiness managing rendering it pretty? For the one that already renounce having a country.


A pale plebiscite that make puny poor responsible for what the rich we own wanted, rich not the working people at the top, u but the ones that ripped off everybody. To fleece this country, to make it a battleground and this time beyond beaches and valleys.

To go out of its own continent, not in fighting, saying we need this and that to be better done or doing. No, not revealing but its insularity that used to save her, but now. The uk champion of trafficking and polluted sea will have partner such as Putin bringing for its touchstone to reflect, reject and defect an alit and bright effigy.


Hatred, atre in French, the fire place.




To me, the figure of a blind-folded person attacking an innocent, unarmed woman, is the symbol of justice. Blind-folded not because it does not discriminate, but in a context of end of world, as it is said ‘a point at which one needs to choose between god and evil- as the boards are now clearer- blind-folded is the way we are now. The cinema, the play the media and the rest pretend they don’t know how unequal, filthy and dangerous has been led humanity.




To confide in you, in fact i was looking with you, but my being a vegetarian- I do not want to kill animals- prevent me from fostering animals as organisations do not want vegetarian diet for dogs, even though it is perfectly healthy. 

I am ok for a dog, but my budget is limited. I found good cheap vegetarian food though...




Black magic, some, used not alive animal in ceremony. They in fact kill, they also use dead animals when it is long ago since humans have them as potential deadly hazard. That even if they have now, humans had to find a solution respecting creation. That of course a hen stays the worst enemy since they have so many to avenge against humans’ stupidity. To use dead animals or as sacrifices, that never will be, or as imagery is nothing like black magic. It is merely the sing of signs licking statu-quo and monarchy. The people swearing their allegiance to the devil of all, the way humans exploited, profiteer and murder nature. Not the call of supernature, of course we still can laugh since it will torture back these people having made her life a mockery. Taciturnity. Though before we have to support these super idiot pretending they differ, they offer another religion, they are but the statu-quo demoni, praying to have the power of the replete, the re-plot, the tanguy. Fowl, folks




They made me a recluse, for simple acts for live cannot be played, then just like death in waiting it will from nascent to lay.

we won’t commit suicide anymore one day, it is murder and if they push for it to be realised then like my game magic the spelled will boomerang without handle, no, hang.


Black magic, sum.

They made me a recluse, for simple acts for live cannot be played, then just like death in waiting it will from nascent to lay.




Crypt, church. A crypt while churches had been built on water source in order for the druidic followers to have to come were nature had it summoned.





This love for the texts, to gauge, judge my life- existence – dance - against what I did not manage to write or even start- though when I realise that I could not express this for you when your image makes me cry and my soul want but the afterlives agar, again ether when I could see you or be burnt to the stake of adoration that could not break – through the ashes, through the smoke, not any air, any more terre –earth- without you. Your statues. You, statue.

Age, ago.




I am homo, but when I think of love, the purest, then all sexes, I understand.

beauty in all genders; sublime


The love for a woman, the love I had just like the one burning in every breath of that. Divinity.


Bird of all skies, bird of peace, heaven te trouvera. Trinity, re-trouver. Lose you, and be refound-taken again. Still thus. Fig. fib fin. Fou.

Trove, truce, dove, o confound me with the color of the immensity, ask me to cover all lands of ice for her to reappear before me, in front of every. Just like I live, no sparing my soul, since she is born for you to ennoble. Disrobe- fumed in the cold- dans le froid.




Astronomy, religion, sciences and believes. To learn about the logics and the chains creating, recreating, flowing, regeneration, timing.

I think that the history of the galaxies or of the universe depict, how well, the complete ridicule (not riddle) of inflicting God resumed by one book. In fact, it is an insult to God and the human intelligence or intelligence in itself. I don’t even talk about the absence of cosmology as even cosmology could not satisfy a dust or a grain of fathoming more than for the time it took to read- and this immensity that is not assimilated. The wonders of the world itself, alone, could create life, as it produces such an explosion (no exploitation), even when it is in us, very smaller scale, able to, just like a star producing a new sun, as the clouds sparkle and glimmer.




Human beings think of themselves to be as big as important as planets. It is why they destroy earth with a competitive edge.



As far as what we know about astronomy is not conspiracy, like the political ones, or the media covering one aspect of what is known or claiming stating truth when there has been no real investigation. Why would humans find lives on other planets? While they are destroying ‘their own’. For diabolical attend, intent? In-tent.

Humans and its pseudo. Odeus.




The fact that one’s work will last more than one’s life could be the material proof of it not being created by the artist or the maker just revealing one aspect of its originality.




of course, event like Brexit, or the anti-globalisation, could be put into place to make people believe that the only valid system of redistribution, and security, and stability, a one that has to transit through bigger entities, would essentially, has to be tyrannical. For that they render the people tyrannical in allowing them to choose laws that will opt by the exploitation, the rendition, the depletion, the death and annihilation in whole or in part of the others. Pretending that it is better because if fittest then fit means socially able to kill to fuel infamy.

People plebiscitary.




Myth: the volume and weight of a brain does not impact of the intelligence fuelled by it. Mind I would also say that the intelligence gather and gauge off others is not the intelligence that has been generated.




People tragically, just like a mannerism, or manoeuverism, say that they don’t belong to animals as animals are wild. The way humans kill, instead of studying in order to avoid killing, is just as they say Hitler did, with holocaust quality: systematic, societal, and industrialised. And now clinically, sanitised.





People go on and on about how homosexuality is not natural, how they could coerce, and its thousand manners towards abstinence or heterosexuality. These plies of coercion or the strategies utilised to lead towards an orientation or untoward it, is why people cannot become the most logical of being: bisexuality.

Why people go on and on is that they exploit so much the homosexuals that they still pretend they did not understand the only mechanism they have in mind: slavery, enslavement.




Hit, this pouch or bouquet of hair just where the spine stops or recedes, the one touching the skin and nerve between neck and skull, super sensitive, (under the ones overgrowing) much like a tail.







1.     1.


the outer layer of the cerebrum (the cerebral cortex ), composed of folded grey matter and playing an important role in consciousness.


2.     2.


an outer layer of tissue immediately below the epidermis of a stem or root.


Bark in latin.



Cor and corgi.




People look for UFO, fair enough, and what did they find on our psyche? Not a little bother by the ebb and flow of our feelings and thoughts.


Maybe then the ergo cogitum is not Cartesian enough, I think but what does it mean? Or do I think alone, by myself, on my own, or is it listening realm of radiations, variations, brimming vibration just as in the air and as floating and as unceasing and regular as breathing. What about my case? A box and a cortex.






The snake in ancient Egypt, symbol of fertility.




The fibre, fire, fierce trend towards extremist, is egotic rah rather than god, as the ones in the cult chosen are then deemed to be at the top of the hierarchy, of all believers and no-believers, no less.




The, one of the sassiest sad is the squirrel. The one that is called tree rat. Not because of what it is called, as the most it could do is equate to the realisation of a child, no more child, that discover that (is) his parents to the lowest of their world wanted them. Not of the other worlds, as they did not know them.

Birds can go from trees to trees even though in whooping town the view is blead, bleak. For a squirrel, they have to jump to almost unnatural strength from tree to tree. Just like the ninja or the monk of shaolin, whose addicted admonishing audience would say of them that they have these powers of the extra natural because of genetic, or the opportunities that the proficient privileged inferred to them. Even so just like bleeding.

Bleeding, blending.

The red, him ended, endangered.




Vampires receive so much attention, as their myth is the one of the devil itself, inflicting the most discreet, strident, and inner, almost warming pain. The type of intimacy that would shroud the fact that this life is so far from super or supra natural. The almighty nature is gone from our vicinity and is therefore forbidden to speak to us, also our own misdeeds make the satan so ready, as the work is half done, and the battle reduce to none, and invest, invisibility.




To always remember this woman who, when I was very young, tried to tell me she could have thought of me, and to remember the very moment where I went, genuinely almost candid, grossly.

But stop thinking it was bad luck, there is so much that one can take. And realise she could have without doing it, restoring a soul that did not know itself, may have been lay fall, lethal, bound to be.





To pretend sincerely to an emotion, sweeping, swaging, in order for my pain, my own, not to be known. Is this a good strategy? Certainly not, but a mechanism that enable to call it life instead of survival. But also stopping me to further know the black hole.





A good horror movies, or the one of a well-tortured, manipulated, situation, is when the protagonists, actors or just characters live there during the day, many days, facing, tumbling across, analysing, investigating the place of butchery, the executions territory, the whole world, a one from which, which one cannot escape, even more of which, to which the future victims had contributed, he or they participate.








As far as what we know about astronomy is not conspiracy, like the political ones, or the media covering one aspect of what is known or claiming stating truth when there has been no real investigation. Why would humans find lives on other planets? While they are destroying ‘their own’. For diabolical attend, intent? In-tent.

Humans and its pseudo. Odeus.




The religious ceremonies are very important in order to remind or to certify, acknowledge the spiritual dimensions. That humans are not sole, dejected bodies, lane of loneliness and rejection or subject to interminable corruption, but in symbioses, in relation, in path, in phase with the world of spirits.

Continuity and pharaoh.

Far and on.




In mythologies and religions, we are looking for explanations, but forgetting that they are not perfections.

To reflect into others’ existences (knowledge) and to forget our own (lost and age)




In cold, species are so numb and thinking of longevity and energy saving that they will bur rub shoulders together, as no one wants any longer showing off, up or flee, as sapping discreeting, secrecy or modesty. As at least the one that are not related.

Related here, wanting to mean the ones of a same ‘chain foods’: relations.


Shaping, on cold weather as in death. And the demons that would eat our satiety.




Only I guess the poets are in music now to live off what they do. It makes sense too. In fact, it is two forms of art in communion, it is not so often, writers and musicians together is magical. the senses are brought into ebullition. The results of several artists or arts forms; when gather.


Or you do like the classics and write entire books that will rhyme.




Impossible to edit, educate, probe, measure the supernatural, as we did not know what machiens to build and that also the phenomenon could render them impassable, unmoveable, undisturbed at least for the humans’ instincts or observations.




On internet, people that have not had a proper edict, education or have one but with the prospects of the poorer, make the dance happening. Earing, earnings.




Ah ah ah. good? or god?




For those who sees a free mason symbol, obvious as a pyramid on dollar bills flies as rather odd ancient. Pyramids have been found in Egypt, i.e. Africa, and central America too. Pyramids, and less romantically so represent the triangle that renders the American continent a ruler in its own ‘right’.




We will pay for an absence of real quality, cos here the virtual will be in fact the vacuum. it disappears into thin air. I’ ll try to mend it.




What if sincere religious people, In that case who does it to protect the species, were in fact doing it in order to counter the practising nasty? That is not because of the religious believes that serve setting a shield or an edge?

Interacting up to internationally not because they are religious but trying to outset what threat to kill everybody, and starting by the possible, one by one, person like minority.






THE INNAMORAMENTO Mylene Farmer Innamoramento english subtitles 5 48

Peter Ferrera 

Peter Ferrera



C.ET: Yes enfouir, is literally burying. and also here a pun with fuir, maybe, flee. you know for cry i feel it is not tears only, but maybe also despair, calling for her love, for safety or horror. it is this week, in fact viewing your videos, I felt something new a propos these songs, just like disenchanted, I felt renouncement, disabused. it is very new for me this reading, maybe just my own life echoing. but you know when I sing nowadays I manage it to be in phase when I think of a love that took me so far, beyond that I could endure, follow, honour, stand or simply hope for. but now when I need my singing or telling to be right it is an ode to say, it was, it is gone, and I live, nonetheless whole, not amputated like I so long felt, because in my psyche I may have become no more a being depending on this other, or at least depending on catching, catching up, or chanting. for chanting. yes, Pete take all your time, but definitely I request the song.


She perfectly knew she loved her till death and beyond. And though this feeling was still lightly return, we will have to die or go pass it, also this is not enough to close the deal. It is where lie a destiny, as or it is thus I translate my glance upon it, a person to love another must live their own need for achievement, to their own fashion, and this that it pleases the one you encounter successfully is not bound to fit easily, if any at the fringes, and the fringe is marginal, devoid of facilities.


The thing is I don't think this absence that she describes is gone. the person is absence, the company is lonely, but nothing went away, or maybe decades after decades surreptitiously.

L’amour resigne.

Even if rage will strike and stick but no more fire providing the illumination of all day.






INNAMORAMENTO Mylene Farmer english subs & sous titres en francais 5 52

Peter Ferrera 

Peter Ferrera





C.ET: yes enfouir, is literally burying. and also here a pun with fuir, maybe, flee. you know for cry i feel it is not tears only, but maybe also despair, calling for her love, for safety or horror. it is this week, in fact viewing your videos, I felt something new a propos these songs, just like disenchanted, I felt renouncement, disabused. it is very new for me this reading, maybe just my own life echoing. but you know when I sing nowadays I manage it to be in phase when I think of a love that took me so far, beyond that I could endure, follow, honour, stand or simply hope for. but now when I need my singing or telling to be right it is an ode to say, it was, it is gone, and I live, nonetheless whole, not amputated like I so long felt, because in my psyche I may have become no more a being depending on this other, or at least depending on catching, catching up, or chanting. for chanting. yes, Pete take all your time, but definitely I request the song.


Maybe if you can at all, try a sound more powerful. i think i would not say a filament, filament you forgot the it in I did not choose to be it look 2:42 I did not choose to be it not I did not choose to be with it, in it, or to be. I respect your choice to play on this aspect for me she did not chose to be it, but she cannot not choose to be in or with it, because our love defines our being, and it has given us the why of all what we are, and say about it. :) no, you could say that I must stop, but I like cease here, you could use both. but for me it is just like you translated. she is telling her that she cannot build on towards the moon since she might have come to the realisation that her destiny is what a thread is to a trip in outer space, and since she thought, sorry thinks of the immensity. but without it who, would we go out the maze? but with it and without Adriane, or Ariadne thread, are we willing to this Minotaur co-existing as our sole reflection.


I love your translation with vanquish. if you want to use more than one word, ‘meurtrir’ resembles ‘meurtre’, murder. So wounded, hurt, could also be alright. this sensation of having crushed, this reason, or at least suggestion why one stopped, doing, hoping, persevering...

Non, keep vanquish, it is noble. Also, this part of the text could contains 'wounded', 'crushed', because you know what happened when you love this way, this song is a garden but in which there is also desolation. perhaps it is what allows the tragic, will it be predominantly desolation. it is what is love, even if it was you know it is meta and will take you beyond the golly state of disappearing. however, vanquish add or give us another reading, it could be the one that says that in fact you have chosen to stop, that you are still, but you won't go and persist towards its realisation or in fact maybe more likely, seemingly more obviously, the continuum of its absence says it: to persist toward what would bring you closer to the figure, the emblem, the person incarnating eternal love. You then with living in flesh your own renunciation the ephemeral side of what you know did not leave you, or went just to leave a subject of incompletion: you.

But vanquish set you free of what you will be able to opt for, stop damning you, like you did not have a body. Corp, corporal, encore.

                Poor cor.

To finish, for this murdering connotation, I could be the primary and tertiary reasons. The result of a lost paradise, and the consequence of your death, assassination. be it spiritual, carnal, or amorous, an empty vessel deprived of its heart, robbed perhaps but in fact its brain does not have the gut to reclaim its debt. So, the souls are waiting for what?

A revenge though this one not against anybody, but to your understanding of fate, even if it is while answering what we deem to be what we decipher the best of physics that ain’t designed for the invasion of space: you did not make it cos you followed the voices, echoing the ones that enable migration, or some other feats, nonetheless conventional, or may be.

I would take out in and with for this song because it is a call for love, you want drowning if it is the way to where it is hidden. but one thing is clear it is not my translation, and they are tricks I would use too, to play while singing, reading...


Vanquish, the final neutralisation. I am man. For the star to transpire, to transgress not able. I am a man, not a pure soul. Maybe religions made me think I was near god. Maybe they tromp. It is like that I could have lost my identity, being killed to finish in me this idol.


Or character assassination? It is what is morose, but out of the morbid, when not implying waiting for death as a finitude, eternal is, and will be following.


I looked for Ariadne’s thread, some represent it like the tree of life, maybe a romantic picture of someone longing for the moon. You know Farmer and the space, the cosmos.


You are right the songs are not violent, and are not meant to be. Though there is a thing with love is that it is the ultimate reason for rebellion, I mean it is the only reason you don’t need another one to put yourself into action, and it will not mean anything else than victory, you know it is not the things nor their consequences you will do or think doing for money. And, it is when you stopped doing this thing, these deeds you do for it, for love, that you are vanquished, it is also the story of death.

But then you cannot live without, so it will transform, even accommodate, metamorphose and incarnate.






I was born at 200 miles from where I spend most of my childhood. The town and the areas surrounding that saw my growing up until I was an old teen, was to my delight a region known to be woody and green. as for the encroaching villages, not that many miles from the centre, they were like archipelagos. In fact, with retrospective, they might be for the adults very hurting. My region is isolated, though the main town is still an attraction. However, if you do not have transportation it is very difficult to go down the countryside that suffers itself from intensive deforestation, where publics paths had been removed, though illegally, but still dictating where one can go. What my regions taught me is nonetheless nature that can be seen though a little bit, and the lessons are still with me. I began a vegan, because I know animals have a soul, have a body. People also suffer from staying in the countryside as many animals are in fact kept to be culled, slaughtered, assassinated.

When you can walk on a domain, mushrooms and chestnut can be found. All super foods, the why and how people resist wartime and occupation.

Not war but wartime.





See nat, ant,






Downsell damsel




Of these artists, I am bewitched by the words. I tried not to spend time on their appearances, because it is others I will have to love. And be.




It is why i stopped doing the web, particularly these sanitized kind of discussions, cos i in fact I answered that i was in fact 3 digits QI, and also for him to do one. because killers, like in politics, like the ones that pretend and are paid to pretend pollution is not happening, do not think discourse, they think banking. there is nothing to say to them. just like the fact that my ulterior comment had been erased while this bully, bullying animals and all that is around by definitions, is left like if no one had interfaced. but anyhow not doing it again, at least not often. oh, and i am a she. like the cows people milk all their lives to after slaughter them. and the worse it is that people supposed to defend the other sides often do for the same reason, they defend for their wages. it is why you find campaign about nature, about trafficking that are in fact so lame. i don't do literature, because it is my comment that will be ditched, erased, saying it is moderation, it is not, there is no forum down here. pretty videos anyway.

I must have added the link to my blogs, even if it had related subjects, they ditch m comments, you cannot do that, for some it is too personal… for the love of information and sharing. For the love of writing.

My mistakes i found my comments there, my apologies. just meat eaters should stop before burning down to their souls. this world is furnace of suffering when one can easily stops them they should by all means.


Ethics hitlerian.




Stage on stilts, and stay.

End End, be ebbs, eneid, ainee, older, annee.

Dens’ ends.

Ed. Head.




The worst it that I might be getting worse. people of the former generations saw how detrimental men have been to the land, how slaughtered were rampant. they have the magic of the wild around us to testify of how our destiny cannot be comprehend without the lives around it. Lives or life to which we were to attend. Now even the environmentalists cor, crown as such say you need forest for your paper and generation to come to cut them when needed, the parks in town are but shaved, deprived any birds of any decent home. People don’t see cows, goats, horses, hermine, bear, fish (a bit western centered that one, but then other hemisphere extinct all what they have had, yes had, as in to have instead of alive), no more than unicorn.





Below, as above, so below, course on relativity, if I am stretched I died. Howerthise, otherwise, i know the explanations are good, and relevant, and even hit my low iq at times.


History 2D: Science, Magic, and Religion, Lecture 17, UCLA



Existence influences space-time, as presence of mass, energy, and movement enabling transfer and transformation.


To say, torture someone not for what they are but what they could be- or could have been.

So, it is the old moral justification, to fight something for not what it is, but what it is thought it would or could become. but never with the same suppleness, that is one will say it could become bad and fire at it, instead of curing the reasons why destruction would be enabled to prevail and this on anything, moreover the ones that people to have under observation. as morality is sometimes the way people stopped, avoid a duty of construction, or and therefore anything could overtake any motion.


Is it a possibility that light speed does not vary just for us? the way matter wraps around the shapes we are able to take or join? take-on. that is a reality is in relation to the shape it is observed from. relation. relate, story sorry of late. store, thor, Elec,-t. heo. i e o, more or less finite, encircle.

Elect, exec, exact, attract.

Matter, error, meteor. Meted, metre, met, parlour.


If light speed is not variable, could it n0t be the sign that we are the object in that story? the one that is forbidden to ahve an influence, a reciprocity, sir, or a irreciprocity, sip, a power that makes thing change. or could we be in that stance the object, as in the measurement, could we?





This information is accurate. As a reminder, there are contentions between Muslim believer over the real age of that polygamist marriage, but the real urge is not on the many times rehearsed row over age but about the millions of people professing that their prophet married an underage and even a preteen female making child marriage therefore ‘recommendable’ as one of the commodities a ‘religious’ man or families must claim or reclaim. Please don’t read this text if you are not interested in it in itself but please do make sure you check and realised how Islam has become under international law on the freedom of religion and believe, a refuge for paedophile pest and plight changed into a practise of what is not respected for noting but the torture it would allow. Please, be aware that ‘these teachings’ legitimised as fundamental to the Islamic religion can be found by the thousands on the internet via a very simple word search.



You should not threat species, saying it is good they have been killed.

Threat, treat, who is next, distaste.




Why veganism, why the way one eats is ethic.

I don't understand why you compare eating, and killing animal with going to the loo. maybe you have a point in that it may be considered as cultural the way it is done, and not 'natural', instinctive. in fact eating, and the satisfaction of needs are a big part of psychology, and are called visceral, the way society allows sexual, hunger and even the urge to defecate not everywhere a good point would be needs etc to be got is paramount. just like cannibalism or slavery would be. you see your need to defecate and the needs for others it is not on their laps, then this starts what will be ethics correlated.

But then I don’t know how it is possible to speak about ethics with someone that has only ‘I’ and defecate, or defect for sole preoccupation. Cos if we say to you, for your unhealthy meal (or even if healthy, replaceable you will have to kill and you say ok what the fuck? then it is because you haven’t been that enough, it would seem.


Replicable, explicable, expire.

Expier = French for atone one’s mistake.


It is not visceral needs, but visceral psychology, that is visceral behaviour. you are assuming that killing animals is alright. I am sorry but when you say that like animals, people kill other animals, you are absolutely not in the same conditions, that is it is not a good example because it is simply not comparable. In some conditions animals have to hunt in order to survive, it is not any longer the case of the human society, at least the one that is not starving while a part of the humanity is under any line of poverty that one can imagine here in the ‘north or in the west’ (well not north of Russia, I have been told). Humans’ culture, not culture no, but what as far as we are able to tell, differentiate human society, their technology, though humans have been technologically able to be vegetarian as soon as their society could staunch hunger, now they have the power to do it for everyone, and to the healthiest point – of course one still can always say that they have the power because in the first place they knew how to kill people and place them in submission and slavery, that these societies exist because they are profiteering from animals and other humans, (that is from all animals, so from all humans as it might been asked from you to lose your morals, equity, fairness, your own sense of security, whence the urge to kill everything that is permitted). But you see there is these logics in life because of course logics are at the foundations of all things, if you have a brain capable (or is our brain just capable to acknowledge the achievements of its species? And like that (like that, take that) denigrate all what the others build and the energy propel towards progress) of not killing and instead live in harmony, if you don’t use for this, or if you used it against this, then the punishment is not far it is just its length and depth that are not possible to grasp.

In fact, we are in that limbo where we might have this possibility, stop hurting nature without knowing how. I am not talking about stopping eating other animal species, but what would we do to stop killing everything we are aware of, without being overwhelmed, without a species to take over, just like during an invasion of alien. Of course, dummy me, because this question is a horror since humans are horrid enough not to do a simple thing, tend for nature and love.


The bugs thing is interesting, are you caring about bugs, are you caring about fish? Ultimately it is forgetting that everything is the bug or the food of something else, and philosophically, not caring about that or else, thinking like 'things' and say it is like that, is nothing more than satanism. that is look at me i bring you food, i am your food, hoping being slayed more nicely, or gaining for a little while through destruction and parasitism, in pretending that they are dominant. Being subservient.

Being it to applaud it, to get into that warp of eating another, being soulless, or without saying as much, destroying its, the very one, one's own flesh.




The best of the year: the London Mayor saying that strike will provoke misery for millions of underground users, just cannot fathom it is every day the case because fares have been allowed up to what will plunge commuter into poverty.




People able to buy human rights committees, for their companies, communities, and kabbala’s, will transform what was meant for human equalities towards other species, towards their world and themselves, into a monster that will back them insane.

Qui, equip, equities, realties, patent royalties.

Quid, squid.




Academics are asked to create texts with short sentences. It is a trick impose for their argument to seemingly resemble science??. An equation?? Just like if math were all simple and disintricated. It is in fact to push art and form, volume, perspective, and that more than errors will run in their landscape, creating a climate of erosion.




Feel? wrath or wreck?


File. Porte-folio or prison escape.








Stage on stilts, and stay.

End End, be ebbs, eneid, ainee, older, annee.

Dens’ ends.

Ed. Aid, Head.




The worst it that I might be getting worse. people of the former generations saw how detrimental men have been to the land, how slaughtered were rampant. they have the magic of the wild around us to testify of how our destiny cannot be comprehend without the lives around it. Lives or life to which we were to attend. Now even the environmentalists cor, crown as such say you need forest for your paper and generation to come to cut them when needed, the parks in town are but shaved, deprived any birds of any decent home. People don’t see cows, goats, horses, hermine, bear, fish (a bit western centered that one, but then other hemisphere extinct all what they have had, yes had, as in to have instead of alive), no more than unicorn.




A religion that will collapse because despite its billionish entitled, a religion is one and makes bonds to momentum for beyond or it is not and betray is betray all.




This root linking us to the universe that wants to exist, that exists, i.e. that lives, this need, it is what is called 'Will'. and Might. not that you will decide if life is attributed longer to a creature, not the might of the all, the signs of it, and rather not disparage it. Root, route.









I could not have done it with Molly, you know i saw it was near the lake so I was confident we could go through the park. Apparently, you need to first go by a road without even a pavement. Cannot think of more dangerous. I mean a road leading to a park!




?? did you?


Di-git. Git = lay in French or shelter.



Disparage. Spare.




Humans hunt and hated without ceasing wolfes, bears and other wild species, or species that had not been domesticated because of just that. Humans are jealous of the freedom, humans have to make themselves pass as being superior, and god like , because they have lost, being robbed, and unwot, unworthed of their liberty. The lack of responsible acts, their relentless destroying the plantes and planet, soon planets, on account that the cosmos says yes, accompanied by his methodology, its superchery, its grandiloquy of them having a right, having the right supremacy. Them claiming they owe the mother of all, humans should not stay for long. Who would survive killing its creator? Or better what for? One sure thing, they as such won’t be, and preying that the cosmos if this charade gear along won’t allow what our brothers plants and other animals, by the sake of thinking else than technology, or at least technology visible to the eyes of humans, the one that himself slave would call themselves theology, for they would not give to their equal any credit.





It starts as watching each other backs. and then a discussion on how to do it better. dominance are so sad story, because humans does not think animals speak to each other. and then there are the one who does it strategically, intellectually, politically and physically. and they have entire sorcerers. to eat last, is to eat the pack, to know their scent, their health, disease, temper, and they therefore an end, and innuendos at their personality. without having to stupidly destroy but transform, not only them if possible, but transform the pack discouragement, scourge, discourse, and dismay.




C'est la fievre de l'ecrivain. the fever of a writer. writing everything for the love of his life. and he knows that he cannot stop, because he has to write till death for, like would say J.Brel, being able to have, to draw, to think a halo of gold, covering their funerals. inthenameofhumanrights.c0m




The clicks, cliché on France romantic attitude, is desolation in front of the vulgarity of a people who never have been first to legalize gay marriage, and that think that speaking of sex makes the adulthood- of the cowards.




Wolf and wolfdogs not to be possibly put with cats.

Thought in the wild, wild animal rescues other one, so wolf and cats? or maybe not in captivity.

And it is also why some wolves go alone, to be able to go this way.



The clicks, cliché on France romantic attitude, is desolation in front of the vulgarity of a people who never have been first to legalize gay marriage, and that think that speaking of sex makes the adulthood- of the cowards.




Crowd, claw. Clap, clos.

The allure of chic for women, that makes them appetizing, just rivaling, realising with what their mafia court and coot, counterpart cost the society of all of them, all of it regrouped. The regurgitation of the tombs that not stopped but nourished slavery. Why people are so well cladded. Just to appear the food, they stole from poverty, abuses, tortures and insanity.




I must resign myself and say ‘I loved her so much’. Such. So. What. I should have died decomposed, mixed, render to the land, the soil, taken back, when I knew she would not melt.




The mystery, almost the taboo around the role of actors. The fact that one plays another. Can be considered as demoniac. But that could it be sociological, the taboo around compassion, or about our lifes that after birth and the education, the place that is administrated to us by the society, is considered as thereafter, unchangeable.

Theaters of fate.

Sinister, disaster. Aster.

Sin, admi, ammo, admonishment. Administer.




Werewolves and other metamorphoses, get to do this to undo possibly the injustices done to them. To equalize with how human beings are in all impunity being bullied by the human species. Then it is stored, and go out in strength that has to defend itself from harassing. It is though in this legend the remaining problem, werewolf cannot consciously avenge past or present tortures done to others, but will like the human hordes killed just blindly, just what they can, that are at disposition, and not a bay.




Love has a stallion. A stance. I loved without being loved in return, but I know that elsewhere, after, I think being not deign but dignified, worth of having lived for this beauty.

Wore, th.

Worn, no, but the not being had to travel till insanity, as it a soul saw the paradise that even if lost came to my knowledge and caressed me, just like a caroused carousel barred caprioling stable and gently hidden in the clouds and asters, for ever having seen me, and thinking of its slave knowingly.





The grail, made of wood, decimated, rotten, burnt, mossed, is everywhere it could have been reintegrated. From wood work which we could not do without, at a period where humans lived still within the soil, able to hear the tremens of the ground.




The inquisition had to temporarily win since from the adult stage of any lives goes after the enchantment, the oracle and circle of sorcering.




We talk about animal society, and just hush the fact that society imbilicate, imbricate necessarily a notion, a nation of politics. The only theme that separate human from animal other than them is technology. Why?

Because the technology animals fabricate is not human, not visible to their eyes, and let alone less to their theories tethered to the tame.






Teeth, feet. Theft.




Vampiric society relying on drinking blood, could in a way being the consequences of an ancient, or middle angel, age believes in blood purging and bleeding.


Drinking, rain.





For stars wars film amateur, YOD – HA -VEH – HAH is the name fo of god.

First words pronounced Yoda. -





fo of


And faux in French meaning wrong.







Baby lone.




Abused is also used in more ancient fashion to mean ‘deceived’.





Secrets are crucial as sanitization is the world of false order, liberty, will, aims and means. a mean to a sardonically laughing deity. one who does not think of human beings but for them to maim in order to feel superiority = being served, not the great good, but being served by default, because they can demand this to not only happen but been inscribed, up to stone, or until snake is back and encircle.


Serpe, Serpent.               Serpe, scepter.            French for billhook, druidic object. Brush hook. SA- ni-TAN-ize



Scepter, specter,       French for scepter.           




To imagine, to fancy, to invite almost death, to manage picturing this life without you, end in a wild chilled whirl of sensations that would take my body upwards, its rest.

Fast, almost fast, desire, fire unchained.





If it is possible to remove profile in Facebook or Youtube, simply because people do not like your political tone. FB them linked to other account, such as Microsoft, with your money transfer on it. If people can remove all your contacts, your groups, your efforts at campaigning, even though when you do not pay website such as F.B then campaigning becomes completely impossible as messaging people are not allowed if you do not pay.





De-letting,                          exclamation marks here would be re-rhetorical clecks, only,       





Echoing religious and pagan idols, the sun, often depicted as a bird, the son.

Son in French sound.

Idles, waves

And to remember that scientists have discovered that human eyes only see 1/80th at best of repertory colors.





The lights so reassuringly concealing the darkness, camouflage where who knos, knows se tapit.from French tapisseries.





And if like we think of humans’ life on earth , earth to be a purgatory,

This life was in fact death, and after, an afterlife already.

And/or before or after, alter. Alterned.






The valorization of acting with intelligence or acting without, both regarded as potential for gain is





Maybe more than where we come from, the where we go is the most crucial.

Simply because going there is creation.




To, or for resting in paradise for eternity.

And if eternity here meant that once we know it, we will do (not whatever as it is not proof of sainthood or divinity) but will do a lot (minus oblivion, weakness, languor of thought, and also the energy that takes to remember and picture it, to let it guide, to ear and say) towards going back to it, or at last towards it. For eternity.


And nothing can be erased. But raised.




People, scientists will treat myths and themes touched on by religions and spiritual believes as being irrational. But why irrational, we don’t know nothing about the universe, nothing about creation, nothing about death, and therefore nothing about life, but still searching and advanced imagery to depict the immensity of what is bound not to prone to happen is derided as being insane. Insanity is to pretend knowing or knowing what is not…the unbounded, luxe.; or, is; I lust ulterior motives, fake self-sense of importance, tanned with pride and prejudice, the fell feeling sentiment of superiority, blindness universal

Uni, naïve, err, salt.




So ready we were for the holy wars, without acknowledging the inquisitor.

Acknowledging, ledge, lodge.





The gift of Christianism is to be able to stop rituals based on sacrifices with what the religions, in fact the sects, have of devilish, just this to sacrifice, and kill in the name of their priests and ignorant bliss. Blitz.

All the same, short of vegetarianism. To holiness just an ism. If the demon does not just itch.




The artists or the thinkers will long long for creating an object as maybe in their careers that they are regarded as unproductive they will know. But then the worker at least some hours in their days or some days in their months will need music, writing, an object that will imagination be creating for their minds to be still happy or at least not momentum-lastly, feistily, quickly, lessly dying without the sounds and sights needed for hearts and souls to fly higher than the ground we will all be the lodgers of.


Also, the workers, and we are all, once performing without thinking, and we need that pros start stop thinking to think to some other layers when strike the matter into intra the veins of their leaves, fears, fleas and flowers, would have to allow musicians and philosophers.

For when we are at the task, your hammering keyboards or hopefully not the ls last of our trees, cannot but digging inside our body.


Tour, route.




I can't dance, but whatever must be difficult to rise when confronting, confronting, such a game infallibility full of sensational, sensuality, sensational, i just would like to learn tango to give you shoulders on which to think your extraordinary body, tender. sliding insatiability. but I would not, as I would have to think of the love of my life, in order not to be invasive of your own dreameries,  and after a dance, you would also depart.




I am a vegan and feed my dog vegetarian food, fostering was made very complicated.

Was made, ver wa war wear, weary.

Wa, wa, aid.

Very, Y-rev.





Sodom and Gomorrah.

Salt, is a bit like the salt of earth and also salt, sel, salir = soil, sell. But with that story everybody has been made oblivious of the fact that the escape Loth will commit incest after this story. degeneracies, and not of the story only but of the ones that tale it, again and again, with their false sense of sainty (sanity), real one, absurdity. and stupidity.

In fact, it is these peer pervading pervert teaching that incest is better homosexuality.

The same old rituals, pervert, under belief of believing, soiling even texts that are enough corrupted as they wee, were, but just added.


ADD, adder.




Please consider vegan, vegetarian food for dogs it is like humans, it is above any serious controversy that they will be healthy dogs. I don't know you but i had hens pets. unfortunately, not had kids, lambs, sheep or cows, as adorable as any others.




Unfortunately, if you ask me and not only me, but the ones we slaughter, there is absolutely no studies towards food nutrition that would allow our and other species, studies and factories, production, to live without being murders.




Humans are becoming so sick and fearful by the layers of reality, facts that they have uncovered or simply experienced that they quit searching for more. It is what might have been called ‘desenchante’. A conspicuous not quite absence but avoidance of spirituality.




The horrors in this rich countries. This? The same, blue or red.

take this as an admission of the state of the states. You won’t be able to see it in china videos as they are under censorship. Well they banned the entire west web to enter, and information, true one is always a flow, an ebb.

Ammunition, admonition, administration.




Now like councils in the U.K industries will self-regulate instead of being cross-examined. Of course, not anything worse than a biased examiner. But the self-regulation story will just make them endemy.

End, this is the end, let’s hope for this stale legislation to stop being the blue print of other countries.


In the country that think it is normal to install ‘zero contract hour’. When I try to explain to an outsider what it was, they initially told me yes it is ok your boss does not have to provide you with 35 hours work a week, before they actually understood that this contract is the embodiment of initiation to servitude as serfs carved, scared, hungry. That you are in fact not allow to work for anybody else even if ‘your boss’ does not provide you with any hours work.

Who would have believed that the Anglo, still symbol of the Nazi liberation…




The fire that inhabited my heart. My sould. Shoulder, should. So old, My sold. My sole. My cry. Because I knew what you whisper, that you, your beauty, your beast, your profound, your pro-found, you depth. Inspire.

And I know that id

I did not success, follow. Nil, null, nell, lea, line, lamb, land, lane, me.


Not what is rest is the ambers and this ash that has for hope to be dissolved, int in sky and sou, soil, and air, by wind and flow, torrent, torment, inside, ma mie, mi. half. Half, without the affrays that can be cut, divided nor deleted.



Mien Offer in and on dilettante.


Tent. But haunted.




Censorship is evil. it is only stopped what is detrimental to universal rights of people when they are under attack, but that is not censoring, it is sensoring.




Since all careers is based on it, on self and other censorship, then one will have to re-read all people their breaths under, words and insinuations. To know what they forebode were coming.






People have (has) thundered through the ages that humanity was finished. But this statement is not paradoxical. Now, we are finished is in motion and lived in repetition. To think that a devilish proportion of the big mammals may disappear due to human activities just took now no wonders for humans to know, for logos to say, what horrific thing would happen to the creature of doom that would stay.

But then some would retorque ‘humans might have killed them all out of leisured pursuit, faked ignorance, bone fide indifference, blind faiths, blunt dimness but the fact is that it is the species that are here to remain and pursue, evolve’.

After the destruction of its planets, or humans will have to survive another place without having taken strength from the first, in a growing circle of vainness and a vacuum the size of its pointless vanity.

Or what they will have become will not have nothing to do with humans, but will be just like the cell from which another species went from.

Yes, that is it, evolution. You know in a world where matter perishes, the other natures, animals, realms and domains that man eradicated will have evolved, elsewhere, after death, in ALL BUT NAME.


Ream, remain for humans are moribund rests. Remains for the world, they not know nor care for, are an unhinged and unedged existence for the ones they massacred. Not evolved but to purity apparat.

A mass where or instead of a resuscitation will slay.

People like educated Darwinian wants to evolve when revenge of their lust and lost will come thru and beyond the land.




David, d'Eve.

Dave, ave.

Heaven, French pronunciation of (for) Eve.



David, d'eve.

et peut-etre maintenant, apres l'etoile et la crasse humaine qui ne s'arrete jamais et repent mais reprend ses memes mefaits. quoi qu'il en soit, si bien que, si bien qu'en mauvais.


Si bien, si tant est, que jamais.




For those who have for with wit to say that eating other animals is a sign of evolution, them then the vampires that would go on and under at the prey of the blood they have in share. Is just another sign that humans need to stare?




The vampire myth, one that feed for eternal life within the same body and the other that hopes to stay with the same anchor for the most they can come round. One that does it for a longer span in itself on the same, themselves, their vessels. And their partners that do it in order to trace them, and possess, what is or maybe, for doom, was, the envelop of what bring them the sense and senses of perpetual love. That very same that would entice you to any other move, to maybe any things, if they would entice not but entitle you to re-approach them- as them being your love = in the sense of property, in the sense that nobody, that I know of this scheme or then shame, could partake with any.




Those who think they are superior because of being carnivore, or it being prerogatives, will die dry of the juice, no, on pain.



And not wanting, but succeeding in being a vampire to follow the traces of whom had you transcend and see hell.




And then I love you, inasmuch that I take me to cry, showing my body that its water will its own soul drown.

Sold, shroud, should, shoulder sawn.




The realization that even my soul-d will not suffice to follow you even though I would be damned if I could do, so.








Feeling like arts, like listening to a song that lift my heart, and renounce it, to lead me in front of the size I should try and exhort out of me. To let that sensation, take part, tale apart what is in me. Vie.





Terror is terror. And it makes people richer thinking that poverty protects them and poor people that the very dictatorship they are under could suit them whether it could be their weapon, why, weather could you. O sun, ossia, fossa, and stature, o water, the last destruction won’t have to be built but just thunder upon who.






Trade, trite.


Bribe, treble.

Trible. Tribe.





Blue, blew.






The spasm, the step, the story,

Whatever and every, however and very. Whir, weir, veer.

Whatever she has done, whatever she will do,

The other, is gone, and without conviction, she cannot let her think, that will this, it will do.






When everything can and will meet and melt.

When it seems that you know in others’ expressions, what have been of your own separations, inspirations, devoting feelings and then this wind.




abandoned it. Bond.





Look at how much is dumped – in perfect working condition too- by conservative capitalist societies----hooliganism.




Academics don’t stop em-phasing discourse and discourse analysis, mocking again and again the simple statement of informative paragraphs, because they don’t have any information, they play being independent and critical but are all completely tied outer, inner, by organisations of all denominations, to find out, investigate and name the source of concerns.






On the bewilderment on how many teachers in university are not specialists in the subjects they are in charge of. How many guys, showing with how little serious and for all their glibness one can make a living off subjects they have no interests in rather than taking people dedicated to knowledge and lectures (bizarre in a system where fees are not accessible to the people in the street as and because (or thanks for the legislature to hold on to the legs of the gest politician partiture portraiture perjure pourriture) the building budget goes out the roof, being handled by 6 salary figures.

Most of them being formerly formally from the financial professions, parasiting again, this time jobs for teachers, or any other professions, obtaining posts by the dozens (while of what they know or did from before was how to crook before the sales) as fascist recruiting is best for the oligarchies that will take over the scrap left on this planet who should have us banished by the time hell was created. Ante now.




The narrow narrative.


And now cutting their undergrowth without which no wild life might persist. Roeroe whose advertisement strategy is too insist on their environmentalist premium and first class attitude on environmentalist issues, (h-)as just scrapped their environmentalist degree, and taught their teams to cut the remaining bushes as well as throwing brand new perfectly functional hundreds of tons of furniture and buildings.

Cutting the bush were animals can live, eat and hide and to have planted like 29 year old birch tree at the price and attendance that this operation might (might he) hint and hit, instead of go rowing little ones in a spirit of nursery. They cut everything and after that replant big trees, that it looks good.

To say that they look environmentalist just near the door of the buildings while the green space are shrinking, and salvaged, slaved behind the (seances sciences) scenes, just 19-38 yards behind, (at the doors they replant while at the back they empty, say) but enough to dress the eyes and sense astray.

Sense, ness.

Astray, trace.

Stay, aster.



Lock ness the forbiddance of the nature upon our race.

Dragon summoned. Severance semen, semblance remembrance.




In fact- info act.

There was a gay society in Roe, though none (nonsense nominee) of the students beneficiating from it, advertising it to others. It was a closed, almost secret one. Though doing fundraising not towards visibility but their little personal trip to gay pride outside the borders of UK.

I actively seek for the gay organisation there for 2 years, every semester. None appeared whatsoever. It took me to bump into somebody who knew their backdoor to finally assist to one of their meetings. They benefit from donations, and kept more secret in a public place free from other societal pressures and whose duties is to welcome further education students into a communities life where to find happiness is permitted.




The immense gravity of saying ‘there are just words’ is to get closer and closer from the moment where one will get cue ‘and that is only a weapon’.

We have words, and swords,

And weapon and wee pen.








The seal of compass. Scion. SI on si non. Si mon. Scie mont.

And Pandora box.




University should be near to free, as its knowledge, or at least the knowledge it should be(d) procuring (pro-cut). Procuring. 

Compulsory education.

On citizenship and lost sould.



To neophytes from recruitment team:


Staff at uni, young and self-conceited. Just like the students that think appropriate to speak during lectures on unrelated subjects, forgetting that to enjoy the lectures the rest of us have paid.

Also like me, but at least it is to produce pun or controversies. And counter verses. Like one is supposed to drink the lectures content like it was holy.

To the self-sell called head of students (tool not stool) dwarf societies practicing monopoly over decisions, bring their mates to be sure to keep the bureau, and censor like crazy crappy nazyish (groovy( see above in the post) groupie.

Draw a dowry, dolly.

Like other students that take the lead to abuse the little power that give attitudes and cv to have been a student something in one of the societies. This greener THAN new bud that react like CEO of the work world cup of resistance to intelligence and optimum corruption assure.

And like the way to go ere ever rafter apocryphal hypocrite prick appreciated.


What about filling university staffing with all students of 20 years old playing hard to harder lines at teaching everybody how to work or better since in undisputable minority not to work at envies uneven rite city?

Landslide. Landscape ecorches (scorn v cor). Score, scorched.





Puzzled the time of adaptation delighted what you mean for a catholic?

Even so why catholic are in fact profane, nurturing if poorer always poverty , sign on imagery in having the lamb roested, and ignore the lifes or their holier lifes representant, as if Assisi spoke to the birds, we speak to them into the pot or extinction now.


Like these professional conpersons and liars would have topped just as far as she has done.

Uncivil nonperson.




When one ought, should and would rather work on the quality of their duties and education rather than being the mouthpiece of these 6 star hostels instituition(universities included or headed); were friendship is spelt accomplice and collaboration. Did not say conspiraseas.




And you don’t know who accuse you in order to avoid retaliation, everyone has to agree beforehand you are the one to shoot.


Any how the debate is not recommended and if it take place it is to be remind of the policies are in fact piece of papers serving the direction, that no information and then debate will go beyond the mansion, mention.


People are taught avoiding debating, like that the first beginning will be exert (expert, no impertinence) end exemplified exempted for the mass destruction without seeming doing can be worked out in tune till break down and exhaustion.


Hip hope: on the later let alternative parties that say enough to capitalist in consuming and polluting like the old porks they have been discontented by or with.



And of course when the E.T ads as a comment that you are or seem to be from another planet, the direction on your have to resign paper takes it as a reason sufficient.




The other places were reluctant but at least there is still an access polite enough not to condemned at least a possibility of exit and to take some food for the survival of more species, and animal in general as globally endangered.



Could you please add some comments, and also if you have any suggestions or comments, or complains or who would like to feed the birds at uni made an official activities???? To begin by decriminalizing ti_

Titi : French abbreviation for petit, small. Do not see any parentriarchalism, they ve got as feeling, as many ideas, and one day could (cold, cult, cull) cub, cusp on sub, resent directly enough ending up on plate or some other induced cemetery human produce activism.




the birds and other fauna and flower, that thank god three, you thee, are there.



there is no way of posting stuffs in the town to the communities, or limited way, and send it could quickie, instead of being spammed individually, treated systematically as harassment or cyber bullying.

Handing one’s work when one does not work for the b.b.c or other general audience channeled by TV.

One no works.



No possibility to find the smallest board within communities while it is for a big company budget only to advertise on the web without bleeding uselessly.




Allie. A lie.

All lie.





When studying pout everything on delay. Save later, after having been indebted and pay for the loan with increase financial loss. As how much will uni cost after having to pay interest on thei s unavoidable asking a bank to pursue working knowledge and suitability.

(and the banks’ disappearing branches that will make work feeble and fable only).

Vice: work should be considered as the growing ability at serving with more and more skills and insight what is needed by the communities: for everyone to be freer, happier, fulfilled, without to have to make sacrifice but in a view of symposium and podium of harmony- reinforcing state of art, the state of art of specialization, focalization, specificity for whom aim at it, as well as ensuring that the broad need be assumed, shared and conveyed.

Work not a loan on future scavenge t but a aim at delivering better towards sustainability and security.

That is not argument, go to uni you will be able more to steal other people money, but subsequent education to prompt efficient and stable system, that is not based on inequalities, and totalities of totalitarianism, and millennium of militarianism, militiaism, in view of securising predatory exploitation.


The lanu guat ge of other case sets of close classes alike a foreign benign lingua about you need a whole life to learn with only the net atom it gives cut dual and tally mastering its every niches , rhymes and seens, seems rythms.


But fear of losing more refined fun flue ruffian as more worked common way of jingling. Techniks teaching.



But you start understanding people that don’t deem you a palabre arbre as welfare might well be the way people embezzle pain and pay tax payer money in pretending defending her, human rights i.e. equity.




Narratives focuser on comments, critics, theorization…as the descriptive would reveal what happens, occurs and recurs within the walls. Justly where procedures, stories, reminisces manly eminently renascence, evanescence.

The product of what has been intently and laboriously, legally hidden. Dd.















stir, rip.       

Tir, tear, rip.












Change in light are traumatizing, as the shadow and shape that are guessing and guesting, transform ransom reason ran over storm and sworn, wear, swarm the vacant surrounding.




The people that had to fight (fitting faith) more for their survival because of a hoarder harder natural conditions, or condition coming from the environment are more spiritual as they have to spouse the ship more than keeping foes. FOES, population at bay, that(-) renders their victories on land more of a scam sexual cockroach type, amorphous crabs.




I don’t dare putting bad word. My world in case they would remind of their duties of being ANIMATED maladively self centred and crying out about on how that can feel.

Feel fill -ing.


Invaded, invaded by the worse sepecies. The new bourgeois. The bourgeois. I am not talking about intellectuals, people owning their own means (as far as respect). I am talking about all classes waitng counting on the syste m or the system loopholes to get them people and their work, to abuse and to rob.




What I am afraid that could be misunterpreated (und hund) is that is not through insolence that i quest what i am taught. i have th emost (remote) respect for the position of a teacher. i reckon that is it impossible for a human being to be objective and knowing the wonderings of their students and it is why it is an interactive tuition that is needed to try to abridge gaps and misconceptions as well as misunderstanding or generational or class...inter-diction.




Immaculate conception, the making love through love, thought of the everysecond I live for you and for our progeny. That is.

And not only in bed that would be as functional as toilets mainly.

On stalking and prosecution, persecution.



I am not saying I am wicked wacked, decked, vampires, that would like me to be your sheep.




Western countries, uk in  particular as taken over by agencies, are not democracies.




“What the sad mythology of our times calls unconscious”

Jorge Luis Borges




The play at university, to group between students, a little number---s, look as if you were intellectual actual and take the chairs in order to block access to any kind of further and other, over, overt initiatives.

The little groups doing nothing more than finding themselves and their dolce vita, grandiloquence and derisions to build garbage applauded.




The only thing left for me to propose an 0065x exorcism or some other harangue arrangement.

To say that I post inappropriate stuff on the wall of the university.

Cos I say prosti-tuition..

And Bourgeois, ass tard.




Never has been religion but states.


The groups of survival that were genetics to the gent for the most of the odd, will change.

And also alas a loss o to take the spiritual-spatula, ritual survival – sour spur vie al of other species, concepts pets and generations.


The groups of survival that were genetics for the most of the odd, will change.

And also o to take the spiritual survival – see survivals of other species, concepts and generations.


Vile, vial.




Why university is so dead?

Discriminative environment where you have to beg to be accepted in group paied by everyone fees and tax payers, advertise by the publicity, where you can enter if you have been obedient.

Politically speaking. The culture of playing satisfactory. Sat is factory.




You are treaty treated like vulgar consumer in search of luxure, tee, tee, de dim.


What about the real why you, don’t forget you fat.hom, the diploma.

The guy, the vice president or precursor, say that you won’t pay for research.

Bout but how are you taught



They question your essay? Question on the lettuce lectures the academic content, because it is not on the makeshift majority, but there is nepotism at university yeah.


They provide you with good infos?? Intense, condense??

Work out punctuation and puncture. And pucker that are not worth the title of prof at university.


No cos basically as university is discretedly taking our purlieu nature

[Middle English purlewe, piece of land on the edge of a forest, probably alteration (influenced by Old French lieu, place) of porale, purale, royal perambulation, from Old French porale, from poraler, to traverse : por-, forth (from Latin prhttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/omacr.gif-; see pro-1) + aler, aller, to go; see alley1.]


Purparler, plurality.

Conversation or discussion preliminary to negotiation.

[French, from Old French, to discuss with the aim of reaching agreement, conversation preliminary to an agreement : pour, for, before (from Old French, from Latin prhttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/omacr.gif; see pro-1) + parler, to talk; see parley.]






On a totally different note.




No cos basically as university is discreetly (creed-waster ideology) taking our purlieu nature. They are obtaining from some students to emphasize how the surrounding is green and lovely, which is true, but what about the establishment instead of protecting the inheritance from the past, and end try (dry dory forty) to enlarge it in view of the more than a environmental crisis more than known today????

They are contrarily to their publicity praising environmental actions and the natural, central and centurial beauty of the campus. They are building taking all the space “pricy pricky” (a description of you with your for-getting at car, oblivious absconding abuser of vital long term even not attending to the slightest step towards responsibility. Pons.  Parking. And bush survival minimum for the still living bunch of fauna, resisting. The bushes they are cutting.


To speak about information, to speak about recruitment. Happily leaving the institutions being ruined run by students, neophyte in everything but taking the piece out of democracy. Why??

Cos they are great advantages potentially to assault and ‘societies’ taking over.

Ex: funds raising named so with words like charity redirected to amicable cocktail where your members that you sorted out according to if for suit suite suttee you without wit another jobs or props or specs. They are ready. 

(don’t call me a racist I use words to depict prostitution, corruption and infamy or cur cruelty carnality actually eventually on infancy, pertaining to all over the countries. Count try. Hidden with whatever dubious call to basse court morality. 


Who are you reling quishing profs? Who rect recruit them??

Rectify, deify, rect-hom. Hum.


No cause in human rights why not to take on one that are not but vague notion of manage rings and knots skills for crook, well u know, internationally big company.

And left out of the door real papal apple people that risks their lives (our fivers) or are very experimented in at least on modules and that would be great at entertaining us with their real expertise??

I mean I don’t get it.

On how our university are ruled like 5 stars hostels

And manage like anti-democratic businesses not allowing (instead of questing, investigation) the slightest time to debates…

By staff not knowing if they flee after lectures because they obey the market or because they are afraid of being incriminated by f…little students that cannot stand an opinion if they are contrary to the talc that still apply their mummy.

Or just because they are incompetent. And not competitive (jive), just the way they will teach you to react to the criticism, no debate, no teachings ethics, not ethics, just spoiled dummies.

Some truly are, but I won’t throw them stones as as I try to denounce students game never campaigning, none, but complaining (and without any intelligence or honesty will be taken their complain, as what do you want to expect from a nano uni that have lost , its duties to educate with embettering the so calle(n)d word,



Cos it is not to do the pest, no, no, no.

But you know how much it costs that, the info that they are hiding away.

They will constant cost your being ready for interview at the end of a day.

View, vie, wive.

And what they do the don, con, they count, mon amil



Additional question. Do you think ti is the majority of your poff that have read a book on pedagogy.

Because the situation is:

-        They have to run towards other obligation that those of teaching, you see. It is with these arguments, here they argue, that some are more cod condescending that if I was the worst thinking monde, moldy money, monkey not yet manage not to communicate my relative intelligence, but proving it in laughing like a human in articulating is moody: wages and slip on banana as long as ape puck pundit punction. On salary.


Something intrude intrigue me too, ti is on intellectual ownership. How come that these head fob cattle leaves eve basically (and heave as for regeneration fog oxygen it is not the tons of wastage and tree cutting that will be produce from university green lying publicity)

-        . How come it is so ownerships, shipped like the taxes, and the research never handed, honor ship, the courses, even the description of a modules as roe is happy to provide 3 lines for their idiot (and edit indeed idiotic in scale with the forcing fording feeing foereign  that pay for the pounds of sheet crap how to lick and persevere after university) but ready to commit (what) student.














China just going from undemocratic to dictatorial in on move or two.










In fact, I have lived and worked in China, all Google and therefore Youtube are out of reach, and all videos as Chinese cannot cipher foreign videos for censoring them as content cannot be censored via automatic digital censoring websites using certain words (all foreign blogs are banned in China). I am very worried as people could, when I first came there, found free VPN online, enabling them to register their computer IP in another country and therefore circumvent censorship. Six months upon my arrival, you still could use a VPN but for money, the same amount of money you need to have an unlimited internet connexion (huge amount for a working class Chinese citizens). Personally, I decided not to take one, and ended up working hours; wasted as I could not access sites still listed in search engines, even ‘English teaching site’, TFL sites, educational sites, etc…

Even more worrying now the Chinese governments officially said that they can punish the use of VPN (only way to access foreign blogs, youtube, all videos, etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--) with computers ‘use bans on individual charge with browsing forbidden foreign internet material or by imprisoning them.




C.ET: AS A FURTHER NOTE: these past few weeks the news could not dry on how Shi, the Chinese president became the one figure of the party, comparing him to Marx and Mao.

But 2 years ago, Shi became at the same time as president, chief of the army, while treating their neighbors of land grabs- not talking of the Tibet that the English has given to them when they leave the colonial.



If today, Brexit might make a point of being royal, China gets along in clothes imperial.

And now with America, that elected the ones that said ‘America first’ perhaps wanting war or cooperation, go on with how American have been socially neglected, just maybe to appeal for some sort of economic or else conflict, thinking of how WW1 and WW2, permitted it to reach the top through being a creditor not a loaner like nowadays.

Mayo is the vote in Chinese that means null- the opposition dictatorship will have in their midst.

In china thousands of sites cannot be accessed. However, for years people had been able to download VPN (for free or after more assaults only by paying) that allowed them to access sites with the help of VPN- even if you are in china, your computer can browse as if it was in another country (a country without undemocratic, abusive censorship).



AMAZINGLY ENOUGH, I heard on the BBC radio how your searches recorded by the party and the state at large will influence how Chinese will have access to jobs, and even to services- as banks, phone and internet companies, etc, are nationalized. What is doubly amazing is that I cannot find for the moment discussions about it on the web. It might be a very recent unlocked news… see you later.



PS: SO CHINESE,                  TO NOTE, the interests that people have in freedom of expression is similar in the west. You may not censor a whole site but people will censor actors, agents there. For a beginning.

PS2: the only reason I am aware of that, is thanks to my having worked there. I listened to the news all the time, I would never have understood the seriousness of the situation through that, guess it proves I am a slow one.

PS3: I don’t know how it works in Russia, but from what I gleaned it has similar hues.




Echo, ecocide.

Narcissism boosts by religious that compare themselves to a looting god. Hope it won’t escape from the box they soil.




To have to drown into prayers to try and make an act good, free, and prosper. One act only and I sink into the abyss where I know will follow the matter encountered, loved and succeeded.




Like said the common wisdom the grail is just what cannot be terminated, an endless quest. Immortality. And to fight for a just cause, make it unmorbid. Death here is no desire but elsewhere.

Dis ailleurs. Ailleurs in French elsewhere.

D’ailleurs, something that is not here.


Just like Michel Zink says, the grail tale counts the revelation of silence and secrecy, that has to be broken when people need help or charity (here in the sense of brotherhood or solidarity). The edification of human knowledge cannot but be the sum of their goodness not a privilege, adding up to sacrileges.

Elevation, with the sense Latin of education towards something…of all beauty.




Tea tax evasion

Escapeeter, evader, prisoner? Reasoner?        The queen, Madonna, bono, etc…


Why giving money to waste land, millions worth money but of value none. Why giving money to a country that is able to blow millions on individuals without even thinking of giving them education. I mean you know their Marlborough marble university for legitim argument that the fees rise like the seas levels who wait for more detergents.


debt deal rant.




Hypocrisy, hip-0,




Wait to fell upon someone possibly able to give you information to choose (my shoes) or be aware of what their texts really say or say not. University’s booklets and handbook as clear as how it is possible to access books without having to click for the past 20 min vainly. On matters such as everything admin, the worth of the uni otherwise than fees, student satisfaction, fiction, factice, FACTION, notice novice, the nature they may render (they killed already, playing it green, advertising themselves so, [mind I don’t complain_ it may be the way they won’t concrete it all to get rid of everything] colder than the deep sea


Sank, stank.




Whose now Provost’aims is to impeach people from reading additional lectures because the rich P think people has to pay, my guess, for sitting and passing of the exam as well, on a stretch for the pretty to become peers, Britney.

No possible to attend lectures as a free electron but leisurely easy to obtain one’s exam without having to stand in front of any table. Laurel as lax as hasting.





To read more:





?? check yourself on the internet — islamic schools etc…preach pedophilia in teaching people that mohamed the polygamous prophet of islam were married at a 9 year old child, (and) To worship worst form of sexual slavery.

And how this is (let to be) taught to children in UK and other liberals’ countries.


 I think that this information are not prioritized at all because of people wanting a comeback of rampant slavery, sexual slavery included. In fact tools at regression and status-quo of progress and research versus professorate of horror and manipulative stories in order to have servants docile since dying and domiciliary.



 (When you forgot it all about imposed and ritualized, rooted polygamist and knew nothing about sexual and other sort of slavery after pillages and wars- here what you got = what you are)




Also if you think I do not write well enough for your understanding, and that the above is a proof of islamophobia, just because it is exposing a fact, then you do not have to worry, take this to at least one of the highest in command of your university, I witnessed myself these beyond middle age white man, richer than you certainly will be with your spouse or partner included. They will be able or manage to just censor information like that…how come? For the better good of the community, no on the ground of religious sensitivity. But in sociology department the hell yeah, that is how one would joke but all the same be backed enough to obtain a promotion doing it.

A thought for the post-modern moderators.







?? check yourself on the internet — islamic schools etc…preach pedophilia in teaching people that mohamed the polygamous prophet of islam were married at a 9 year old child, (and) To worship worst form of sexual slavery.

And how this is (let to be) taught to children in UK and other liberals’ countries.


 I think that this information are not prioritized at all because of people wanting a comeback of rampant slavery, sexual slavery included. In fact tools at regression and status-quo of progress and research versus professorate of horror and manipulative stories in order to have servants docile since dying and domiciliary.



 (when you forgot it all about imposed and ritualized, rooted polygamist and knew nothing about sexual and other sort of slavery after pillages and wars- here what you got = what you are)

mohammed, the islamic prophet “””married””” a child.

Islam preaches worse than paedophilia (even though impossible) but like mohamed its prophet who was polygamous and whose last 'spouse' was a child.

Please check on internet, it is classical Muslim literature.





Also if you think I do not write well enough for your understanding, and that the above is a proof of islamophobia, just because it is exposing a fact, then you do not have to worry, take this to at least one of the highest in command of your university, I witnessed myself these beyond middle age white man, richer than you certainly will be with your spouse or partner included. They will be able or manage to just censor information like that…how come? For the better good of the community, no on the ground of religious sensitivity. But in sociology department the hell yeah, that is how one would joke but all the same be backed enough to obtain a promotion doing it.

A thought for the post-modern moderators.









if you think this with honesty, know that you are wrong, information have had the ability to change things, i.e., to have to follow what a system would end up forcing people to do, here not paying tax, even robbery tax but force ‘marry’ kids, and here following Islamic prophet live, the one so many times invoked that for some people his name has become a way of  punctuate and phrasing, to marry little girls with old men.

Also if you think I do not write well enough for your understanding, and that the above is a proof of islamophobia, just because it is exposing a fact that would lead anyone direct to the prison or gallows in certain Islamic states (not ISIS that is not a state, but many others: Pakistan, Soudan…), then you do not have to worry, take this to at least one of the highest in command of your university, I witnessed myself these beyond middle age white man, richer than you certainly will be with your spouse or partner included. They will be able or manage to just censor information like that…how come? For the better good of the community, But in sociology department the hell yeah,that is how one would joke but all the same be backed enough to obtain a promotion doing it.

Go to your post-modern moderators.




To tell them? To insist and tell them? To oblige them? Not bona fide.

Look, literally I needed my degree. They invited me in a room where i was supposed to apologise to a Muslim believer for having unveiled the writings of their religion, saying I did not say it with the right words or tone (am wondering how they would speak to victims of this pedo ‘marriages’, in fact it is pedophilephilic). Since this day, I understood that in fact polygamy, paedophilia are actively protected by the west and it is for this reason that the uk etc., are in fact trafficking people, let FGM happen by the thousands. it is like that that some groups recruit, promising money, wife, and live in total dishonour but since even universities do.








Now mentioning the self-declared feminists FOR and experts on pornography and prostitution advocacy.




Cameroom. yo uwill, u ll lliw But youwill say bye bye England at this rate: don’t ask Cameroon he just signed for the regional CEO PR opportunities. AND CAME THE ROOM.

Dec 1, 2014 5:37 AM

·        Mai, me, in 2014, hearing again one of this politician I thought UK will split, no scat

·        Scotaland here any longer.



In its discourse, taking for people for rid, dire rub-ish.                  Taking them childish.
























·        Darren O'Byrne

I hear that the new residents of the Duchesne building, which used to house Crucible, will be the postgrad/research team from the Business School. Good people, and good offices. May I wish you all the best in those fantastic spaces. I do hope someone acknowledges that CETL capital funding was diverted from a Southlands extension to rescue the rebuilding of the old Mandela bulding to create Duchesne. So the University has benified from the CETL money and should acknowledge this somehow.



May I also use this space to congratulate the Business School on its six new staff and 1.7 million commitment at a time when good, hard working scholars in the humanities and social sciences are facing redundancies.


·        Darren O'Byrne

I hear that the new residents of the Duchesne building, which used to house Crucible, will be the postgrad/research team from the Business School. Good people, and good offices. May I wish you all the best in those fantastic spaces. I do hope someone acknowledges that CETL capital funding was diverted from a Southlands extension to rescue the rebuilding of the old Mandela bulding to create Duchesne. So the University has benified from the CETL money and should acknowledge this somehow.



May I also use this space to congratulate the Business School on its six new staff and 1.7 million commitment at a time when good, hard working scholars in the humanities and social sciences are facing redundancies.




Deforestation with ludicrous logging out. Amputating humanity.


And where will nest all what it killed.


WITH, (w)ith, eath.

Eath, earth?? Raeth, (w)rath.


Raft? Far-.



I worked in schools and institutions with kids who were able to demonstrate their intelligence, abilities, skills and potential, for every day, these to be denied, negated and denigrated. of course, every kid needs to go to school and adults to where they will engage, but there is nothing like a loving family. and if only to build like one could be permitted when kids do not have anybody.




Might well be proved more, than useful.




And the dog saw the pigs, and knew, and nothing new, they were brothers, they were dear cousins. And the dog knowing that the other lived in terror, and hope as humans still looked charming.

An inventor, little they thought, an inventoriator. And enlisted. The humans were, to something slow.



Alli-gator. The pre-gate. The heart eaten, the heart hitherto, the heart he throw, and vengor.

And post-mortem Jeer earthing, the heart item.




Equality is not equality, in a world of mocks viol feeling, void sense, sentiments and vault values, all intended to exploitation and ultimately trafficking.



100 % with you, worth reminding. one question once you have taught the art and value on how to be fair with people, what to do when these values are exploited? that is when people find a way for others to do their job and provide for them, as a gesture of good will. Because this is the state status-quo on something that preaches peaces when they do moqueries and inflation. 





UNIVERSITY MATURE WRITING ~ pass psy possible pseudo.

People, possible?

Pesticide, noble.

Gas guarantor of their high.



Interred,Her, hear.

And if like we think of humans’ life on earth , earth to be a purgatory,

This life was in fact death, and after, an afterlife already.

And/or before or after, alter. Alterned.










On equal rights transformed into I want to be the same estate, esthete and vampire entitled to the same cinema.

yes you had to write this item.  same privilege, opportunity to exploitation like, is not same as rightful rights.


I will enter university for another year, tell me if you need articles on a subject- free access to very expensive items. but well combats, fights for the common good, and their individuals, members, should be there in the open and for free....

thank you, and keep on - keeping the fort. 



I noticed that it is often very warm at yours, and i thought of what you told me about your kid being prone to cold. i used to work in care and one of the problem they have in residential home is that the heating is above 20 Celsius, and at this temperature people will experience much more chest and throat problem as it is ideal for bacteria to live on.






On equal rights transformed into I want to be the same estate, esthete and vampire entitled to the same cinema.

Yes you had to write this item.  same privilege, opportunity to exploitation like, is not the same as rightful rights.


I will enter university for another year, tell me if you need articles on a subject- free access to very expensive items. but well combats, fights for the common good, and their individuals, members, should be there in the open and for free....

Thank you, and keep on - keeping the fort.


Thank, khan.




Purple, people.






Lit                era,                  ere                   eratic.







The allure of exact sciences that sociology wants to coat itself in. at the boot of the ‘power’, to abuses versatile. Till. Tile.

And hinting at the positivism in sociology. How sociology and psychology would like us to believe that the norms established security, and that they are in no instance the root of the problem. There is the insane and there is the perverted. And viewing how society goes, gays, guess whether it is to do with the academy ???




Just to add I was a mature student in an English university. I also happen to be a lesbian. i wrote an item on this, the guys at uni kept purposefully in the closet, lgbt was totally unreachable at uni, and gosh i tried, it is through someone telling me i finally found them by pure chance. i went and had to witness how the sole focus was on raising funding to go party for the gay pride in other countries than the uk. i also was part of the LGBT groups at unis in France when I was not so mature students, the atmosphere was sometimes so unreal and completely unfriendly, like lll I won’t say, towards an old dyke like me. What I gathered after is that the majority of them ending up into a complete hetero life style after having had a big go at monopolizing with force and to be quite frank dictatorship and intimidating fashion the top seats and function of the organisations. In paris the assoc was not in the closet because they are part integral of the uni, not mere societies.




Lack of empathy is a trait to psychopathy I would think! already not Asperger’s syndrome kids but autistic kids are treated in most schools as having serious intellectual impairment while it is the fact that their intelligence has been proven as high, one reason of the revolution and impact it had on the mainstream. just like the dumb people who were called institutionally stupid by the medical doctors of the 19th century fin de siècle- because they could not physically speak.

Perhaps with Asperger one could have a hard time relating to the words and feelings, displayed or experienced by others in common situations. grieve can be completely overwhelming. Also, I believe that greater empathy than normal may be an autistic trait, and often not as defect but turn into or consequences of having much more sensitivity. also compassion suffering for or with somebody else or ‘something else’ can have a very overwhelming effect.  




FB(i) like so many meanstreams, well all actually are the chief gang of censorship. though of course they would not touch religion or other powers with a barge poll (pole). i mean by that they would not dream of disturbing them. everything will have to do with censorship. it strangles us already, and they just have to squeeze a tiny more to start killing...vast layers of the happy capitalized agents or citizens themselves. As the other layers of the population, well, the planet herself won’t go round as human activities, philosophies and believes, just think she is the apple they can binge on.




You forgot, dear Londoner, that you are talking about the world, in Africa for example where everyone is a refugee, with dictatorship and western that pays them bordello fees- the one when you manage to have enchained the stock you laugh upon. you know the mass poverty in the congo, or CAR?? maybe we like talking about the muslims too, why because to forget we are murderers and traffickers, and facilitate all sharia law... sharia laws is abhorrent but it is used to say to people having lost it all, that I could be the safety net of further enslavement! Islam relies on pedos but not only. And also, people looking for wives, but you know what, we destroyed everything, humanity is a vampire resting on its wreck, happy they did it, and soon without money.

It is why islam is growing as well, is that people gutted with their gvt, with amri America etc. think we need a counter-order. But all are so infamous, dirty in all their deeds, that they forget to tell you that everywhere trafficking is rising, that this way, people with hope, will hope that the planet will get rid of us any way.



100 % with you, worth reminding. one question once you have taught the art and value on how to be fair with people, what to do when these values are exploited? that is when people find a way for others to do their job and provide for them, as a gesture of good will. Because this is the state status-quo on something that preaches peaces when they do moqueries and inflation. 





UNIVERSITY MATURE WRITING ~ pass psy possible pseudo.

People, possible?

Pesticide, noble.

Gas guarantor of their high.




Her, hear.

And if like we think of humans’ life on earth , earth to be a purgatory,

This life was in fact death, and after, an afterlife already.

And/or before or after, alter. Alterned.





Equality is not equality, in a world of mocks viol feeling, void sense, sentiments and vault values, all intended to exploitation and ultimately trafficking.



100 % with you, worth reminding. one question once you have taught the art and value on how to be fair with people, what to do when these values are exploited? that is when people find a way for others to do their job and provide for them, as a gesture of good will. Because this is the state status-quo on something that preaches peaces when they do moqueries and inflation. 





UNIVERSITY MATURE WRITING ~ pass psy possible pseudo.

People, possible?

Pesticide, noble.

Gas guarantor of their high.




Her, hear.

And if like we think of humans’ life on earth , earth to be a purgatory,

This life was in fact death, and after, an afterlife already.

And/or before or after, alter. Alterned.





Equality is not equality, in a world of mocks viol feeling, void sense, sentiments and vault values, all intended to exploitation and ultimately trafficking.



100 % with you, worth reminding. one question once you have taught the art and value on how to be fair with people, what to do when these values are exploited? that is when people find a way for others to do their job and provide for them, as a gesture of good will. Because this is the state status-quo on something that preaches peaces when they do moqueries and inflation. 





UNIVERSITY MATURE WRITING ~ pass psy possible pseudo.

People, possible?

Pesticide, noble.

Gas guarantor of their high.




Her, hear.

And if like we think of humans’ life on earth , earth to be a purgatory,

This life was in fact death, and after, an afterlife already.

And/or before or after, alter. Alterned.







After the lobotomization, the capitalists psychologists will have you for the mercy killing of your retirement beg.

Tired again.




Brought out of what unauthentic guy characterized as a system of fake news (noise of populist capitalizing captive- advertising entertainment), which is a veil and a reinforcement process-procedural stinking stunt, to bolster embolies that regime of ‘no news’. ‘no news, good news’ like the forming collaboration bureaus would trickle down to their domestic-city. In waiting for the leaders, the ones that does not need to be there as they have puppets and puppies- withdrawal into the wilderness where no animals survive but where air and water are not so charged chemically.




Bad to fund ecocide? IQ tests for bankers, the same one that will allow prospective students to borrow money to graduate. or no. no graduate? not even the entry. no entry? no news, no search, no quest, no research, no fund-ations, society. no union, no nations, just bankers, and bunkers.

Found, action.




My idea it is a song performed by her for the ice and its terrain, pour purl pure that should not, nets note, not ever has been attacked by the rest of the humanity, melting?????/   the curse will infilter everything we eat, are and hoped. Until to see to be is just a curse -and, end in bait, bait but buttress built in-assured. The o core, the curse, anchored encore.







I should not be working with these agencies that employed people that do not have to respect professional standards. They yet again unfortunately are not my bosses (mind this way they would have found manners to exploit me to death before sacking me), that would mean i have paid holiday, sick and medical protection, social welfare, retirement scheme etc, they just take 15% of what you agree to pay or of what I earn. I spent so many hours building profiles that I stayed. I’ ll try to do it independently from now. they have nothing to do with me. it is a contractor, marketing that bring service provider and customers website. 

Debase professional standards, take all the internet advertisement slot, included the one of my specific specialization or my unique post code, making impossible for the independents to advertise themselves successfully and make me paid every day in full ripping me of as I have to give a dividend for them. Yes they work, they intervene whenever it is awkward, and profit from making their websites difficult to use, or to make it impossible to delete information. Or setting weird protocol to claim the money they took first, as far as if one is not accomplishing aware and intentioned, they cannot claim it. On top of sending money without the right amount, without calculating what they took off it, and without the appropriate date or name of the clients. Just enormously tenant. They thing they are the proprietor that can and will fuck everybody whilst they are the one in a grey area of the laws. Genius gregariously.

After having killed the gypsy.




What you said the canonical sentence in english, simple sentences, clear and short. S+ V + Complement. people say that, but the reality english have been made this way, not before but still as a part of the strategies, the propaganda constructing english as a simpleton language, like this not complexity! everything is so well said'dust and done by the same rip-off of straight-affordability.  in a word the statu-quo so emblematical of the die hard and born again, that will understand their needs for a brothel.




When one thumbs an agenda, it is just a few leaves. To one year of the almighty none we can do. It is good that we write on this book, that will not but pursue you.

Tick, tac.

Just a few for the seasons to go for ever lost in meaning but for the bearer of eternity.

That is the time, that is the space that formed through the air we inhaled and refer and redone, and maldone and rejected.

Misdone, alone.

Misdone alone.




I am not so sure we can afford to do these videos, rodeos with the western cultures destructor, a garment and regiments so filled with chlorine and the mediations and the medications that made us unable to comprehend that nature won't commune, won't embrace us any longer but for the dust of our bodies guilty of killing her.




Would it be possible to reactivate my account? I did not know about old email addresses. I try to contact politicians.

SPAM or not spam, in the impossibility to contact politicians, journalists, civil servants… you know ignorance is bliss, even if they are not, now they will be able to pretend they are disconnected! And pick the campaign they want, while leave the sordid and putrefied, putre-facted pay them off and away.




you are doing a MA, it is aca. you don't translate in emptyness. people worked and thought about that, if you want to translate well or know what you are doing at least, well you ll need them. for you, for them, and also for integrity, justification, ethics and innovation, does it mean we have to eat them all? i mean no, hoping to stay critical, avant-gardist, and hopefully less censored and culture or cultivated repellent rather than normal.

for you, for them, and also for integrity, justification, ethics and innovation.

it is just too bad the universities are not any longer. it is just too bad the universities are not any longer affordable, i.e. democratic, i.e. universal. are not any longer. didn't they referendum on it?




How China censorship forbids all videos (while next could be Russia), and blogs from western cultures: not an exaggeration Chinese people cannot access any YouTube, google (to name but a few), these sites are just entirely and exhaustively banned and since last year internet users could be imprisoned if they try to access them (by buying software able to jump the firewall). SAME AS FOR THE SUBJECT ABOVE, HORRENDOUS BUT NOWHERE CLEARLY IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA, SOMETIMES IN FACT INSISTING AND REPEATING THE OPPOSITE (like the BBC and to my knowledge all others major media institutions very own practice, so much for the 4th power, estate, and 4th branch of the government), THUS MAKING BELIEVE TO THE HUGE MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION THAT IN FACT THOSE GROUPS HAVE PEACEFUL INTENTS AND WELL-FOUNDED DOCTRINES, WHILE ANY DEBUTANTS AT IT, IF SERIOUSLY RESEARCHING, WOULD KNOW IT IS ONLY DECEPTIVE.


Cannot hyperlink because was on the radio, but worthy item by the BBC to which I will refer here because while censorship of all informal (all blogs and videos) and artistic western sources is taking place and that the main media does not talk directly about it, many blogs and alternative posts have been made about it (perhaps mainly by people having lived in China- in the past since now blogging for west (only possible with the help of software bypassing the Great Firewall of China) from china will be regarded as a criminal offence. However, the BBC (updated and ground-breaking- it happens) is the only one that I know that talked about how internet choices and activities made by their citizens are stored by the government and how it affects (positively or negatively) their welfare states, perspectives of jobs, of becoming civil servants, or benefiting from states services (in some part of China people cannot afford for their ID and multiple certificate applications), if state thinks that the citizens ticked the ‘wrong’ or the ‘right’ options.


Though, God knows the relief brought to some people on the perspective to be taken by China, as a worker, and as one that does not have – until proven guilty- to say they’ d bend to allah.





Same I am nervous- and lost, and god i am tired, though the continuous sun recharges the batteries i am worrying for the birds, they are so dangerously lean for the month of jolly July


There is a golden rule in aca and it is to search, question, and assess, frame etc the question itself. it is that an essay, it is: to work with and on (for?) a question. wish I remembered that at times.



that is great professional criticism! independent party and all.

this is practice at its best.

Unconditionally wonder wunderful.





To bring animals in like one succeedingly bring purity. Just like children have for themselves


/against affected effect.


Also o to burn that energy eaten by the sanctification of human kind. The green-house, our green house like the veg we would gobble down.

The bastard betray goblet.

And the gods that have finished to care for the species that do not listen, and that destroy their peers, kids and brothers.

If it is for the sake of your daily sonatas, ss sir, saint ain’t, satanas sanitation stories, forget about what, how and why you have prayed.

Predating your chit chat with what allowed you to display…




On a mountain, or near anywhere where oneself is to meet, one will ask god, and they might well answer. But if they do then one must follow suit. And forge not forget how nature needs one’s own protection.



Mon, obtain.

Montagne. Montaigne.




Je me suis souvent demande si il m aurait ete possible d ecrire des chansons. je sais que je n ai pas une vie interieure ou intuitive satisfaisant le format. mais quand on a votre talent poetique et le tact literaire, peut etre la lecture, s inspirer d une histoire, d un l elan peut occasionaer  ou la rencontre possible avec cet ature autre texte, ces autres etres, ces mondes decrits aussi bellement que bobby.












I den, dent, tiff.

Ned, need. Fit.











Yes, that's it, you are right, it is how it should be. 








You search the web,
we plant trees

Ecosia is like any other search engine, with one major difference: we use our profits to plant trees.


You search the web,
we plant trees

Ecosia is like any other search engine, with one major difference: we use our profits to plant trees.





If you ever believed in god, then religions had never been able to reach the ankle of some that would have acknowledge it.




As in my youth I would blacken thousands leaves of paper, to say the feeling, the sentiments, the torpor, that accompany the love of my dreams departure.

Now I refuse to say anything on the one of my life.

As when this love is gone, I ll just been filled with a death desire.





Georges Brassens La Prière The Prayer French & English Subtitles



C.ET: priere, pierre.

Pire, pris.



Golden 2018 01



I am mot pro-Jewish, simply because all religions are based on race, etc. discrimination. They all follow discriminatory tenets, have a restricted view on how to believe to god, when it comes to their general assertion, even though of course you have got to manage to discuss with some lauding the universal. And that they will follow on top of all that, blood lines at not or at discretion.

fool folio follow.

But I don’t forget that jews alongside gays and gypsies, have been in train and in extermination camps, while white think themselves as the master of psychology, philosophy and all other matters and masteries. Whites and all other colors, human degeneration simply.


And that Israel is a in fact state-tampons, and islam, contrarily to political overt parasitic states like we know many, them pace down themselves on slavery ownership and pedophilia. So actually, in this furiously fake sad and terminally sick context, I am pro-jew, oui.

Terminology. Why an old, utterly too old humanity, on how much one owes to laicity.



Was on my phone trying to settle an administrative maze i did DYILL not think could exist

I.e., big and state orc arch orchestrated = in fact not orchestrated at all, even not linked.

Ire, hired.




Since countryside are so shrunken, fenced, or annihilated...Emoji






In china even for a simple cold, you have to go to an hospital where you are actually injected with antibiotics via infusion! when you think that Chinese doctors use to be renowned to be the best at prevention...



PS: Please note that two previous petitions has been refused or removed without any warnings or adequate justifications, also on main petitions specialised sites, petitions have limited time to get signed.

The petition I attempted via the UK government website, did not match the criteria, and had been catalogued under unpetitionable cultural matters. 



If you wish look at this soup but it is just not convincing. It is the unbearable approach of a government covering for scandals such as Saville, P.I.E, absence of intervention by police and social services allowing teenagers grooming, and the fact that the UK is one of the best countries to grow human trafficking, the very recent release of public enemy number 1 such as Worboy, by judges still rom roaming the streets.





On how they sound to humans, i.e. usually not receptive, and also is it easy to convey one’s messages across when one is labelled as subservient and food source. For this price, nature and culture and species on or out of this path and past where people don’t listen but ape incomprehension or abandonment at each other in anger, and their meaning are then dying away. translate vegan in Chinese?

A crook, a hook, our roost?




: it is beautiful to find that homo in countries dominated by death and misery condemned homosexual, condemned everybody, into a frantic fall, but then famously networks of people whose equal love is condemned in the country, as served as set-up. You have a date, and people who have identify you as gay, will take beat-up, harassment, family threats, job loss, everything you can imagine up to economic or physical murders. It is why muscle hs should be used now. Stop pretending heterosexuality is normal but imposing it is just the most widespread way to inspire and spread terror, to ruin lives and the will for it. To ruin humanity.




I am very grateful. you see the own the advertisement place, and it means the local businesses cannot advertise for themselves and have to work for them. i ' d be happy to go on like this, but their rates are simply extortionary. I left the uk 4 years ago, because they made me work as a carer on a special contract not oblige to count the hours i worked i work to be present somewhere within a package. the carers working like this could not pay a full room for them, after 1 month work.




To have so much suffered, and rose from it, that one does not want to punish oneself with alcohol. Otherwise than to kill, murder the self-s, that now lay down, lie down, prostrate.

Selves, sl-eves.


Safe. Sales, cells.

Celle in French, feminine for these, of those.





It has been a battle to adopt mimo, I can only wonder why people were not responding. maybe because I told them I was a walker, occasional boarder, and mimo was wild. but no one told me that, I had to reach the boss instead of the volunteer for her to be sent to me. it took 2 months of unanswered emails. and my dog was still there waiting for an adopter...

But my presumption and the why I was ferociously trying to adopt her at the end, I had the feeling that she could be kept for the rescue center, because she is motherly, even if she does not how to do it, wild but also protective and adorable. I was afraid she was used to amuse the dogs, but there I think it is too lawless to be enjoyable or even decent. 





In china even for a simple cold, you have to go to a hospital where you are actually injected with antibiotics via infusion! when you think that Chinese doctors use to be renowned to be the best at prevention...












legs meaning leguer = to bequeath sth to sb.





About the green wishes signatures on email, used to come with an icon, but I removed it as it was political. I don't meet french here, I avoided purposefully, but it was a french failed date who gave me the idea. in fact it is why I dropped the icon because she wrote a book about green, environmental ideas, but the philosophy behind was to do your little things without imposing policy, and god knows that cannot work. (recycling my little plastic, because they don't have space to bury it globally, and take tens planes instead because anyhow there is no more affordable trains) environmentalists sometimes are at the heart of anti-environmentalist project. cut an old wood to plant an orchard. looking after dog welfare and trying to spam or censor you when you advocate vegetarian diet for dogs, that kind of things. just like social services making sure their 'wardens' cannot make it after care. no schools, no homework, no real caring and building strength relationship, just absconding on open doors. it is terrible the state of education, and it is too expensive.

Open door on …. P p p, prostitution, in par with prio, ps, prsion, prison, patriachr




I’ ll stick to french then, how frustrating, but lets' admit compete with good English writers would have been too much of a challenge, maybe if I am able to work within a special topic, hopefully. and then french  native will be discriminated again but this I already knew it. you know even to access translation courses, that were french/English they asked more evidence of academic achievement for french people, in British universities, I was very saddened about it.  









Ours in French not bar but bears.

Ears. Era.

But what can be said of our home, since nature has been brought to its threshold.




Also I love the fact that french allows generalist training in high school we desperately need people who are generalists, but this system send to the bin ep people who have done well being specialized from the beginning. I never had my bac a l aureate, my math was too far gone, though I wish I had worked on them, but the result is that the language I so cherished innerly almost as I did not understand I needed to do my homework at the times, though words have always been my favorite very breathing. – I no longer could study. Nothing.


General, gene.

Math, myth.

Favorite, favor. Voir.

Void, over, seed.



Breathing, breasting, beating. Beasting.





To RSPCA RIP kind of organization for animal rights’:

most of you aren't vegetarians, let alone vegans, don't approach me. 




A weasel and aesthete.


The weasel- of any sex they might have been.

Be it a him or a her.

Was on top of a round rock, on a stone,

on its own.

In the midst of a stream

Would you dream to gather

What the reasons were?

The big beast puppet foolish dummy.

confided in me in unison what he or she possessed

and established

through it all.

This beauty,

very refined, exquisite,


would do this for exclusively

dance, stance, rhyme, and elegance.



Portraited as nonsense poem just because the animal writes and thinks poetry.

I admit it is a very comical situation, as I keep on reading that this poem is nonsensical while I think the text is in its purpose or maybe end, highly philosophical or spiritual. I think it is a poem poetic in itself as it duly renders to the weasel their psychological dimensions and character.

For the rhythm and rhyme to marry I would I hope found something more dancing but I would have had to let the rhyme and rhythm sojourn in my head for a long while... and it was tempting. It is indeed my problem with a text I love, it could stay in me forever if I allow it. And ask for more. Eating probably.

For only, I came to me just at the end, not compulsory like, but since there is a question of gender, I thought I could transform it, giving it a lift as a cautionary tale.


Could as well eat me away. But then with capitalism having, avid my flesh and bones, and cannot say or reply until they decide to turn me blood into whine.


And I guess animal’s kingdom regret not having put an end to the human discrepancy.






And plenty of fish, though the seas, a cemetery of dying plastic bags, going grinding down to the oil pit from where, nothing will brave and go and grow again in this theist gore burrow. That go more and borer, the boers of all colors, and boomers.

Till humans will be humans. As immature as unwelcome.




In joint statement, world leaders agree Russia behind nerve agent attack on former spy



C.ET:      I know it is chemical weapons and this is what is most threatening to the world in case of war, maybe less than the nuclear?


But me I want to say accusing a state, famous for having ruined and plundered their own countries, famous for hti their e widespread mafia and trafficking in all matter and all society, and start a cold war taking for reasons, retaliation on a spy, to me sound so strange that I can be suspicious, only.

What have the other states to hide if they do not quiver a feather over mafia fed on the very same state punished to have a go on someone who betray their country. Mind let’s admit amist what must be going on…. You ll better know what a little, but even.




I would like to report what i did not have the intelligence at the time to report.

I knew of a teenager living in supported accommodation.


He had for illness to take snails into this home and put them in the microwaves and kill them this way. no one of the people who were responsible for his mental health deep trouble, never attempted to stop or report further and treat this extremely violent  act. how and to who can i report it?


He had for illness to take snails into this home and put them in the microwaves and kill them this way. no one of the people who were responsible for his mental health deep trouble, never attempted to stop or report further and treat this extremely violent and unforgivable act. how and to who can i report it?






CIR       C                          LE

              C         IR      C     LE


AND what t more than rick?





Irc,                 ire.





But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.



But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.

But in any case, no words can depict animal torture when they are still alive. Words them are here for us to react, to inform and make people understand.








No it is not violent to use you as food, and sometimes it is so good. i will be very cliche but so much for the trickle down.

Dear deer, for French nationals living in the uk at the moment i think that they won't have any trouble identifying what the concerns might be. it was not my intention to speak in code, it is was an ad hoc comment on the fishing policies (and namingly the hunting and agro-business -food industry) that have often been at the center of euroscepticism. a bit blurry, i know this just because of a lecture by a doc that i happened to have attended.  as for the passage on violence, it was in response to the post that says that killing and eating animal is not violent. so i am SO absolutely sorry.







a prohibition (like a taboo) or an injunction to do something (like fate)

spell, enchantment;


Old Irish term



a prohibition (like a taboo) or an injunction to do something (like fate)

spell, enchantment;



Old Irish term










Old Irish term





In a way, since animals have not killed the greatest threat to the planet, they have not had the time to poison it either yet.


The only redemption in a world that would be tene tended as the primary tenets of all human beings. In which plants would grow to outgrow everything.


Plan and planets.




What if, the women participated to the enslavement of other women? i know also what it is to be a man capable to do anything because he has no wife, no life. i am a lesbian.




They could have taken anything from me, my luck i was not born in slavery, though parents from all countries sell their child, to all classes, no boundary. 




Didactic and Pedagogic

 Tendencies in the Norms Dictating

 the Translation of Children's

 Literature: The Case of Postwar

 German-Hebrew Translations

By  Nitsa Ben-Ari

 Poetics and Comparative Literature, Tel Aviv

 C.ET: it is when you realise one should not talk of it as war. A devil with that name, is not a devil with no name. ain’t it?

Aim it.





Eat veg, you know i am from the countryside, i know how the farmers and the hunters and all the guys from the town just kill the countryside, so much so that it is only roads, no hays, no wood, so much so that it is no countryside anylonger.

And of course, the veg are alive too, and it is to this world to manage to eat, to live without killing, without creating suffering, without letting them happen again and again, and just justify them or not Acknowledging them. A world where people breed creature, feed them, and their children to kill them after. A fucking daily dirty filthy meat mentally sicko. Hell from nowhere, it is where. We go.

In reality, in this realm, dogs are very healthy vegetarian too. Not even need to study and create for the canine, and vulpine.

The cue, if they can…we can too. Have to.





AS usual the BBC, and the rest, will tackle a subject given looming headlines at best like here, but as almost always just talking about issues 30 years old, and this way give the false impression that subjects are tackle without a say. I mean ok, recent very good BBC reports on Chinese censorship, could come from their having censored themselves there, in Honk-Kong, but who told you that Muslim if following the life style of their prophet will have to torture, rape and killed, well once they are the sultans in a swing.

Us all. Use all.




Diabolic, dialogic.




Earth and the horrors perpetrated there, feel for the ones who do not have to fear for their own security, like if they were comfy. But since earth has been changed into a cemetery, the sort of ones in which people like puppets have been told to dig their own, so why aren’t we doing it? To have the time to get acquainted to the new territory.





The apples, the fruits of all knowledge, are they not? Could stand as life itself swallowed. Like a snake who by their mouth poison. All knowledge the like of which comes from the tortures implied, the experimentations, the execution of all what had for aim to degrade.

Degree provision.




A woman with her brake dogs, and one of them having a coot in her mouth, it took a while to stop the dog from injuring the animal more and more. mostly because the owner appeared not to have a major problem with it.

Like those in the parks laughing at their dogs chasin the squirrels, poor animals just having to realize that everything is taking away from them.

Their laugh, their being relaxed about it, them, their laughter as it has being described pedantically or ironically as the proper, the definition of being human, their amusement, them- the devil’s supper. The lasting meal




Birds that would fear or admire, but now that can see, all of them within a life circle that humans destore, and destroy only to pollute lands and seas. Size them all, tears, cries and disgust will lead, led their tone.

August Mire, near to zero, near, clear NER-0.

Earth has amassed so many sould, that will await their death, to come the same darkness that will necroes the crown of the living, seeing as guise of testament that flesh that WILL go, happily removed, clarify to endure, the last scene. ADAMANT.





Theresa May told the Andrew Marr Show: "I fully recognize why people are concerned about this.

It is just like May saying that they are concerned for the death in the blaze in the London borough provoked by unfitted buildings, under the supervision of millionaire bosses or managers imbeciles. They did not say we will chase, and punish people building death traps for others, they did not say that they will inspect other construct (construe) cons’truth.

Not in fact in the uk, and hence certainly in many other countries, since any how it is lethal (let that) capitalism that is the leader (lard) of today’s policy, every one who knows how affairs and maters of life and business are managed, by all these blue prints managers that are represented (tat) by the politicians, who do not represent the people but l (them) the dishonest people and the way the country is misled- all examples of speech of how it is allowed in fact dictated on how you have to deal and mistreat customers, col-leagues, trainees, senior, juniors, qualified, newcomers, experts, whistleblowers and fired and  firms.

Just another comment, I think that people are about to start to do inspection so stringent in certain places that it won’t be possible to satisfy the criteria unless you have servants in every corners of the rooms, and this will serve further the serialisation’s servilisation of the annoted or unnoted nations.




Pop music and censorship.

Because nowadays, at least english songs, or indian songs, i guess, talk only about romance and money (violence for subcultures), not one song, or almost is political, in brief pop music is in charge of brain wash. you know in a society where it is difficult to have a job, and if not job no girlfriend, where people won’t be able to afford the buses to move beyond their quarter. casts and forced marriage and forced celibacy are on the way. massively. horribly. And the sense of profound, lethal despair associated.




I heard by ear to mouth say, that she fell in love with what has been best described as a ghost. or not someone who had stayed. and from the lyrics it sounds very plausible. the sex of it? the gender rather. female if you ask me.

Proof: amongst; her texts, are made of all extatising beauty.  what has also been called, goddam purity.








This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content.


It is the story of this animal you can see contortioning in an attempt to alleviate the pains and try to say to the humans certifying him horrors, why are you torturing me so, sir?

It is, or was, since now subject to censorship, and why not since nobody will move, and we guess that ultimately nobody will be moved, torture, of an innocent being, pleading, and about whom everybody will agree say nothing.

We did not manage to stop torture, not even torture of this malignity and scale. We in fact industrialized it and legislated it. We are but dead. And when I say we are but dead it is when I forgot that I encountered poverty and understood that we are past it.




It is important your grand dad teaching you tangible stuffs. 1st for motivation and it stays for life.




Avoid alcohol. I know the feeling going with my dog completely wasted in the forest, just to sing. alcohol and co just exhaust body and mind. and the heart, it goes further afield from the lady of one's dream. and then there is the lady of one's life that will or would soon replace the deal.  the daffodils.




One of her most beautiful texts. it makes think and talk.     not just pray. It is one of the questions in my life, I thought and thought and scream and cried, but i longed - it is what she said, not in a good way- but did I ever pray. I don't think so. Also, for me transcending texts is the bit I feel towards it. the reflect of love, of feat, of stop, and what it did.






No 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature, Panel Says Amid Sex Scandal

STOCKHOLM — The Swedish panel that awards the Nobel Prize in Literature said on Friday that it would take the extraordinary step of not naming a laureate this year — not because of a shortage of deserving writers, but because of the infighting and public outrage that have engulfed the group over a sexual abuse scandal.



C.ET: while they fuck each other up, no awards for the rest of them or of us. What’ s the question. Is it completely am mad, or is it just to say that the literature winner are from their band and therefore will be pushed and lightly punished the same? 


Oh and above all thank you for this ‘not because of a shortage of deserving writers’.



Mad, am, dam.





People meet and love around a similar activity. It is why look, locking up people into the same quarters because there is nothing to do, or nothing to do positive or that the simple bus ticket does not allow to gather around speciality is just killing identity, the chance to opening and fulfilment.

No, nill, line cut. Sybil.

Ni, in.





There is place for innocence: above all because it is a well-known saying. the lesser of 2 evils are so much more threatening. When o tightly together working.






He suffers all the torments of hell; he is to pay for the sins of others.




C.ET: what Mary says about jesus cruxifiction in Bach, Matthew passion. Meaning that hell is on earth. And it is where we live, …and that won’t be solved by death.





From pais (genitive paidos) "child" (see pedo-).



C.ET: paix, = peace                                   pays = country.


But of course, what if they are not taught to defend, lest they destroy and bully. You, oblivious, occult, abeyant, obedience. .






yes, Artemis, it was intriguing, I by default is for literary translation but on this occasion, the less one appealed more to me...probably very interesting to study the contrast between early and later translation compared with the original. maybe Camus lost its i don't know maybe childish, so simplistic way of losing oneself, or losing one's life to this earlier translation. The same richness (or lack of it, or just straight forward to their point or purpose) of vocabulary that may be contained in a file, or the documentation leading to the guillotine or the cemetery. I like Gilbert because of it bringing more sophisticated words and expressions to me. Censorship had been taken to an altogether new level during Camus time, just out of the religious one (for Camus Christianity in France and Islam in Algeria- and the 2 decade-long post-colonial civil war in Algeria. Islamist states even today would put to death someone who goes against the Islamic scriptures, in fact the Sharia law in islamic countries or any other countries advocate death penalty for people opposing the Coran and Mohammed' life to be divine, Sharia laws who were applied even in the remote part of Algeria more and more during Camus' life time, whereas traditional rural Algeria did not use to be muslim at all until very recently, a few years perhaps- and in fact even now- at least in places like resisting kabily or with real berbere people-. The German state  (while famously europe is all governed by the whole same noble family from spain to norway- with for example the british crown being of german descent) had burnt thousands of books, and Europe was cooperating, France on the forefront, following the trend.




Death, isn't there life after this act of disappearance, after departure? let's hope that ruining the blue planet was not the only adventure or no hope for the future. For our.


Breath, brief.

Depth, leaf.




To feel like giving oneself the end of the life like they have known it, instead of waiting for the love that will not come o to orchestrate the non-respondent duet.


Instar, Ishtar, instate.




Brought out of what unauthentic guy characterized as a system of fake news (noise of populist capitalizing captive- advertising entertainment), which is a veil and a reinforcement process-procedural stinking stunt, to bolster embolies that regime of ‘no news’. ‘no news, good news’ like the forming collaboration bureaus would trickle down to their domestic-city. In waiting for the leaders, the ones that do not need to be there as they have puppets and puppies-  project of withdrawal into the wilderness where no animals survive but where air and water are not so charged chemically, capitalist retinue retuning re-eaters treator, retreat just like in china where the mountains will be etiquette for the com party.





To wonder why politics stops, rehearse, decapitate, instate, install, stale…they shuffle the cards to line their pockets.




I am gay and I should have tried to fuck the heterosexists that think i am a slave not allowed to have children. that think slave, that order slavery. I should have, I hope the next generation will. in their own name.





A life spent to witness horrors. Intelligent caliber.

Spot the error.




These deer in park who will be culled. And the horses disappearing, like do plants, trees and land.





The only big reservation I would continue to have, would be that more and more people will read MTs or controlled language version type of texts. It could be the reason in fact why so many academic texts stay extremely canonical and sometimes only tolerate very simple phrasing. For the workflow in general, as the level of accuracy segment by segment is so appealing and will keep on becoming more and more widely use, I have to say that this activity made me think of how, to reuse Hall’s famous quote, via technological ‘coding, encoding, decoding, recoding’ languages themselves could be dramatically about to transform.




Maybe in fact, more airports is a solution to acquire oxygen. Like climb up on, go to the sky and open a window.




Invasive species.

And logically they will be as strong as the pollution, they are resilient...stronger and stronger.  as the destruction...

Note: we should cut some more trees. I mean until there is some left. Hurry.

We called it; it will come.







It is a question of habit, everything is painful at the beginning. after comes the automatism. and when it is good, the grace. the flight, to make sure one can face their failure and wait for din doing better or higher, and peer, perish.

The thought.

Ought, haute = high in farce


Fracking, framing. Chaos, rota.


Circle, marvel. Eve, evil. Heavy.


Cannot say that English isn’t beautiful!!!





But of course, why sending people away? For them to torture better once there. Why blame people that simply can take over all these institutions that are taken-able of resembling what the insiders say they abhor. Why resist? Because the devil inside/out would have all facilities. No retribution? What insanity.

The paradise’ opportunist. List. Tune. Opprobe, tort. Tu.

Hut, the shelter of human’s morality, pretending they control and excite the storm.




What is it that holds back an abused child from speaking up as an adult?

Fear. Dis-abusment?

Stigmatisation, also to assert something in life, will logically bring people attention, boiling down to these issues and ask themselves who told, or what the truth is. even in one's own life, one might, will relentlessly wonder what the real, thorough circumstances where, were (eve, brewer, err or her or were e were we, even though we know the tour of the truth of our memory. astigmatism. Magnetism.




Amen, amening

Amener in French is to bring!




And also don't worry too much about these misogynist losers, we will eradicate them for you lady? how? They are erratic losers, how however rich, however successful... why? Cos do not attack any goods, and by extension, any treasure.





By all magic of all miss all toe. Tow, tower.





Life when has showed to a body what is its other half, or what could be, give you to sacrifice.

One is as good as warmed death. In truth,

But still, since love struck as more than an arrow who has been designed for relief, as thunder never go.

You will have to satisfy, to hail, to the goddess you glimpse upon or even has lain upon,

And against all odds, try to be with her

By the strength of moral, of protector poet, protection to the frail

You were when coming back from the dead to the living ignoring the sky

That won’t go the way you will

But insane.




People think calmly because they think that this planet belong to them.




To feel one’s life has been so miserable, that nothing that would happen after would really matter. Explains how life take a turn of so much misery, as the individual does not relate directly any longer- or has it yet been- to their body.





To rest amongst what has survived of nature, and soon hear the voices, the animal voices, melt, to what is yours of instinct, honing it, (owning them?- a make, bad move, a mock, a threat, nothing but omen), and saying, go back, protecting not our lives but what is still to hope of its length.



In dense, dance, the rhythm or isthmus, mute ism.










Baby seals are dying



C : I admit I stopped watching those footage. they would anyone drive insane. Be a vegan.




Girded rigid.




Grid. Guild.

Creed, greed, guile.





The dark mirror provided by the screens of computers switched off.




Water is so much a mirror, drawn by light as if the distance of air between zone of enlightment was counting for nothing. No shadows but ghost.


Dis---die, deuce, stance.





Do not think that none of my word is predications, pre-per-dickcat, preydick, perdi, predictions. The predicate is you thank you for this help – pleh, play. Plea.





U, lee.




Even if it is in every truth that my love is at, for, in, by, through, across, in-between, in front, facing, in turn, onto, sliding, torpor, I ve lost. Everything, you U

For the pictures, they are the only ones that I ve got of my famille, did id not planned it, my camera the same year I understood I have to raise the problem of exploitationary incest-nothing big, the same cinema in very family, we are from the same system, don’t we? Intercede intestine intersected inter-intra scene incise incline. 

I am out of there, could not take it no more, yeti am constant in touch with myma.

Let me cover you with word, ord. Her.


Hord, order.





Mon maour? Ame-our.



Ame = soul in French.

Soul, us all.





Mon maour? Ame-our.



Ame = soul in French.

Soul, us all.



Us all, our soul.






Sold hier – yesterday.





En terre.




How come?

Mainstream media used so basic language that listening to them, become very quickly very mundane and redundant, not bring more vocabulary, facts, or linguistical riches.




Dubbing consists primarily in domesticating a foreign product so that it appears to be realistic and credible, and related to the audience expectations and experiences.




C.ET: this stands as a general law in translation, repeated, and reinforced again and again. The translation, in similarity with rules about journalism and literature by extension or induction, have to be at the image of what the people already know, have seen, held as opinion. Makers of belief…

Checked by reality as disbelief.




The shaman able to transform into another shape not because they can but by being into so much communion or complicity with the animals themselves that, the live separate but drawn by one spirit.


It also means that only virtuous people can do this, by virtuous, one that gives their lifes for nature to be safe. That is very few from now to the back or earlier age.


Since time immemorial have to be though again.

But the fight it is at an end.





The animals (and others) even if they could speak as clearly as our species, which would be weird because species develop their own means of communications, just like groups of people dvp their own language, would be killed as they are physically and as we kill our own spirits and divinity thinking we are the only ones to do the works.




I learnt hearing complicated english with tv subtitles. and they are always late, not synchronised. a change in color helps. me if i had not been able to learn with subtitles, my english would be half what it is today. plus i am deaf to some accents in particular. :(

I mean I guess it is politically correct as everyone wants you to speak with a certain accent, as if they were native, which well it is in the def, they will never be. for an international language it has been (for some, in fact a few) delightful, no worry.




The UN dictatorship and its fluidity.




Convention in translation: replacing regional language with alteration of the one mainstream (already very simplified, shortened, pruned…) language.

I would be worried that to adopt a differenciation from standard language instead of transposing it with the help of another regional accent, is more a political decision that it is an artistic one. In fact I admit I am confused on whether this decision is made because of political, linguistics, literary or artistic considerations. However overall the political correctedness has won, just because why if else, the standard would be to ignore regional accents as a convention.

On another hand, to create one's own language deviation, (when allowed?) must be so much fun.


Of course, the size of the audience using a standard language could be the reason of adopting it rather than regional ones. but in the example of the chti, I believe it is an exercice for the French to understand accents and expressions, or re-discover them while they have been made disappeared from their own country. Also, it could very interesting for the translators to mirror expressions that have been lost in even the french culture as a whole and to transmit their imageries and wisdom into Spanish like in this example.

Social dialects I think follow the same rule.



As it is clearly stipulated in the course, the big challenge is to understand what underpins this socio-economic cleavages. Also it is possible that standardization has been adopted in order to evade the responsibility of the translators to understand and transmit. or to deeper envisage or stipulate about the author or distributor aims or the way their work will be received.




Imbibe, exhib-it, enivrer = exhilirate.






I am ok to give my opinion, but i want to stress that i know dogs just domestically. i am in no way a professional. I do not know about these questions.

i am all for them keeping them intact, but the problem i see is that when a rush comes in nature, they have the wilderness to kick it out. they can start running for miles, I don't know migrate, play or just fight, etc... doing crazy things. and even then one cannot stop rapes, and killings.

As domesticated animals, in homes, my opinion is that it is too much to take. not maybe for an isolated animal but for one who socialize. and of course, they need to socialise, but this side, A is very lucky, he has ted, a family, social walks.

if A was my dog, what would worry me at the moment, is the fact that he does not come back to me when I call. just like axel the big shepherd I have.


For both of them, when they do not come back, then i come where the dogs -they do not come back because they are showing up their strength and authority...or seductive potential- to the other dogs- are and take them back on the lead, that is at this point walk off lead is finished, and i keep it on the lead till the end...but yet again am not a trainer, i just trust their intelligence and obedience, wishing they understand it is not acceptable.


also at times i ended up other dogs being in the same room as B, because it was visible that there was physical sexual happenings- an erection to be blunt.


i would be worried for T. ben is massive, and it is very likely that ben won't really been able to control himself. and even if ted says to him no 20 times, when there is nowhere to flee or hide...


having said that, I do not want to be for the castration if it is not needed, because there are too many times, I thought I knew about something and knew too little or too wrong.

but I could separate ted and ben when i d be not here, count on a better recall, etc. so I’ ll give my opinion but not as his master. [as a master I would go for castration, my girls are cut, because i cannot cope with menstruation, but also because i do not them to risk becoming pregnant, dogs are killed by the thousands...] but as his master I could ensure - if I could- that my dog listens to me even when he is not happy about another dog. This I cannot do, because B does not half trust me like he could trust me if I was his owner.

the reason I would go for a castration in any circumstances is that if I had to separate 2 large dogs, it is simply very very dangerous. I would castrate as soon as the dog gives clear sign of him wanting to fight. I think he might be difficult to see it in A, he is so big, that no dogs will stand up to him...until...



I don't think they are unhappy this way. the reason is, they still feel desire and are able to have sexual relationships. in another note, we killed the nature all around us, so we must be in the same situation, the equivalent of having been maimed. which is certainly not ideal... but i see it as birth control, and a diversion from the primal instinct of establishing a colony, etc.. .. i mean humans also needs birth control...and the other means haven't been made easy.


Sorry about this long note, I love my pets very much, and it is a difficult subject.

Just an update on my uncastrated dogs prejudiced, I looked after some who were very well-behaved, sexually as well as aggressively. Very well behaved, without any problems. Maybe still persisting situations is the sense that something is different, create interrogation within the pack.

I was about to say maybe more strong-headed, but I am sure again it is prejudice.

Just still avoiding situation where the dogs I look after enter fights, so avoiding having big dogs who do not know each other at the same time.

Do not have the skills to prevent a fight without being bitten particularly with bigger dogs.




In a world where dolls and other surrounding objects would last longer than being human, or being humane.

On the observed.





It takes many a time to understand surroundings. As a drama not only unfolding but re-explaining itself. Our thoughts, could them exist as our being or our becoming, belonging, long time longing. One will see a part of the actors, the second will hear their past, the third, their thoughts or their cries, the fourth, their verves and lamentations, oral, shadowed, trembling of cold, fear, inner, outer innervation or incitation, their future condoned consolation. Or like a French author said, of a past in front of you, and a happy future behind.


Be on belong, be trail,

Over and end a hen.




And if our tastes for drugs and whatever crave or carve our bodies through consumption was led by this acid that is missing to spur us out of action. To smoke the dead or spring new flesh on dew such as a zest of citron.





It took many months with my dog for my body to understand that one of this shape could be truly one of mine.

Like the act of adoption or to make one’s suffices entirely to make a line.




For correction, the will of people not wanting to socialise must be respected, equally; but for when I am under, I care obviously. Also I know I owe an apology- and reparation eventually. So sorry.


No that I know, I respect you very much, and I think I did not fail to not convey it. but basically, I d like my file to be clear, and maybe cease to systematically pass as the mental diseased at best at uni.
Also I don’t like sociolising, because I think that society is dangerous and too self-satisfied with their own record.

So I do something else when I attempt to make a difference for others or for myself.
also I don’t like sociolising, because I think that society is dangerous and too self satisfied with their own record.

So I do something else when I attempt to make a difference for others or for myself. but that I write only because you were intelligent and sensitive enough to let me with a way of letting out a little bit. well a fair bit, a really fair bit.
it is not easy to be fair, in fact it is quite extraordinary.

So I am not gonna say sorry to you, but I am gonna say thank you.
well of what?
anyhow we only know people when plunging into the adversity. and big stresses or more, only make the soul wondering what good are we worth after all weighted.
I hope I would react fine, even though surprise and struggles take the best or the worst of me and of this planet next to be immersed in all her predatory misery.

Miserabilism or nihilism refusal.
Refuse, and so our way to parady.




Not time for you to play cleverer.





Some scientists believe that everything can be explained without speaking of a diving. Divine.

But if even that was true, who or what would reveal to plunderers like those same ones.

A bunch of people that just organs orgain organised themselves around conducting experiments. torturing, what's why they denature everything. they are the gods and that' s it. who could blame them, it is what religious sects all is saying- slaying. to reproduce.

Organ, or-gain, ordain.



You mean 'je pense donc je....




Here some of my content, I am 'lobbying' (just sending the letter) to parliamentary, journalists, professionals, and everyone I can. It is condemned now by the law anti-spam but surely pedophilia and slavery possibly institutionalisable into anywhere, as protected by international laws on the rights of religious believes should be the concern of everybody. There is no front.




She would have been assessed as autistic, just the way in institution, no one speaks to autistic people normally, saying they have complex or pluri disability, even though autistic people are in the range of mental particularity having been to prove that they have a normal IQ, when not superior one.
to people. Communicating with them, when they are for experimentation.





A likes (alike) most of them like ropes to chew on, the problem is that you need to be there to make sure they do not ingest it.


Blind Man and His Armless Best Friend Have Planted Over 10,000 Trees in China






I’d like gardens even better, but one will tend to ask gardeners to root out plants, etc... it might be a destructive activity, it is why i would avoid it, how paradoxical, to say the least.




Les machistes ne meritent pas la féminité.




No, but without taking her. because you know even if An was the best master and could take her with him at work, does he now? Basically she will lose her family, you know you are her mum too. but what you could manage to do, if An reacts with intelligence - I know it feels lonely without a dog, but he would still have J part-time or more, and then it is so cool to be on one's own too. 

You could take J part-time, sometimes, holidays, or more.... there is one thing I know is that if she loses you, I guess or you or An but mostly the one who will stay with E, she will be heartbroken till the end of her life, it is inevitable. 

The problem is that if you have problem between you, then it will impact on jess. you know whose dog is it? you take her only when it arranges you....!!! drama. But I am sure that if you do not manage to take J now and then on holiday, her heart will be broken. literally. You know animals think a lot, they also have a lot of spare time to do so. she will think about sadness only. nostalgia, what you do, why she is not there, where s the bond, why she can't see you.... She is sensitive, J is particularly sensitive- you can see in her eyes the way they come to live, also she is still young, and she had for mission to be with a little boy and a family life, so busy, etc, etc.... you who are i am sure taking her into respect and you know true consideration. like a complete being, it is not every body who is able to do so. or able yes, but doing so, no. it is so easy and an entertaining and exciting pass-time - unfortunately nothing that has stayed in the past, horrors are convenient and undeterred are their doers, to dismiss their being equals. 




In term of health and care, the amount of money the state spent on agency for people not able to deliver one the job is stunning. I saw kids whose care plans cost millions of pounds of staff and building, with them resulting in absconsing, doing drugs from 12, never do homework, housework. not going to college..... etc, etc, etc. With one to one staff thing, I thought for years that I was hallucinating. You know taking non native speakers work a lot at the lower scale because it is such a cultural shock and also the staff take abuses, not only directed at them personally, but at their functions, mainly doing nothing, take no responsibility, see gangs forming, while sponsoring it, because the only thing that is left to them is to perfect vocabulary, slang, and accent. 

Sponsor spoon,

Fuck sucking functioning.




Studying rare diseases will be keys to great discovery, without a doubt, as long as we don't engineer them...

Deadly respiratory diseases due to air pollution cannot stop rising. 




When you had close to nothing, you can understand hw why and how some people may in all piousity to decide and throw themselves, launch as well, into a cause, that is able some other ideals convey.

But then there are these ep people who have been completely disposed, dispossessed, and there are these people who have less than the nothing, no one else can hardly, and at all imagine.

People epopee eponym by proxy.

Pope a hope, rope and soap.




People o does not pity the orphans, when they do, because they do not have parents, it is because the orphans will have less, or likely less, support to access information, maturity, the safety or the security of a long-term loving and teaching relation.




I am though wondering whether the anti-Jew attitude might be a residue of an antic American attitude who since 2017 very much officially while having spent years menacing the whole world through their presidencies, just rationalise it.




The jacket, padding shoulders, make them all look so coquette.




Nearly as important as good insoles and shoes.

I am very homely. I stopped wearing slippers at home, as I have a fascia from having walked miles and days after my boots had become super comfortable, but too wide to really be closed to my feet. now at home i wear shoes that I only wear inside. particularly warm slippers tend not to support the arch or the sole at all. Plantar fasciitis might give you an inflammatory sensation during whole day. when I am stressed or too much at my desk, or tired, maybe alimentation too, my great father, would do gout, it is like my feet, I don't know how to describe. it is a fire, stabbing inflamed sensation most say. 





-        ‘As animals move up the evolutionary ladder’

They have bu like people have managed to spurn autistic even dumb ep people for e centuries, so they do with animals.

Should they prove it, the animals, they would be experimented on, exploited or killed.

Dies, dei.





P-RESENT cause,






Humans are searching for life outside the solar system, also because they cannot understand, or will not, maybe shall not, that they grossly confounded what they called inanimate (in-animate or un-animate) with lifeless. A planet is an entity (titi) and is alive. There cannot be a lifeless planet for example.


All these of an old age wisdom are in the animals, the vegetal, the fungal and mineral mind.

So then the humans will think but that’s ok we will put electric readers onto and into bitches’ brains to rake and drain.

Humans as a society, as this society, would make yourself believe that you would need to say. But you cannot discover the truth and the marvel of life if you torture, even when without too much say, or neglect or defect. Or….

Humans is about to be dis-crowned.

As if they stole fire, it was to destroy not to warm up to atmosphere to live longer and then care.


 It was not then, it was vain.





I managed to find an item, not having to be commissioned on ebay. i am a service seller as well, and we are bled by commissions taken on every transaction by third party websites.





Some features, cross-cutting, cross-species, or maybe that are not species, since the books did not see. Features that are not genetics, in mirror to the procreative function making religions and obsession (abscess, but religions would dodge the bullet in arguing for illustratingly urging, and abeing abbey-obb-eying the search for a cure) and bases to oblong declarations on ongoing discriminations- corruption.

That are not heirloom through practical parenthood and pretended or pretended or pretentious protection- not protect but destroy to computability or compete, countability.

Not inner to bird or to birth, tub but acquire.

Aqua-y-ere. Aire.




Some features, cross-cutting, cross-species, or maybe that are not species, since the books did not see. Features that are not genetics, in mirror to the procreative function making religions and obsession (abscess, access, abbess) and bases to oblong declarations on ongoing discriminations- corruption.

That are not heirloom through practical parenthood and pretended or pretended, pew-raw, pre-tented or pretentious protection- not protect but destroy to computability or compete, countability.

Not inner to bird or to birth, tub but acquire.

Aqua-y-ere. Aire.




That are not ancestral, products just like holly books, or the vacuum they create, and in fact recreated in so many editions, but acquire.

Aqua-y-ere. Aire.




Some features, cross-cutting, cross-species, or maybe that are not species, since the books did not see. Features that are not genetics, in mirror to the procreative function making religions and obcession and bases to oblong declarations on ongoing discriminations- corruption.

That are not ancestral, but acquired.

Aqua-y-ere. Aire.




People mock or wonder about how dumb might be an animal who lives with human not understanding they will be killed in time.

But do humans realise how they participate to this slug slaughter???


The funniest obviously is they don’t how they will be it.


Every thing goes circle.




It is a question of time and species, space, not only time, as when one wants to explain time, it has to go with rhythm and move. A trip, a travel, oscillating in the matter that surrounds-hour.

Huer = hoo.

Heure = hour,    er.


Eux = them.

Oeuf, egg.


Flow. Wolf.




Magic is the fight of the elements, and it is what is sainthood, being left between a rock and a hard place.

Because you faced it.





Vivant" renverrait au vivant animal, végétal et humain.

And this exemplifying what all that human being (hb), did not understand nor respect. Thinking there were only what they can eat that were alive, and eating them all the same.




What motivated my decision is that the ability to speak has historically and presently being taken into account in the granting of legal rights. If nature needs a representative to articulate its rights, one of the most notable injustice of the psychiatric and legal world had been to consider the inability of people to speak as evidence of their mental and intellectual disabilities (Colley, 1999) (Harvey, 1857) (Crowley, 2018), these scientific or medical assessments in turn instrumentalised in determining their diminished legal status

Amusingly enough it is recommended universally to pay a lawyer to be represented anyway.

As who can equally articulate before the at artifice of justice, often proud to be mafia and capitalist.


Triumvirate - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumvir

A triumvirate (Latin: triumvirātus) is a political regime ruled or dominated by three powerful individuals known as triumvirs (Latin: triumviri).





I thought of becoming full time student in case of problem during brexit, but full-time student, frankly I can't do it.

Part time job, part time study ok. Even if job is busy. busier than part time, but full-time study, for me it is no. My digesting system is not endemically so tenderly standardised, my banker's is. What a fail.

Digestion issue for the unpalatable. Implant, impale.




Vegetarian but eating fish and chicken, they cannot feel any pain! and what about the horror?

It would be good if one could be mum, no numb from the stupidity of those who slaughter.

With Buddhism as with Hinduism, some people eat meat, some types of ‘meat’. Basically they are also meat eaters, only some are vegetarians, depending their schools or temples. I think Gujarati people are likely to be vegetarians. The shaolin are vegetarians.

If you ask me ‘meat’ is there used to give a certain sense of dignity that they don't have. (not the slaughtered animal ending on a plate- poor dear, again for them according to human psychology), but the whole industry. words are sometimes used to stop us thinking properly. above all the ones of tradition, when people w(h)ere or dying at 30 years old max or rich enough to have all farms and what was inhabiting it.




In terms of Brexit, sometimes often, bbc does not say much about things, but bbc 4 at least has a whole program a month about gambling addictions taken to a severe level of oblivion in the uk.

As for the backstop and the border of Ireland, surely the uk would not consider becoming a back door to any traffic, the north Korea or other terrorism linked.





Text before brexit, on how this guy handled the Scotts wanting to stop being part of the uk. the uk.


While the only thing he did was to exhort firemen for inundations in surrey. Pathos won't go all the day.





Human beings if at all, are formed with maybe what is called dark matter from an external view, of these maybe worms that are. Or have to stay, lest we would torture them as a whole.

Being is a gnome, being is a dogma.




Translations studies often would say that one has to satisfy what the target audience, i.e. the potential readers of a translation, know already. Like if these people could not do with receiving alternative meaning, or occurrences from other cultures, or like if a few words and notes was too difficult to handle compare with the rest of us who tried to be bilingual or several other languages in order to have a peek to the rest of the world. We are regented by f-akes, fi-ends and f-oes.




To Christians and all others, racists, homophones, bigotry pd.

time it stopped, i am getting super angry, the killer of christ, not that I am a christian because the world is cosmos not only a single story, but still that one was not too bad.




Am looking for a video about how china government grant points to their citizens according to their behaviors and allegiance to the party, point having a consequence, huge consequence on how they can thrive in their career or private life. has been done by the BBC by a german french tv, but none are still available.





if one needed one more example on how republicans stop giro and fire, they cut the trees and render a forest, soilless, bushless, soulless lair.

It is not even politic that, it is apocalyptic.





Ok, gosh, I wished I have known this before, I stopped all trade when I realized I was not licensed and supposed to, I have lost all my hard-gained customers. Thank you for this precious info.

The council suspended the license 6 month for a union and corporations completely and comple compellingly invalid reason. I had to complain they finally granted me the license after this first inspector who literally came to my home with the most insulting behavior, I am clearly minority people. not very white, not specific ethnic origin and gay as they come.

This first inspector made me buy a lot of things before laughing at me and did not grant me the license. I saw a lot in my life but I did not know that kind of behavior could take place in the uk 2016. They finally granted me with the license just like this, when this person was out of the way, 6 months hours of covering my ponds, and hundreds of pounds down the drain, of things she asked me to buy and I did not need, not practically and never legally.

I will avoid report it, because it would complain to the people who are assessing me, and I admit after that, they have been good to me...thank you for your help.

I just hope they realise and take action against that person. I was really afraid, cannot said it never happened to me, but this degree of hate and prejudice totally open in an inspector!! It is worth the judge series on the tv, really handy.




Just to say, it is good to know particularly for the food bills and also sometimes above all veterinary bills. small animals are just super company, I think people do not have them so often, for the kind of incontinence problem and also since they are less independent because of this, the spontaneous cuddle goes less easily. but a dog or a cat- any inter-species in fact, would have no problem being best mate with a gerbil, or 2. They are small animal rescues for animals, and also you can leave them overnight this is not a problem, I think there is water dispenser working. I could even take them for free here if you were to go more than it is possible to leave them. I am not sure but I guess even with a good dispenser, maybe no longer than a long weekend. just an idea. have a very nice month. 

i am just fascinated by birds, they watch tv all the time, some species, I’d guess most, their sight is so amazing. their visual intelligence, I can understand and witness all the time, is just so revolutionary, for a human being that never understood anything but its own breathing rather than awe awareness account, they have heard of it.




Food poisoning recurrent in china, industrial level.

This is accounting for part of the population that are very poor and live on tipping sites, as the party does not even find the duty to pick the refuse. It is not from nowhere, even with a good salary it is difficult to afford veg that are not rotten in china and the rest. I also find curious that in china every drink you can find is all with sugar no diet drink there, if you want a fizzy thing that is not water (and in china you have to boil tap water before being able to drink it) you’ll have to take 50 calories sugar a glass or more. In europe it was very well know that states wanted people to smoke to avoid pensions and difficulties in managing an ageing population.




It’d be super if you could post the references, it is very hard to find mass media links to these horrific deeds.


It is so true what you said. for france exactly the same, before charlie hebdo attacks, they had been so many times targeted with the mass media half of the time mocking charlie hebdo treating them like arrivists and upstarts!!! For a enrolled mind to this ideology it was the clear green lights to their butchery......This is so disgusting, did you know that germany was hand to hand with the ottoman empire and that there are branchs of islam idolizing hitler. A sign.




People buy things from the street, because yellow pages or directories do not exist in communist china. Also quarters are dedicated to a specific products. So, in some districts you will find thousands of electronic, or in a different quarter thousands of cars, or doctors.... but nothing else in proper shops (only the same specific types of items again and again- that for the middle class that can afford it, workers cannot afford any of it- so to buy essentials they have to be street elected, the stales... and only normal that it is completely irregulated market very hard conditions, very little money, harsh competition...

They are arranged like fishermen villages or harbor with the market place all along the main street all day and year long, it is very nice of course in a way. It is lively and maybe this way people can still earn a little.





But = aim, goal in French.




About inserting the all-powerful and all-pervasive Latin here, I was wondering if Latin could have a special connotation since it is Stonehenge and that i think there is a very heavy history about the druids, the romans and the Christians for sure. I am not knowledgeable in the matter but since druids have been persecuted by some, could Latin be an issue in this very specific place. what do you think? Any Wicca reading it?




There is some literature about the animals, native animals or nature around directly inspiring the language, and a lot is transparent in English, twits, wolves, roar, etc, onomatopoeia, and many more but i forgot. it is a real treat to read about these, many, many of these.




I think it is almost an international appeal this reminder on the Roe Deer. I was thinking of the deer also as a first concern. maybe i would not treat it differently because still thanks maybe to santa clause it is still a very well-known species. it is possible for a very lucky french person to have come across with deer in rather vast forests or domains in france. those, some of those are still regional domains and not all are private, so you can just park (without being a member of the royal protection of birds, etc). I have no clues if it is all over England but the places I visited are with very narrow roads and parking is a massive issue. Mind when today you heard about how people have been trashing the Everest mount with rubbish so much so that the chinese authorities has closed the path. Meaning now that one will have to very close to the party to be able to access it…

To come back to the deer, I think yes it is definitely british heritage, in that, they are all around London in the royal parks, and they would not be culled in these same parks twice a year with parks that are rather depleted of bushes (maybe someone came with the idea of cutting the undergrowth, the homes of animals, and raking the floor- fire or arson being a possibility- irony-), it would be hugely awesome to have them there.




There, their.





Very sorry about goûter, I did not mean to use it, it is true it is gout, I was swearing that one could say goûté, checked on line could not find it. i was born and bread (bred actually) french until i came here, but i guess now, that the mistake might come from mixing things up with bouquet, this or this is a joke i heard many times when i was a kid and assumed it was correct. it is when i taught french to non-native speakers that i realised that in fact i was not talking french but only the french specific to the regions i lived in, of the people i was with, be them friends or colleagues or family, etc. That is a very small number of people and situations, or TV or radio programs and books that i had come across with.




Defo, the ingredients in brackets, is so appetizing, parsley onion, the (farce). i will admit to you, if i had to translate a dish meat based i would not list the ingredients, out of sheer horror and utter repugnance.  at the end of my career in care i stopped taking jobs that had something to do with meat, so i would do the same with translations. with translations it is ok, with care it is really difficult. amusing that.




Let' s not call it revealing.

Ok, one of the things that shocked me the most when i did my dissertation while trying to find relevant very very serious documents and primarily texts on governmental and inter-governmental websites was the proportion of links that would find themselves indefinitely broken. without even the possibility of retrieving the original documents and sometimes nothing that had to do with them in the archives.

It still makes me deeply wonders though apathy won over.







Abattoir made in France - Alès (English subtitles)



Des peines encourues dérisoires

La peine maximale ici encourue pour plus de 60 infractions est de 6 000 €… Tellement peu au regard des souffrances supplémentaires endurées par les animaux dans ces lieux déjà violents et cruels par essence. Peut-on imaginer que cette sanction dissuadera les abattoirs d’enfreindre la réglementation ?




This is the case, what procurers think they have to do, in general. No wonder about how well Vichy could have thriven. (with English whose royals are of german origin, and the german that have been historically in pairs with the ottoman empire, and some branches now of islam that are pro-nazis) they were right the risk is that no more wars after that, is it a risk though, nature would say differently as ultimately the human plots is to leave her a barren stone, if any.



TO ANSWER a famous French songwriter: no, this human world is nothing near serious.



So many thumb downs,  c est ces gens sont tellement degueulasses,  que ce ne sont meme plus des gens,  pourquoi? ca profite.




Before, without her, i saw my life like death. Now death is the smile in which I would find her like the sun is Ra.

Mile is in the sequence and the essence of the travel.




Homeless, without address.


In another way, 'sans domicile fixe' means for most people, people in danger of living or living in the street, while administratively everything has been done to condemn life style such as travelers, etc. not having a fixed address, a permanent residency is totally condemning while it could have been dealt or belt very differently.

I say that because it is the appellation 'sans domicile fixe'. And this means that the society, today, will make life impossible for you. What do I think of 'gens du voyage'? They are people. What else I think of it, is that it is a way of life that will be proscribed by the good god not Poseidon but possession. Also it will kill arts and craft from traveling. or people from instructing...as long as people respect the land they go into and that sedentary people do the same thing. but the truth, it is not about that. there are no lands left anyhow. the forests are gone, the animals are very very s seldom (serfdom) -life - vegan- and by the way homeless, there is no life possible without woods, bushes, undergrowth, unpolluted air and streams, what is to see, is dying land, suffering lots exploited and concretised is what is left. travelling now to see is the voyeurism of how people, humans are godless. And I am not talking about how they manage it now.

Travelling for leisure is now to see is the voyeurism on death.




Also what i think is that people have recognised a little what happened to the jews sent from every corner of europe into concentration camps. while religions have their agenda of their own and very often organised society in which their members will be treated with privileges (i mean by that, while your peer human is regarded and considered with all the almighty random thoughts of dominance and inferiority).

Commemorations for the gypsies, homosexuals- orientation, but homosexuality is present in all societies– and all other classifications- that could unfortunately like religion end up being ‘politicised’ in the view of being at the origin of unjust treatment-, and for the other targets of nazi ideologies have been famously and are still now absent from the perpetrators -collaborators included- commemorative activities.


Commere, compere.





Anyone who does not understand that ‘racism’ or ‘ethnicism’ of its real name does not work in every direction is immature or has not suffered that intensely. If unaware of it. Or has just been so inner battered that they would not recognized it as biased.

Battered, or to make suffer inside or outwardly to make sure no development occurred.




Whom, womb, wound.




Pep people call prostitution what is in reality the worst imprisoning and crimes against humanity. As prostitution is accepted.





Ta king.




Rehearsal, here hear sale: Smug faces, parrot like repetition, and inchoirence explained.

This BUNCH hilariously jesting on democracy and the will of people that are once pull forward (not when (ex) education become or remain unaffordable- no, that won’t disturb or disrupt the lords). No one is for any split second of a ram -random- remain and except because they are not politicians in web minister but just forgers why????


For just one in brakets: one can go on, on and on, against ill islam and its sharia, pedophilia, slavery, that is thin and think inner to it. But for the moment the ones who permits sharia law in England are not the millions of muslims preaching that their prophet is that ignominy on themselves. Not stopping the ONES responsible – the non-muslims allowing that- for that while increasing islamophobia, while islam could soon become compulsory for the rest of it is what?? Nazis and castrated (of which I am, enable to do one single thing against the plague of child marriages to list again that one, and on which they are right, it is not pedophilia it is worse than that, pedophilia can be stopped and cure, and disarmed not one cult combining millions that are respected and in power and expanding in all manners on top of that- soringly sorry but I am not the one venerating a pedo and sex slave owner being adorated by millions and protected by billions by what people self-called  tolerant instead of scelerat (French for polluted, soiled, miserable, petty, ignorant, pervert, weak, lurid, rogue coming criminals.)

All about terrorism yes because, contrarily to the definition of terrorism, what they do is sponsored terror that is states organised.


Why does ‘decisions’, incisions making (deck dis) sometimes take so long, for the MPs to understand where lie their profits, nothing ever to do with human rights, democracy and them to be served and serving.



Naming things gives us power over them.’


Or does it?

Humanity thinks it has defined it.

The proof of it not thinking.




It was a story extremely traumatizing and shameful for me, because I neglected and lost control of something extremely important to me, because this project was taking all the time I had. This project that reveals itself to have been launched unseriously. That was doomed to fail, that did not unfortunately last. That caused me, caused me but entirely by my own fault, greed and stupidity, to my horror, to not have been able even to think, to solve, to find, to love. To save. In fact I did let death kill this little dog. I killed him.

I do come upon words that hid the devil leading to that.


Unfortunately, or not, the project success or failure would not have changed anything, though the secret that on that light the kindest say is that my life is naught.

I cannot remember clearly what I felt, but an horror a deadly one on my subject, on my subset. But this is now knowledge e certainly that I elude mostly but when reappearing really, there is nothing more that I envy. Repair can’t be and my brain switched off to show how my being will follow suit definitely.




Just as an answer, thank you for the discount, it makes it possible for me to go on booking with you. but while i am sure people would have considered you first because the fees were on the customers' sides, and make them realize that the amount is for the carers,  for the vet and ads. more than 15 percent will decide service providers to opt for other agencies now. personally, the moment it is over 15 %, even if i know it probably would not work, i would try to launch my own publicity as 15 % is already an excruciating fee. 




In france the big scandal is that i think since napoleon, the farmers had to leave tracks for people to be able to circulate through the countryside. almost all of these tracks have been swallowed by farming and no one can do more than a few hundred meters at best because of illegal fencing. this your mairie should know, maybe you can use this. maybe there is no need to create tracks as the ones existing had been illegally taken away.  

It is good to follow the light of the day for sleeping. let's hope for the tracks though, I stopped cycling in london for fear people would start bumping into cyclists by play. and it is so dangerous without that. one cannot cycle on the borders of the roads that are dilapidated with holes all over and cars that push and speed, and the bends without any visibility. but i know what you mean, my dream would be to have a home without anything around it. and when i say anything is no trace of 'civilisation'. more and more a dream. 




I wonder whether instinct does not revolve around death. Death speaking, death warmed up or warning, running, moving of sorts.




Censorship master.

Pedophilia conducted on the millions of people scale through the life of mohammed the prophet of islam, piss upon him, horrify me more. and it should the elites of political culture as i guess they know about this prophet of which they welcome the worship, is a life of slavery maker, owners and worse even -or equal because it is hard to do better than sex slavery admittedly- deeds.




Towards the homogenization of the cultures or rather the hegemony of the ones that are self-serving and adapt to whatever just to eat, drink, slave, rite, and riot notwise notwithstanding.

You just or they just has to say for you: similarity the women always has been low and with them the homos. And that is it, you have a common enemy. Homophobia and misogyny.




Immigration is good, from the pint pin point oint of view of the sadist, that you call on slaves or grey matter, brought up by others. That you will create utter povery for. Is savy, no more to say than this. It is an inert intern -ash ion all elites and their fleas conspiracy. Flee. But where. Revolt but whom -womb- and against what and how? Without in not many days no food.






Agree with you, there is however something that worries me. it is the religon or ideology race. no one of them doing nothing towards being good to nature and to life, but into establishing itself in order to take slaves or servants of others. i am not jews and i do not know if it is really representative but for example for the jews i am shocked at jewish people seeing themselves as the priests of the world, and not allowing conversion to their faith at the same time. at the inner belief of the jewish based on sacrifices...we are in a race for slavery and serfage. nothing to do with religion or spirituality. of which it should feel well humble the one thinking that the cosmos is written on pages they themselves can read and go and kill for laugh out loud. shalom.





To emergently say, the new inquisition could come from where unexpected for still the major majority. To research more but I found Islamic sites prohibiting witchcraft, i.e. druids, again, any other rites, trad and rites and wed, and the gypsies. For their eyes on india that will also come handy. And half of the thousands miles around Germany- well la boheme.




WHY dos they say it is a miracle animals talking these species so original?

Because no one listens, you want people and animals animate miracles for you? First step: stop kill them. or else, it is a special miracle you will have to witness. I guess.



Jew, non jews saved, that would be pure racism, would it not be? i get now how relgions, same with everything up to the hindus that think of castes and special reincarnation, that think that the soul old, sold, would not choose an animal to come back to purity. religions are the thought man is god, amongst and above all. it is why here they made hell come true. be careful not to inspire so aryan filthy filial or of that thread and trade philosophy.




The ones that claim to be against cherry Charlie Hebdo, contribute to assassination, and not only of them, but on all people (not peoples- countries are to subservient to aspire to this idea) that want to live.









To the people saying god gave the essence of life in their deadly book.

Sacrifices – even death by accident- means you have a stained satan of a spirit and mind. nothing changes, of what is was at the beginning. which is not your goodleaktickbook.


Occur, concur. Acc, ax he dents.


Access, accident.




Human with choice that eat animals in all conscience or are ignorant, and nowhere is to be seen nature around them, or is so superficial that they won't mind other humans killed the same, or do it in full conscience and are satanic and therefore soon to be said, laid and slain.


And if or when waned nature is not to be seen, it is because humanity has been pushed further down proudingly, proding paradise lost. The end of their purgatory.


And od not think of buying places in Tibet or rebuying it, humanity is unity.




With the animal reign (neigh for the noble, the conquest of horse has ended, no roads is long enough or fear of trafficking) and all oath others she can, she has seen. Scene, sceau (sea-l) seat, see eerie.




Stretching is super important, but also ample moves, rotations, you know like cardio. make the articulations work. but with sports is what one loves, the rest is too boring. limbs and joint moves, should or are done with every sport, they are just moves to allow your body to go on, and get united or untied.

Shoulders i have been told is the most complex joint in the body. many times, of moves they can do, at different degree. Plus, near the head, the neck and throat, near the cardiac, diaphragm and respiratory system. all the upper back. take care of them. :)

I so don’t do it, and ache that only writing about it, mentioning it…hopefully have some effects.




I am vegan, but still gets a, the hellish problem- plants are sentient.





Who is the anti-christ?

(not saying that in Christianity, anti-christ the first one was peter, pope of the popes).


C.ET: I have no idea who think that or say they see it coming, but here.

Clearly to identify as muslims, Christians and jews, all abrahmaic is to say war is on earth, and they don’t even talk about the hindus, boudhists and non-monotheist thinkers or thinking thinner


Just to say since jesus christ was before christianity, in the logics of line, who believes in a return, announced that it will be at its ends of hegemony for a restricted idea of an universe that people seriously sees as barbed, bearded.




Who is the anti-christ?

(not saying that in Christianity, anti-christ the first one was peter, pope of the popes).


C.ET: I have no idea who think that or say they see it coming, but here.

Clearly to identify as muslims, Christians and jews, all abrahmaic is to say war is on earth, and they don’t even talk about the hindus, boudhists and non-monotheist thinkers or thinking thinner




Just to say since jesus christ was before christianity, in the logics of line, who believes in a return, announced that it will be at its ends of hegemony for a restricted idea of an universe that people seriously sees as barbed, bearded.



If you forbid me to marry my wife, am a woman, i wish i d do much more of you than an homophobic argument.



You know one has the right to kill...if it is the only means to get out of slavery. smatching?!




Who will be the light-bearer?

you have no respect for the divine or agnostic forms of other believes system, you are not predicator.




Maybe ti is the holy spirit, thor? Or zeus, avatar. Real before. On prometheus, on a promise



Because maybe you people are so hypotrich hypo-creat-crate coy decoy hypocritical and poit pointless that you will say you need a messiah, when you despise life and innocence and destroy beauty with all evil. while pretending you do not low know or know better, to get away with your anvil.




Religions are specist. They give humanity at the center, when it is not, not taking account of other creations, only to eat them or enslave them, standing for what they would do to other species, to extraterriality but also to their own.

At least how it is mainly practiced, religion?

Extraterrial, supernatural or magic. But notwithstanding what humans do not know because they destroy instead of caring.

Of course humans and other species alike, we are in the same monde.



With standing,






Biblical clan calendar. Lane, lend. 

Just occurred (ochre) to me, these people who lives hundreds of years. Could not they be family name instead of one person only, families, schools, or temples?





Yes religion, spiritism will cm come back into mainstream discussions, into unveiled reve = dream revelation, not of higher sphere that no one can even see or regard as they banish themselves soiling the foundations. Will come back, as we will have to implore that this torture, this earth threat will be put to a stop rubbish litter is what will become our strand just like one eats become what it should not have hurt and revive death enchanting.




And people would use to travel the act of conversion. From a religious culture to another, when culture there had. As only marriage and cruel rules to beat up the members of one’s society while licking the others so silly, it means human aberration, that will allow them to forget they think they are god. So ok hilarious but however reduction.




The humans that think that they philosophise, but that only do is to speak a language that they happen to share from time to time jeers at animals they should have been despised by.



Poetry comes, when I first had a very rational thought, that I could not write, because of a lack of a paper, because I am tired, or to stirred still by the threat and thread of the discussion/discursion.

So then when I know that it was a idea and that I would rather writing it down, then the particular course it had taken is gone from the context and have to be reinscribed into sounds whose now wombs is the one of a brain that I have known too much connections that were redundant and worn it down, and too few of the though open (welcoming it like its child) ones it knows it should have wooed for unwind towards its soul.




To see what happens when the peste (not to confused with peseta) will understand that it let kill and kill itself its m-other, its kids, in the future, the past in all strand of time and that this space won’t be long before claiming, just howling, protection from ether, or either.

To almost damned oneself, save from knowing what a being could endure without its whole soul- or a worse version of that has to be seen- but that one who would think of dying not, but to lure one’s destiny, famously, no one can.

Just the prayers to wish to do better.




I wondered about why I had not tried to study literature. The answer for me came up when I read literary critics that were of excellent quality. I understood then that I did not understand the texts I read. Good literature is full of references and is, many academics, described narration as being like a thread. That is to say the writer choose one word and not another for a very strong reason and that will give the book its meaning, mystery, a symbolic system, a psychology, depths, wrought-textures and strength, etc…or alike to the creation of a skin, a content, contended, organs and finally a body, that can take life itself when articulated.

In a text, when critics work they usually create echoes, linking everything they said about everything else pre or post suggestions.

It is when I understand I was not talented at it- it will generally ask from the ones who write or want to decipher a large and developed culture. Not necessarily through reading.

I do not think it is possible at all to start translating before having read a text. Or else, it will be anything but literature.






Knot or untie.


Naught, note, or the shaking of thoughts unfounded.




The resistants are the ones that go against a fashistic regime and have lost what was previously in their lives to beat it or to try to. Some have lost everything; the saints are the ones that never counted it all their lives enduring. But a society that wants saints, people suffering just because they won’t be help towards bravery, is a society of perversity such that it drifts towards a nazillon system.

And then when, if the resistants are won, they may, sometimes, often, they may or they will- or shall depending the sources read and respected- be replaced by the other guys that now will condemn perhaps drastically, without compassion or maybe empathy (no that you don’t fight, but the humility that tells you that your life has also been cultural- what would I have done if borne in a criminal family- though pray that the ex-crimes might support resistance, that in cases crimes left them outside the acknowledgement and approval this bounding sclerotic apparel. Improving the gays if struggled, sacrifice, and for us o now top of the chains, the deal. But what are they top of the chains, because of being in collaboration with people that want to destroy and steal.



The other guys that will when the time is opportune, take away the discourse, modified, of the resistance, their strength and force, their weapons above all, not to continue to combat but to seize it all. Perpetuation so of a collaborative movement that do not care about anything but to seize goods and soil ideas.




People, souls, rather, will not be bother quitting this world. Not because it is not wonderful, but on the contrary because it being destroyed, often by the same people that attempt to redefine happiness pursuit- or are we trying to go with a smile, to what shore if here we have been so(u)ld.




To wait that the atmosphere permit for writings to become what thy are” writings.

A calling, calling to reason, and that, one who will rea-rise all contentions to be strength to reckon with, and not the impious umptieth failing




You said respect with the very aim of demanding adore, suspicious.Highly so.

Servant, it is what you are looking for.

Tedious, to stay polite, theus! The jok-.


Play with characters.



Communication is from a certain form of intelligence towards another, the only possibility for interaction is their overlapping view. 2 geniuses not enlightened in similar ways, would not understand each other. Our interactions with other species is this, only humans do not even attempt to communicate, but mostly nick-ate.




The web-like impression of the Palestinian scarf.




The text does not talk about (hiding from) children but infantilization. Make you think, make you feel, make you talk, make you react, make you vote, make you do, make you discriminate, make you eat, make you ate and love, make you make. It is like that, the world. Make you sneer at, nozzle, muzzle. Emotions dependencies for crippled. Sorry hating, so for crippling.

Maybe it is also about the dictact of what emotions are, if they are and what they should be. Also emotions can be made to replace actions, sentiments, thoughts maybe. A culture thing. Embroiled in emotions, or when emotions drive us in the wrong direction or to a stand-still maybe. Suppression of those can be of the same manipulative fabric, social reproduction versus individual, personal, intimately-corresponding, independently lived and well-weighed constructions. Why not here to give an idea of how badly this is commonly use hint at aversion therapies?




I also was expecting a room in a spanish villa with in the shadow a shoe-horse like commuting wall in black and white, like in a chien andalou. to have opened the scene to a court-yard makes the noise coming from the funerals that is really omnipresent in the scene, be even more part of the characters- possibly an interaction (though in the film one cannot hear the procession, in the play it is heard). It is well done to be in the open-air as it is like we are listening to a pseudo secret that is being divulged to the whole village and procession at the same time. The way the chief-servant, the governess talk is really theatrical, she talks for her voice to be heard beyond the villa's walls. one can feel them approaching as a table is laying down for them. the first scene is painful because of the servant french-polishing the floor, a huge area in the patio, it means that what she is performing can only be an endless chore. this way the weight of the hierarchy abuses and locks upon the individuals is clearly set and made this oppression, one that cannot be lifted. A croissant? Sacrosanct and repeated types of exchanges, irritated, ritualized observations. and an immutable play. the set of a set.




Checking the inbox emails so often, because it cannot be anything of importance, real value in there. As when something of real value strikes your lives is busy with it ever after, the works spin one on and out.




Religion prays for power, as sine since it if they pray prayed for god, they would do so attending any and every of the world’s creatures. Not by loving an image they think they made.


Legion, pray. Religions pay.




Religion prays for power, as sine since it if they pray prayed for god, they would do so attending any and every of the world’s creatures. Not by loving an image they think they made.


Legion, pray. Religions pay.




Everything is in our story about destroying and around it our demented stories of loath and love, or the ones that made us alive, surviving or going further than the debased high t reason otherwise owned.




Everything is in our story about destroying and around it our demented stories of loath and love, or the ones that made us alive, surviving or going further than the debased high t reason otherwise owned.




Power Distance

I could not say. social conventions, social strates or immobility, social and cultural diversity all might be shaping, unshaping or contribute in some sense to emotional development or obstacles (hinderment) or its reverse make people focus on emotion rather than thinking or action. I don't know.

Parents also respond to social expectations, power or disempowerment- positively or negatively so.

You know aversion therapies- it is the perfect example of how people are ready to kill someone just because of their genders. it is perfectly ok for females to fancy males but not so for males, et v/v. it is elaborated and consensual torture and imprisonment in reality.


Power Distance, we need to interpret emotional dependency as greater reliance by the less powerful on those who hold power.

This phrase is extremely powerful and just says that the one holding the emotions are just under scrutiny, like a rat in a lab maybe. because you know at any time anyone can tell you that it is not appropriate what you feel, or how you look, and when you are in a servile position, i think we all are though, any pretext can be summoned and if you do not want to say it is because of the way you worked then you will target people psychologically, you are asked  to respond emotionally while the one in power can get rid of this demand and act immorally. ???

To support that claim that i might be stronger in france, that emotional dependency, france famously used its medical staff or psychologists to target people. in other countries, you do not need to prove or say that you staff shows signs of depression to fire or to avoid hiring him- instead of evaluating their work and the goodness of what they are asked to do,, infrastructures, ... but I’ ll be honest i have no notion of psychology and i know I am be very bad at it. psychology is a very important domain too, but might, like all others, be used sadistically. what emotionally you need to induce to convince people of the goodness of inequality? I guess nothing that good. a sense of fate, mediocrity, and biological limitation and despair, mistaken for love or strength or real connection often.


Or it is because emotion is here cofounded, mixed up with servility or immaturity. or in a world of emotion when people are made ignorant of wars, they are in fact put in a prison. the need for people to strike a balance with emotions ok, we all strive for love, though that is sentiment, but i don't know maybe emotion are a flow, sensation, instincts, that happy or not we have to understand.

Or are we talking about deference, and also showing respect for what is corruption?


Starting by love your dad 100 times a day, while the same person renders your mum miserable, and want nothing good for their family... Clan spirit complex, might be wanting to be too on self-protection, or might want to trade with other tradesperson clans = trade your kids in that same scenery.


ALSO, an English person, can say to their family more easily, I take my bag and go around the world with a passport that is a key and a language I can work with, not a French person. but also english society i d say is more rigid due to the royals, and the same royals asking for a respect on traditions (all traditions and religions) rather than the modernity. Mind it is the modernity that has defined how things used to be, you know history written by the conquerors. so i am not sure one has to put so much pressure emotionally if they can do so 'philosophically'.

Also in England there is less scrutiny in how the power is exerted, independent regulators, so if one cannot fire you in france without having to give good examples of how you failed, instead of setting-up people with verifiable lies they will do it on feelings. Too nervous, bizarre attitudes, etc..etc, temp-tress. Of course, derision, but in the mouth of the devil can be found fountains of trumpery.

Also it is old school to pretend to target someone emotionally, to suppress their emotions or all sorts, why in fact it is done for question of politics. One will say that homos are not good, abnormal, etc. that is to say to dismiss, while what they want is this distortion, this tension, that makes people dead with sickness, and what makes the ones that want hurt and so wounded people for free, makes other thrive on the annihilation of competition. But not only. It is so entertaining to be able to watch daily inflicted misery by people who mock the same reason why they say they did it-morals.


Really amusing, today, bbc just before 5. scientists say the Neandertals’ faces (protruded features) conveyed emotions, essential to the communication (ok but does not mean that emotions conveyed are pure or true or a missing link) and by extension the survival of the species.


What one can answer: communication ok but does not mean that emotions conveyed are pure or true or a missing link. i think that the opinion they say they have is a stance on eugenics. that is people again that say that the controls of emotions are keys to survival to evolution and they say it as it was premises: and you would have to agree... muzzled, muted.  interestingly, muted, mutant.





you-th , you see numeral, multitude, numerous. and when it comes to holiday it did not leave anything to their THIRSTY (first) kids.

Water is soiled and our souls are empty.



. peaple, (pis). pee-pole.

definite rendition of the tree of life.






Australia wants to kill 2 million cats — the feral ones that hunt native wildlife. Lethal sausages dropped from planes are just part of the plan.

Thursday, April 25, 2019 5:28 PM EST

Feral felines are driving the country’s native species to extinction. Now a massive culling is underway to preserve what’s left of the wild.



C there is something called birth control or any other solutions that would make dead, us dead, the day the real proprietor of the planet choose our means of devolution.





What they wanted was thinking. But to be able to do this, one has to fight. And while fighting they forgot all about thinking and the needs (the stupefaction, action, lows-and-downs, the joys and the fearsome drifts, and the never this time will be ending lamentations) attached to it. And all was lost, as it is.




Cruauté envers les veaux nourrissons au centre de transit de Tollevast




C : you will see, people who attempts to fight for human rights will be reduced to nothing. If ever the videos that are showed become more than entertainment and could start stir things up. Google and companies would start or would be made stop and forbid such accounts on behalf of privacy and also because it is so violent, that it is why not violence promoted.


It is often said that our species will pay for what she has done, but a bigger contentious issues here, we will never be able to pay back for these ingrained insanities.

And dully sorry for my duty-free, I cannot find the just word.




Cast, caste.








As in my youth I would blacken thousands leaves of paper, to say the feeling, the sentiments, the torpor, that accompany the love of my dreams departure.

Now I refuse to say anything on the one of my life.

As when this love is gone, I ll just been filled with a death desire.




Once found the puns, one can build the story.  a reverse of how words were born, a correlation of sounds sliding and the elaboration of meaning jumping from stones to stones. puns i believe are the ruins of language very construction. puns for memory purposes and also because words are part of a canvas, they take their colors from the shades next to it by declination (declamation), and off what already was on the pallet or next to the painters or available to the scene depicted, thought- when worked or admired not slurred and covered.




I wanted to draw. I never had done. I scribbled yes while holding my pen, in despair, in waiting, in the void. I knew that if I was not dying soon enough o I would have none.

To crave your feature, to carve your figure. It is just poor proposed rhyme as one cannot be hungry when its body is suspended at the body in the sky that spoke to ya, and that I will have to follow to meet again ya.

I would have to draw to create your presence, now I know that I ll never again be next to you, just see you, to entirely again beg the fate that it gave me work to suit the recorded race- but anyone that you do not want to be with me could see.

So sow fate disperse me.

That I know that after death I would recompose to finish to raise, not finish the race, as you as always will limber, saccage, secate what the next life shall manage to compose with. You did not even destroy my vessel as I have now to err aware of its pulled apart component, that never can breathe for more than for themselves, the fire there, not inside, helping the scares, sanitizing the scars, mocking, feigning the sky maybe. Miming. Mimicking envy.

And that she loves me or not, or one moment that she could think so, since she did not meet her hero.









Parody? No paradigm of a catholic country, bullying their members that do not take the hostie

???    hostile.


, and even if they did take, but because not talking about Charlie, but for those woefully taken by the good in ideology.      To make them kill, sor sort of crying them amusingly, and finish the work in spitting on what rests remain.




People ‘busy-bodies’ complaining about the weather.

You might as well chill-out as it has not given us the 0.1% of what we deserve. Though starting to die from the lungs. A little bit more plastic, ladies?




Abortion ban .The legislation provides no exceptions for rape or incest


C.ET:  these people are not fighting for the feotus, they are fighting to make sure insemination is happening.

It is why one cannot talk about these things but just try to stop them, because talking with the words of those who perpetrate is a sin.






That people will reject the guilt on Charlie…. assassins Columbus colabos upstart richer tomorrow, even if one fucks illsm because tomorrow they would say that it is ok so, while today they say it is rightly so just like tomorrow, to the seat that bring money, tranquility and first rank for sadistic expo. The theatrics of old.





It is because socialization is more difficult, you know we lost most of the forests...they end up with an energy without outlet, it is liberating to run in nature.




To my pseudo intellect, that though, for sure and for certain, amazes, puja poses (plugs? Yes cause to belong is to believe, to feel oneself surrounded by matter, even vague is a need) puzzles me dissy, dizzy, alarmed, swelling, sniffing the vapors of sweat and tears, almost passing out, secretly

I have to admit, stop trying to throw yourself in deepest thoughts because the meaning of what you know, it is to have lived your life that gave you the key, not your pretense at getting it. Allons, allons.



The princess and the pea.


Trying to describe sensations, and not being successful at it, and creating another demon. It is this as well poetry.






If in this light, Charlie Hebdo’ s column could seem to be a bit unjustified, nevertheless, the real argument occasioning anger could well be the one in the background: that of the French laicity versus multiculturalism.


If in this light, Charlie Hebdo’ s column could seem to be a bit unjustified, nevertheless, the real argument occasioning anger could well be the one in the background: that of the French laicity which is in this context, a constant act of resistance.





Now the continuous destruction of nature by humans is obviously seeping for the naked eyes, nature through their individuals will strike back. Omen for good.

To imagine retribution, the humans are not that good. To marvel at Tv elusive series or littered literature classics won’t do, but further humiliate our propensity, our pomposity.

Swollen, infatuation, puncture punctual severe- the point of reversing the one species, in our bodies o sounds ‘as thick as urn unreal unconsciously or alternatively disregarded un honored convictions’.



That brought chaos to munch much more than many?? How on earth is that possible. Abuse of trust, horror sadist, complete disingenuity.



Gain, won’t lead nothing but get rid of this horror story.




I thought I was read enough to have come upon that, but no.

How come.




Abortion ban .The legislation provides no exceptions for rape or incest


C.ET:  these people are not fighting for the feotus, they are fighting to make sure insemination is happening.

It is why one cannot talk about these things but just try to stop them, because talking with the words of those who perpetrate is a sin.




There are national and international agencies hiring people without mentioning that it is compulsory to have a license. there are hundreds of people unlicensed on the web. but these people are not to blame, these agencies are. it is very complicated to find a job without them and pay extorting fees, as they are on top page of any research results including ones with very precise post codes.






Cetvies                             © 2013 – 2018

Inthenameofhumanrights © 2013 – 2018

Cettevies                          © 2013 – 2018




[i] And protective of its sole certainty, to be. Cannot quite approach how then would people prevent too much undergoing a philosophy, or a society, or their lack of boundaries, internal or external. Finite or eternal.


[ii] And what then would be validated out of the state of being aware, if it was to stay as it is, vulgar, sadistic killers. Nowadays even killing for fur, cosmetic, useless experimentation.              But even to have access the technology to eat healthily and though killing animals to satisfy taste and a reluctance to change, even if we take comfort increase more than happily, now amongst our taken for granted lists of rights, and liberties.


[iii] These amalgamations through data is one of the many seeded by words. It makes us oblivious of the gravity of what sexual abuses are. The ‘killing’ of an individual, whose traumas goes beyond repair, because of the abuses impact themselves but also as society not through disempowerment this time but complicit actions often reacts with further stigmatisation. Why these abuses could stay unhealable? Not because of their victims’ fragility but because society knowing remained passive, not actively enough stopping and preventing.





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